You are an inclusion specialist supporting a preschool classroom that includes My, a four-year-old child with mild cerebral palsy. The staff is concerned because My has some challenging behaviors throughout the day. For example, during tabletop activities such as stringing small beads with gift wrapping string, My gets frustrated easily when she can’t do it even with physical assistance. She gets so upset that she throws the beads across the room or pushes the whole tray onto the floor. The staff hopes that My will be able to string five beads independently as that is her IEP goal. You explain that My has these behaviors because the activity is too hard for her limited fine motor skills, but you recognize that the staff isn’t quite sure what adaptations to make to support her. During a team meeting, the staff asks you to help them determine the best way to help My achieve her goals.
1. For your form:
a. Explain how you determined the level of support that addresses the issues in the scenario.
b. Give evidence from the chapter supporting information from your forms (with citations).
2. Describe and justify how your level of support will help to prevent or reduce My’s challenging behaviors.