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Learning Activity W5
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Rubric Name: BMGT 380 Rubric for Weekly Learning Activities – (=100%) – Spring 2022
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This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Criteria
Above Standards
Meets Standards
Approaching or Does not meet Standards
Criterion Score
Learning Activity Analysis
60 points
Demonstrates critical analysis, in-depth and comprehensive development of concepts, accurately identifies all issues and their application to facts.
Shows clear evidence of having read course materials and applying them to support conclusions.
Range: 54 – 60%
53.9 points
Demonstrates generally superior critical analysis, relatively in-depth and comprehensive development of concepts, accurately identifies most -not all – issues and their application to facts.
Some evidence of having read course materials and applying them to support conclusions.
Additional development and more comprehensive analysis needed.
Range: 48 – 53.9%
7.9 points
Demonstrates some to minimal critical analysis and insight into concepts and issues, and their application to facts.
Analysis is largely superficial in one/more areas and sufficient only to meet minimum requirements of learning activity with little evidence of insight and/or support for conclusions.
Range: 42 – 47.9%
41.9 points
Does not meet minimal requirements for assignment.
Little to no critical analysis, comprehensive development of concepts and issues and their application to facts.
Little to no support for conclusions.
Inferior in all areas.
Range: 0 – 41.9%
Score of Learning Activity Analysis,/ 60
Writing Clarity & Mechanics
10 points
Demonstrates clear, organized, specific comments presented in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical, spelling, and mechanical errors.
Range: .9 -10%
8.5 points
Demonstrates generally clear, organized, specific comments with minor errors in grammar, and/or spelling, and or mechanics.
Range:8 – 8.5%
7.5 points
Demonstrates generally satisfactory clear, specific comments with errors in grammar, and/or spelling, and/or mechanics.
Range: .7 – 7.5%
6.5 points
Presentation lacks organization, clarity, accuracy with little to no evidence of proofreading or attempt at applying proper writing mechanics.
Range: 0 – 6.5%
Score of Writing Clarity & Mechanics,/ 10
APA Citation format Usage
20 points
Posts contain the appropriate APA intext citations with Reference list in proper format. No errors are present.
Range: 18 – 20%
17.9 points
Attempts intext citations and Reference list but some errors in formatting exist; paraphrasing is not accurate or in-text citations are omitted where citations are warranted.
Range: .16 – 17.9%
15.9 points
Attempts intext citations or Reference list but omits one or the other. Intext citations or Reference list reflect significant errors or citations omitted where citations are warranted.
Range: 14 – 159%
13.9 points
No evidence of APA usage.
Range 0 – 13.9%
Score of APA Citation format Usage,/ 20
Adheres to Instructions
10 points
Fully follows instructions; completes all required parts of the Learning Activity.
Range: 9 – 10%
8.9 points
Follows most, instructions, and/or attempts most required parts of the Learning Activity.
Range 8 -8.9%
7.9 points
Follows some instructions but completes all critical parts of Learning Activity.
Range 7 -7.9%
6.9 points
Fails to follow instructions and, as a result, fails to complete required parts of Learning Activity.
0 – 6.9%
Score of Adheres to Instructions,/ 10
Rubric Total ScoreTotal
Score of BMGT 380 Rubric for Weekly Learning Activities – (=100%) – Spring 2022,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden
Overall Score
Overall Score
Equivalent to an A90 points minimum
Equivalent to a B80 points minimum
Equivalent to a C70 points minimum
Equivalent to a D – F60 points minimum
Select ONE (1) of the following questions to answer. Make sure to incorporate evidence from this week’s readings to support your argument:
1. A longstanding debate among scholars who study the Modern Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s is whether or not to look at the movement from the top-down or the bottom-up. Scholars who favor the top-down approach focus on the actions of the government (the President, Congress, Supreme Court) and legislation and the leaders of organizations (MLK, Malcolm X, etc.). However, bottom-up scholars focus on the activities of the rank and file members of civil rights organizations and the activists operating on the local/ground level. The readings for this week mostly lend to a top-down approach to the Civil Rights Movement. Drawing upon this week’s readings on the struggle for voting rights, why is it important to focus on the actions of the government and leaders when discussing and analyzing civil rights? Also, what is missing from this narrative when you focus on the top? What other elements are important to understand this movement that might be left out or obscured without using a bottom-up approach?
2. Popular histories of the Modern Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s have tended to ignore the complexities and nuances in strategies of civil rights organizations and leaders. Select two speeches from leaders of the Movement from this week’s readings (Ella Baker, John Lewis, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Carmichael). Then, compare and contrast your two selected speeches. Address similarities and differences in these speeches and how they reflect similarities and/or differences in strategy. Also, address how your analysis of your selected speeches highlights complexities and/or nuances that need to be highlighted when examining the Movement.
Your Initial Post is worth 30 points and should be 300 – 500 words in length, which is equal to about 1.5 to 2 pages of double-spaced writing in Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman 12-point font in a Word document.
The Civil Rights Act, 1964 Did Not End the Movement for Equality
Please read this resource which examines the background and impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Various Readings: Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights provides information on the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
“North Carolina Shows Why the Voting Rights Act is Still Needed”
The article “North Carolina Shows Why the Voting Rights Act is Still Needed” explains how the repeal of a certain section of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) will harm minorities’ ability to vote in North Carolina.
“John Lewis: Return the Soul to VRA.”
The Root explores the ramifications of recent changes to the VRA by interviewing Congressman John Lewis in “John Lewis: Return the Soul to VRA.”
Speeches by Civil Rights Leaders: John F. Kennedy, June 11, 1963. Televised Speech
t would be naive to think that all African Americans felt the same way about integration and racial progress in the 1950s and 1960s. Here, we’ll look at the seminal speech by President John Kennedy that steered the federal government from maintaining a “hands-off” policy to taking an active role in supporting equality for African American citizens.
Speeches by Civil Rights Leaders: John Lewis, August 28, 1963
John Lewis gave a speech at the March on Washington. He was the youngest speaker, and was urged by the march organizers to tone down his speech, which they deemed too radical.
Speeches by Civil Rights Leaders: Malcom X, November 10, 1963. “Message to Grassroots”
For Malcolm X’s opinion on where the civil rights movement was headed, read “Message to Grassroots,” Nov. 10, 1963
Speeches by Civil Rights Leaders: Martin Luther King, Jr., February 26, 1965. “Sermon at Temple Israel of Hollywood”
Read Martin Luther King, Jr.’s sermon delivered on February 26, 1965 at Temple Israel of Hollywood.
Speeches by Civil Rights Leaders: Stokely Carmichael
Read Stokely Carmichael’s speech, delivered in October 1966, titled, “Black Power Address at UC Berkeley.”
Speeches by Civil Rights Leaders: Ella Baker
Watch this YouTube clip of Ella Baker explaining her philosophy on how to make change happen.