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Review and consider the brief Case Study 1: Dax′s case (PDF) that presents an ethical/legal dilemma and answer the related questions. You are expected to read through the mini-case, consider the facts and the ethical/legal issue(s) raised, and prepare a short (four to five pages) written response to the questions utilizing both the course readings and the information from the discussion boards. The goal is to have you think carefully and thoughtfully about the scenarios, and address each of the following: identify the ethical and legal problems, express your own opinions, consider other perspectives, and refine your personal ethical compasses. The paper should be double-spaced, 12-point font Times-Roman, one-inch margins, name and page number in the footer, page count does not include cover page or reference list, a four-page minimum and five-page maximum, and five to ten references. Please use APA style citation and references. Attach Word document files only, not PDFs.
Dax Cowart, age 25, was severely burned in a propane gas explosion that killed his father. He begged a bystander who rushed to his aid to let him die. Rushed to the Burn Treatment Unit at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, he was found to have severe burns over 65 percent of his body; his face and hands suffered third-degree burns and his eyes were severely damaged. Full burn therapy was instituted.
After an initial period during which his survival was in doubt, he stabilized and underwent amputation of several fingers and removal of his right eye. During much of his 232-day hospitalization at Parkland, his few weeks at the Texas Institute of Rehabilitation and Research at Houston, and his subsequent 6-month stay at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, he repeatedly insisted that treatment be discontinued and that he be allowed to die. Despite these requests, he underwent extraordinarily painful treatments, including the removal of his remaining eye, further amputations and corrective surgery on his hands, as well as daily, excruciatingly painful Clorox baths in an immersion tank.
At the time of his admission to UTMB, he had become adamant that he be allowed to leave the hospital and return home to die — a certain outcome since only the daily baths and aggressive wound treatments would prevent overwhelming infection. Nonetheless, wound care was continued, skin grafts performed, and nutritional and fluid support provided. He was eventually discharged – he was totally blind, with minimal use of his hands, badly scarred, and dependent on others to assist in his personal functions.
Discussion Questions
Using the facts as presented above, any reasonable assumptions you may make from those facts, and the relevant course reading materials, choose and respond to any 3 of the following questions.
Your written response (4-5 pages) should identify and demonstrate a thoughtful consideration of any relevant legal and ethical issues or principles. Be sure to state your own position with regard to the circumstances and support it by referring to the specific principles.
Refer to the grading rubric for additional details, APA format citation is required.
1. Did Dax have an ethical right to refuse care? A legal right? Why/why not?
2. Was Dax competent to make decisions about accepting or refusing care? How would that be determined?
3. What was Dax’s prognosis? Should Dax’s “quality of life” be a consideration in determining whether to offer or withhold treatment? How would his quality of life be evaluated or measured? By whom?
4. What other factors might you consider to have been important in deciding whether to continue treating Dax?
5. Are there any competing/conflicting legal or ethical principles in this case (e.g., autonomy vs. paternalism, beneficence vs. nonmaleficence)? If so, identify one set of conflicts and discuss them.
Textbook & links for Case Study
Text book: Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics 4th edition by Dean M Harris
Massachusetts 2017 “End of Life Options Act” (H 1194) Analysis