erview: Imagine you have been contracted to consult on the recent developments at the Featherfall Medical Center. Featherfall has been struggling of late; it
has had a series of problems that have prompted your hiring. It has faced the following issues:
1. Featherfall has recently violated several government regulations regarding the current state of its technology and how it is being used. The technology system is vastly out of date, and staff are not always using the technology that is in place or they are using the technology inappropriately. These problems have lost the institution lots of money for not meeting government regulations and have caused operational and ethical problems from inefficient and ineffective use of technology.
2. The staff at Featherfall are not well-trained on the use of technology and do not communicate appropriately about technology use. The roles that pertinent to your consult are the health information management team, the clinical staff (doctors, nurses, etc.), and administrative staff. The health information management team uses proper coding practices, and the current technology system serves them well, despite its age. However, other roles in the hospital have had issues with the system. Clinical staff, for instance, have had record-keeping issues both due to lack of training on the system and the system itself being out of date. Administrative staff within the organization have taken issue with the lack of communication about the technology and its use between the various roles. When the current technology system was chosen many years ago, the needs of these various roles were not considered.
In this milestone, you will submit a discussion of the history of healthcare information management/informatics and the current landscape in terms of technology. This milestone will set the stage for your project.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Preparation for Consult: In this section of your final project, you will prepare for your consultation on the organization’s technology choice. To prepare, you will analyze the field of health information management for determining standard technologies and guidelines related to technology use in order to inform your technology selection.
A. Analyze key historical events in the field of health informatics for how technology has been used that could inform the management of health information. Be sure to support your response with appropriate examples.
B. Determine guidelines for technology use in the field of health information management that Featherfall could implement. Be sure to support your response with research.
C. Determine the standard technologies currently used in the field of health information management. Be sure to support your response with research. For example, what record-keeping technologies are typically used in the field?
D. Develop an overview of how the pertinent roles described at Featherfall would interact with technology.
E. Describe the process you would use to evaluate new health information technology systems. Be sure that your process will evaluate new
systems based on how they meet the needs of the organization and how they are compliant with health regulations and laws.
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 2–3 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double
spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references cited in APA format.
Overview: Imagine you have been contracted to consult on the recent developments at the Featherfall Medical Center. Featherfall has been struggling of late; it
has had a series of problems that have prompted your hiring. It has faced the following issues:
1. Featherfall has recently violated several government regulations regarding the current state of its technology and how it is being used. The technology
system is vastly out of date, and staff are not always using the technology that is in place or they are using the technology inappropriately. These
problems have lost the institution lots of money for not meeting government regulations and have caused operational and ethical problems from
inefficient and ineffective use of technology.
2. The staff at Featherfall are not well-trained on the use of technology and do not communicate appropriately about technology use. The roles that
pertinent to your consult are the health information management team, the clinical staff (doctors, nurses, etc.), and administrative staff. The health
information management team uses proper coding practices, and the current technology system serves them well, despite its age. However, other roles
in the hospital have had issues with the system. Clinical staff, for instance, have had record-keeping issues both due to lack of training on the system and
the system itself being out of date. Administrative staff within the organization have taken issue with the lack of communication about the technology
and its use between the various roles. When the current technology system was chosen many years ago, the needs of these various roles were not
In this milestone, you will submit a discussion of the history of healthcare information management/informatics and the current landscape in terms of
technology. This milestone will set the stage for your project.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Preparation for Consult: In this section of your final project, you will prepare for your consultation on the organization’s technology choice. To prepare,
you will analyze the field of health information management for determining standard technologies and guidelines related to technology use in order to
inform your technology selection.
A. Analyze key historical events in the field of health informatics for how technology has been used that could inform the management of health
information. Be sure to support your response with appropriate examples.
B. Determine guidelines for technology use in the field of health information management that Featherfall could implement. Be sure to support
your response with research.
C. Determine the standard technologies currently used in the field of health information management. Be sure to support your response with
research. For example, what record-keeping technologies are typically used in the field?
D. Develop an overview of how the pertinent roles described at Featherfall would interact with technology.
E. Describe the process you would use to evaluate new health information technology systems. Be sure that your process will evaluate new
systems based on how they meet the needs of the organization and how they are compliant with health regulations and laws.
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 2–3 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double
spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Preparation for Consult:
Key Historical Events
Analyzes key historical events in
the field of health informatics for
how technology has been used
historically that could inform the
management of health
information, supporting response
with appropriate examples
Analyzes key historical events in
the field of health informatics for
how technology has been used
historically that could inform the
management of health
information, supporting response
with examples, but analysis is
cursory or illogical or examples
are inappropriate
Does not analyze key historical
events in the field of health
Preparation for Consult:
Determines guidelines for
technology use in the field of
health information management
that Featherfall could implement,
supporting response with
Determines guidelines for
technology use in the field of
health information management
that Featherfall could implement,
supporting response with
research, but determined
guidelines are inappropriate, or
supporting research is misaligned
Does not determine guidelines for
technology use in the field of
health information management
Preparation for Consult:
Standard Technologies
Determines the standard
technologies currently used in the
field of health information
management, supporting
response with research
Determines technologies used in
the field of health information
management, supporting
response with research, but
determined technologies are not
standard currently in the field, or
supporting research is misaligned
Does not determine technologies
used in the field of health
information management
Preparation for Consult:
Develops an overview of how the
various roles at the healthcare
institution interact with
technology and the health
information management team
Develops an overview of how the
roles at the healthcare institution
interact with technology and the
health information management
team, but overview is cursory
Does not develop an overview of
how the roles at the healthcare
institution interact with
technology and the health
information management team
Preparation for Consult:
Describes the process that would
be used to evaluate new health
information technology systems
for the institution that meet the
needs of the organization and
how they are compliant with
health regulations and laws
Describes the process that would
be used to evaluate new health
information technology systems
for the institution, but description
is cursory or misaligned with the
needs of the organization or
health laws and regulations
Does not describe the process
that would be used to evaluate
new health information
technology systems for the
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
- HIM 500 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
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