due in 24 hrs
Unit 5 DB: Misleading Graphs and Charts
When it comes to data, long lists can be difficult to understand. Graphs and charts are excellent ways to understand and analyze the data in an MS Excel worksheet. Formatting graphs and charts themselves can lead to a misinterpretation of the data being analyzed.
· First, read through the following article on
Misleading graphs: Real-life examples
· Choose one (1) of the graphs shown in the link provided. Discuss why it is misleading. Go beyond simply repeating the information found on the website. Discuss the following:
· What about the graph makes it misleading? How could you make the graph more accurate?
· Does the source of the graph have any impact on the interpretation of the data?
In your responses to others, discuss why the graph they chose might have been used. In other words, how does the misleading graph present its information? What are the implications of that graph?
Your answers need to include your interpretation of the material that you have watched and read along with your personal experiences. It is okay to use outside sources—if you do, list the author’s name and the article’s title at the bottom of your post. Please use complete paragraphs in your posts.
Unit 5 DB: Note-Taking and Types of Reading
After reviewing this week’s Readings and Resources, create a new thread, and discuss the following:
· A strategy discussed in this week’s reading is SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review). How is this strategy similar to and/or different from the way you read course material previously?
· Covey’s 3rd habit, Put First Things First, means recognizing that your time, energy, and resources are limited. How would you prioritize reading in your schedule?
· Explain the importance of improving your reading strategies now and when you work in the business field.