due in 3 hours
Interdisciplinary Treatment
Case Study
This discussion will give you practice in creating a treatment plan for a client that requires collaboration and communication with an interdisciplinary team. Prepare your post after you have reviewed the assigned readings and multimedia presentation from your studies this unit, along with the ALGBTIC and ASERVIC resources linked in this discussion. These sites present competencies for counseling individuals similar to the client in the following case study:
Case Study
Jared, a client you treated two years ago for depression, presents in your office after being released from an inpatient alcohol treatment center. He states that he encountered problems after losing his job last year and was drinking heavily when he was home alone all day. After Jared fell and severely injured himself one day, his partner Kyle insisted that he go into inpatient treatment. Now Jared says he needs to see a counselor as part of his aftercare plan. Jared and Kyle have been partners for the past four years, and own their home together. Kyle is an active member of his church and has a job that provides income. Jared wants to return to being a contributing member of their family as well. He also wants to build new relationships and is considering joining a sobriety group at Kyle’s church, but he hesitates because he says he feels confused about his own spiritual beliefs. Jared says he wants to feel better about himself and his life; he wants to avoid slipping back into depression and using alcohol to feel better. It appears that Jared’s best chance at remaining sober is to receive comprehensive services.
In your post, address the following:
· Identify the mental health services such as inpatient, outpatient, partial treatment, aftercare, self-help, and social support that could be utilized as part of Jared’s comprehensive treatment plan.
· Describe the strategies you would use to facilitate the interagency or interorganizational collaboration and communications to coordinate Jared’s interdisciplinary treatment.
· Describe three counseling competencies that will guide you in sensitively working with Jared.
· Create a list of three local community resources that will be helpful for Jared in regaining wellness and maintaining his recovery. Describe how you will help Jared understand how these resources will be of benefit to him and how he can access these resources.
· Discuss the importance of family, social networks, and community resources in the treatment of Jared’s depression and alcohol addiction.
Support your ideas by citing readings and Web sites from this unit, using APA style.
Response Guidelines
Read the interdisciplinary treatment and resource plans created by your peers. Respond to at least two of your peers who included services or plans that differed from those you selected, responding first to learners with few or no replies to their post. Reflect on how you, as Jared’s counselor, could assist him in following through with a comprehensive treatment plan utilizing a variety of resources.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
· Describe how a client in an area of practice could be served by counselors across the continuum of care in a mental health counseling services network.
Discussion Participation Scoring Guide
Advocacy Counseling Domains
Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling Competencies for Counseling with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Ally Individuals
Spiritual and Religious Competencies
Mental Health Counselors’ Use of the Transtheoretical Model in Interprofessional Collaboration
Position Statements
APA Style and Format
In your textbook, Orientation to the Counseling Profession, read the following:
· Chapter 8, “Mental Health and Rehabilitation Counseling,” pages 259–278.
. The second half of the chapter focuses on current mental health counseling issues and rehabilitation counseling, which is a growing area requiring counselor competence and advocacy skills.
· Chapter 15, “Advocacy Counseling: Being an Effective Agent of Change for Clients,” pages 458–485.
Use the Capella Library to read the following:
· Burns, S. T. (2014).
Mental health counselors’ use of the transtheoretical model in interprofessional collaboration
. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 1(2), 152–165.
. This article will assist you preparing your post for the Unit Discussion and in working with professionals across the continuum of care.
· ALGBTIC LGBQQIA Competencies Taskforce. (2013).
Association for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in counseling competencies for counseling with lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, intersex, and ally individuals
. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 7(1), 2–43.
Internet Resources
Use the Internet to review the following Web sites to prepare for this unit’s discussion:
· Mental Health America. (n.d.).
Position statements
. Retrieved from http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/position-statements
· Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC). (n.d.).
Spiritual and religious competencies.
Retrieved from http://www.aservic.org/resources/spiritual-competencies/
Complete the following:
Advocacy Counseling Domains
. This resource provides useful background information for completing your discussion in this unit and the Unit 9 assignment.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
· Complete an Internet search of all agencies that offer mental health services for a selected population in your community.
· Locate mental health counseling services available for a client across the continuum of care, considering inpatient, outpatient, partial treatment, and aftercare options.
· Describe how a client in an area of practice could be served by counselors across the continuum of care in a mental health counseling services network.
· Search the Internet to determine who else might be advocating for or against a specific policy, and list these organizations.
· Compare how the organizations you identified may or may not be advocating in the same manner as clinical mental health counselors.
· Describe why it is important to support counselor advocacy and influence public policy and government relations on local, state, and national levels.
· Describe roles and processes of the professional counselor advocating on behalf of the profession.
· Identify how counseling organizations advocate to enhance equity, increase funding, and promote programs that affect the practice of clinical mental health counseling.
Taniya’s post:
Jared needs after-care support to help maintain his sobriety. Jared wants to live at home with his partner. Determining if that is a placement to support his sobriety is essential. The client needs
Assessment, Self-help, social support, and a plan. I would start with a signed release from the client to contact the inpatient treatment facility to get information and work with them to facilitate aftercare. With Jared’s spiritual requests, I would try to find out more information to respect his Spiritual preferences and make sure that we work so that the diagnosis and treatment follow his religious likes. As an ally, I would strive to look for substance use disorder groups in the community that is LGBTQ-friendly. (Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling, 2014)
A resource I would provide (LAMBDA ALANO CLUBHOUSE LAS VEGAS LGBTQ 12 STEP RECOVERY(n.d.). is an excellent resource for the LGBTQ community. They provide 12-step groups support and sober social gatherings. West care Recovery services offer all levels of care, including after-care and access to career counseling and family Support group and individual counseling. (West Care, n.d.) lastly, I would suggest Hope medical center provide peer support, group, and even emergency crisis services. (Hope Medical Center, n.d.) I think having these resources will help support the client in recovery. Joining the groups at his partner’s church and support group is also a great idea that supports his sobriety.
The more support the client has the better. Working with the client to give him options on which resources benefit him best based upon his strengths and weaknesses, as well as working with the client sensitively to provide services that meet his Spiritual and Community. Working with his family system as well to support the challenges that may be faced, and a plan in place with resources if they get to that point. (Burns, 2014) The client can contact these resources, and I will provide addresses and phone numbers to each. After the client has contacted, these organizations with his permission at both agencies, we can collaborate and share information on how to continue to support the client. Some of the important information will come from the inpatient program, working along with them and community agencies to support the client in wellness, and empowerment for change. (erford, 2017)
Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling. (2014). Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling. https://aservic.org/spiritual-and-religious-competencies/
Burns, S. T. (2014). Burns, S. T. (2014). Mental health counselors’ use of the transtheoretical model in interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 1(2), 152–165. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 1(2), 152–165.
erford, B. T. (2017). Erford, B. T. (2017). Orientation to the Counseling Profession(3rd Edition). (3rd ed.). Pearson Education. http://capella.vitalsource.com/books/9780134386423
Hope Medical Center. (n.d.). Departments. https://www.hopemedicalcenter.org/departments/medicine-4/
LAMBDA ALANO CLUBHOUSE LAS VEGAS LGBTQ 12 STEP RECOVERY. (n.d.). Lgbtq aa & na meetings las vegas 12 step recovery. Lambda Alano Clubhouse Las Vegas Lgbtq 12 Step Recovery. https://lambdaalanolasvegas.org
West Care. (n.d.). Services. https://westcare.com/page/where-we-serve_NV
Monique’s post:
· Identify the mental health services such as inpatient, outpatient, partial treatment, aftercare, self-help, and social support that could be utilized as part of Jared’s comprehensive treatment plan.
I would recommend an inpatient program for Jared in a hospital setting to ensure that Jared has the support he needs as he recovers from his injury and deals with his addiction to alcohol. In such a program, Jared will have the opportunity to detox and receive medical intervention for potential withdrawal symptoms and/or related issues due to his addiction. Due to shorter-term inpatient programs, as explained by Erford (2017), Jared may still need further support following his treatment in an inpatient program. One option for continued treatment may be a residential treatment program. “Clients who typically enter residential treatment programs may have previously been stabilized in an inpatient setting or may require the structure provided by a residential treatment program because of several episodes of mental health and substance abuse issues” (Erford, 2017, p. 253). This may give Jared the opportunity to get back on his feet, work-part time, focus on his sobriety, receive counseling on a regular basis, and not impose further stress or burden on his partner.
· Describe the strategies you would use to facilitate the interagency or interorganizational collaboration and communications to coordinate Jared’s interdisciplinary treatment.
Strategies that I would use to facilitate the interagency or inter organizational collaboration and communications to coordinate Jared’s interdisciplinary treatment would include first understanding may role in the team and clearly communicate this to the other professionals involved in treatment. “Many individuals lack knowledge about their own professional role, which directly impacts readiness toward inter professional collaboration” (Burns, 2014, p. 155).
Next, active communication and listening between all members is paramount. It is important for successful collaboration that all professionals involved make a commitment to hear and appreciate points of view that may differ from their own way of thinking or practice (Burns, 2014). With open lines of communication, the members of Jared’s interdisciplinary team can focus on team building that may contribute to “…joint decision making and goal setting across all involved professions represented to allow for the efficient organization of tasks and assignments” (Burns, 2014, p. 156).
· Describe three counseling competencies that will guide you in sensitively working with Jared.
For starters, I will honor and notice the developmental stage in which Jared is in and how this correlates with his present mental state, as noted in A. 5. of ALGBTIC competencies for counseling LGBQQIA individuals (Harper et al., 2013). This extends into A. 8, which explains how isolation or invisibility due to being LGBQQ can compromise expected developmental stages.
With respect to my own counseling abilities, I will follow the counseling competency regarding my own biases or prejudices, ones that I may be aware of or not. Under B. 7., Harper et al. (2013) explains how my own attitudes toward LGBQQ individuals could cause negative results for Jared’s treatment. And, this would extend to C.7. of the ALGBTIC competencies for counseling LGBQQIA individuals, which states that I will consult with a supervisor or a knowledgeable person who works with LGBQQ individuals to make certain that my own biases or internalized prejudices do not interfere with the helping relationship that I am working to establish with Jared and the interdisciplinary team (Harper et al., 2013).
· Create a list of three local community resources that will be helpful for Jared in regaining wellness and maintaining his recovery. Describe how you will help Jared understand how these resources will be of benefit to him and how he can access these resources.
The first local community resource that I think would be helpful for Jared in regaining wellness and maintaining his recovery would be Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This organization is free to join and to be a member, all they ask for are donations. Even though the organization focuses on a higher power for support, it is not affiliated with any religious organization (Erford, 2017). This may allow Jared to work on his spiritual connection without involving organized religions that may condemn his sexuality. With several meetings a day, and most likely offered at inpatient and residential programs, Jared is sure to find several opportunities for support and tools that have worked for millions of others struggling with sobriety.
Another example of a community resource that Jared could benefit from would the LGBT National Help Center (n.d). With a national hotline, online peer support, and helpful resources for the LGBT community, Jared will have access to help and information at any time of day or night.
Lastly, Jared could find support with regaining wellness and maintaining recovery with an amazing organization called Pride Northwest. Through building relationships with various organizations and agencies, Pride Northwest focus on supporting, mentoring, and celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. “…Pride Northwest strives to build bridges between LGBTQ+ generations through partnerships with the AARP of Oregon, Portland SAGE, and Portland Community College…” (Programs, n.d.).
· Discuss the importance of family, social networks, and community resources in the treatment of Jared’s depression and alcohol addiction.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), peer support is essential in recovery. “Peer support services have demonstrated effective outcomes such as reduced isolation and increased empathic responses” (Position statement 37: Peer Support Services, n.d.). Especially with support from a 12-step program, Jared can find a sponsor for extra support and, in turn, offer support to someone else who may be struggling with addiction. “Peer-run services are based on the principle that individuals who have shared similar experiences can help themselves and each other” (Position statement 37: Peer Support Services, n.d.). Additionally, SAMHSA encourage families to consider group or family counseling, since mental illness and substance abuse does not only affect the person experiencing it, because it can greatly benefit the effectiveness of treatment (Resources for families coping with mental and substance use disorders, n.d.).
Erford, B. T. (2017). Orientation to the Counseling Profession. [Capella]. Retrieved from https://capella.vitalsource.com/#/books/9780134386423/
Harper, A., Finnerty, P., Martinez, M., Brace, A., Crethar, H. C., Loos, B., Harper, B., Graham, S., Singh, A., Kocet, M., Travis, L., Lambert, S., Burnes, T., Dickey, L. M., & Hammer, T. R. (2013). Association for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in counseling competencies for counseling with lesbian, gay, bisexual, Queer, questioning, intersex, and ally individuals. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 7(1), 2–43. https://doi.org/10.1080/15538605.2013.755444
LGBT National Help Center. LGBT NATIONAL HELP CENTER. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2022, from https://www.glbthotline.org/
Position statement 37: Peer Support Services. Mental Health America. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2022, from https://www.mhanational.org/issues/position-statement-37-peer-support-services
Programs. PRIDE NORTHWEST, INC. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2022, from https://www.pridenw.org/lgbtq-youth
Resources for families coping with mental and substance use disorders. SAMHSA. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2022, from https://www.samhsa.gov/families