InformationSystems Analysis and Design
Homework 3
Team Size- up to 2
(Complete the assignment individually or in pairs)
Please provide your assignment via canvas along with the names of team members. (Submit only one copy per team).
Homework 3- Requirements Definition
Consider the following description of an information system. Design context diagram, level-0 DFD and level-1 DFDs.
NOTE:- Do NOT copy or discuss the assignments outside your teams. Plagiarized work will not be accepted.
Assignment Case:
Years after graduation the alumni of Santa Clara University remain dedicated to the university and filled with school spirit. To satisfy the growing demand for SCU branded merchandise, the university has decided to expand the Bronco Bookstore (BB) and improve its ability to fulfill orders placed worldwide. To efficiently and effectively process orders from alumni and other SCU fans, the BB requires an order processing information system. The following is a description of the business processes to be supported by the system.
The ordering process begins with a customer entering the BB website. The catalog of items is presented to the customer by extracting information from the item data store. The item data store contains reference information on items including prices, details, images, and descriptions. This data store is contained within the system. The customer then makes a selection of an item and quantity desired from the catalog. This process may repeat a number of times until the customer is satisfied with their selections and is ready to place their order. Next, to validate that the order can be fulfilled completely, each item in the order and their quantities are checked using the inventory data store to ensure that BB has sufficient inventory on hand to fulfill the items and quantities specified on the order. If an item on the order is out of stock, a notification of the out-of-stock item is sent to the BB inventory manager, and the order is revised to reflect only the available items. In these cases, a revised order is presented to the customer, and if the revision is acceptable, the customer responds with an approval for the revised order. After verifying sufficient inventory is available to fulfill the order, the shipping cost is calculated using item dimensions and weights, again referencing the item data store for item dimension and weight information and a static shipping cost table included within the system that contains costs for shipping orders of various dimensions and weights. Then the order total is calculated and presented to the customer with the order, and customer and payment information is provided by the customer. Payment is then validated and processed by a credit card clearinghouse. When payment has been approved by the clearinghouse, the order is finalized and recorded in the order data store, inventory is updated to reflect the items and quantities sold, customer information is recorded in the customer data store, and the customer is provided an order receipt.
Once a customer order is placed, the order fulfillment and shipment processes then proceed in sequence. BB maintains their own inventory warehouse with inventory management and shipping departments, but contracts with a third-party shipper (UPS) to deliver their orders worldwide. To fulfill the order, order information is extracted from the order data store and an item pick list is generated based upon the items in the order and provided to a clerk in the inventory management department. The inventory clerk then collects the items and quantities from the warehouse inventory according to the pick list, and when completed enters an item fulfillment list into the system. The item fulfillment list and the bin containing the items collected for the order are then transported by robotic arm to the shipping department.
When the shipping department receives the order from the inventory management
department, the item fulfillment list and the items collected from the warehouse must be reconciled to the order to verify the order is fulfilled correctly. The order information is extracted from the order data store, and presented along with the item fulfillment list and the bin containing the items collected for the order to a clerk in the shipping department. If the order is fulfilled correctly, the shipping clerk enters their approval into the system, and the order is packaged and prepared for pickup by UPS. A shipping statement is then forwarded to UPS, and shipment information containing package pickup time and tracking information is provided in return. Finally, the customer is notified of the order shipment and provided the UPS tracking information, and the order information in the order data store is updated to reflect the shipped order.
Finally, the system also supports the maintenance of the inventory information in the inventory data store by the BB inventory manager, providing the functionality to update inventory information as needed based upon incoming shipments and manual reconciliation of stock counts.