DakotaSanders-Analysisdraft2 xLiteratureReviewInstructions MethodsInstructions analysis.instructions1
This is a research paper on the progression of hate crimes within the United States. Four variables are required which means two independents and two dependents (all has to be different). I would like for my first one to contain hate crime incidents vs. hate groups and the second one to be hate crime victims vs unemployment with the years ranking 2009-2019. I can give more details on my teacher’s instructions.
Bar Graph 1 represents the correlation between hate crime victims and hate groups. The total number of victims and hate groups are represented over a 10-period from 2009 to 2019 withing the United States. The categories included in the total number of victims consist of race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and multiple-bias incidents. As for the hate groups, it included the groups such as the Neo-Nazi, Ku Klux Klan, Racist skinheads, Anti-LBGT, etc. The blue bars represent the hate crime victims, and the orange bars represents the hate groups.
Bar Graph 1
The graph shows that hate crime victims far out-weigh the number of hate groups in any given year. It may be fair to say that the number of hate groups remained fairly consistent within the 10 years. Whereas the number of hate crime victims steadily increased after 2015. Much of these occurrences are pre-pandemic, it will be interesting to see how these numbers change during and post pandemic. Some cases are more than likely the outcome of one’s own prejudice motive. Not all victims are the product of hate groups. Another point worth noting is that when hate groups strike, the number of victims can increase. When viewed in this way, the number of victims will, and often does, outnumber the number of actual hate groups. The ebb and flow of racial violence is affected by a number of factors that enable hate groups to commit acts of violence against people of different races.
Bar Graph 2 evaluates the hypothesis that higher crime incidents correlates to higher unemployment rates within the United States. The graph displays the incidences and unemployment over a 9-year period, between 2009 to 2019. The purpose of the graph is to determine if unemployment rates have any effect on the number of hate crime incidents within a specific time frame. The orange bars represent hate crime incidents, and the blue bars represent unemployment rates.
Bar Graph 2
In Bar Graph 2, unemployment rates surpassed hate crime occurrences from 2009 to 2012, with hate crimes remaining reasonably stable. Unemployment continues to decrease after this period, whilst the number of hate crime incidents begins to rise. Hate crime incidents have now exceeded the unemployment rate in 2017 to 2019.It is interesting that during periods of exceedingly high unemployment, that the occurrences of hate crimes were not nearly as high. It is reasonable to speculate that other unknown causes are contributing to the increase in hate crime incidents. As a result, it is fair to assume that unemployment rates are not a strong indicator or motivator of hate crime incidents.
Hate Crime Victims vs. Hate Groups
Hate Crime Victims 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 8336 8208 8208 7164 7242 6727 7173 7615 8828 8819 8812 Hate Groups 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 932 1002 1018 1007 939 784 892 917 954 1020 940
Hate Crime Incidents vs. Unemployment
Hate Crime Incidents 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 6604 6628 6222 5796 5928 5479 5850 6121 7175 7120 7314 Unemployment 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 14265 14825 13747 12506 11460 9617 8296 7751 6982 6314 6001
What I envision for this assignment is a Five page paper that reviews the literature
regarding your topic. A literature review provides a summary for the reader of peer-
reviewed articles.
Things that you should be thinking about at this point are: What are the basic
findings of previous studies? What are some concepts or theories presented in the articles
that directly relate to my study? How will I tie the information in the articles to my study?
This section of the term paper is NOT meant to review all the information in prior
studies. It is just meant to review the information that pertains to your study-ie…your
variables. Whether that information is supportive of your hypothesis or not, you are testing
your hypothesis and ethically obligated to report all pertinent information. Make sure you
organize your literature review around the variables (Independents and Dependents) in the
study and not first article, second article, third article. Therefore, if my study is about
how poverty influences gang membership and how unemployment influences
property crime, I would have two sections. One of those sections would be labeled
Poverty and Gang Membership. I would list poverty first two remind myself that
poverty is the causal variable and make sure the information I was reviewing was
about the relationship were poverty causes individuals to join gangs. Second, I would
have a section labeled Unemployment and Property Crime. I would have a “tie-in”
section in between those sections about how they all “kinda” relate to each other (this
is the body of the study).
Keep in mind that the best way to make an argument is to first introduce the
position of the article (make it a thesis statement), support it with a research finding,
explain the relationship between the variables in the research finding, and then tie it to your
paper. For example, each paragraph would look like
….According to Miller and Williams (2005) although poverty, in the general sense, does
not cause an individual to join a gang, being really poor does. Evidence for these claims is
supported by the fact that 75% of gang members only earned an average of 8,213 dollars the
year before joining the gang. The explanation for this is that joining a gang is not a whimsical
decision, and therefore, only the most desperately poor are willing to take all the risks that
gang membership brings. The current study (this is how you refer to your own study in a
research paper) specifically looks at data for communities below the poverty line, and Miller
and Williams (2005), use a similar data point for their analysis.
Although every article might not provide all of these points, look for them and get
the most out of the article. Also, if the article is lacking on a lot of this type of information,
then it is not a helpful source and you should move on.
This assignment is about working on your own writing. Therefore, you
should not be quoting. Quoting will result in heavy deductions in your grade,
especially if the five pages are really just a lot of quoting. Additionally, taking a sentence
and just changing a few words around is plagiarism and will also result in heavy penalties.
Work on summarizing information in your own words. If you have problems doing this, use
the zoom days, cell phone contact, or private zoom meetings to get advice.
Please Use either ASA, MLA, or APA citation style. I have included an ASA
citation style guide in an announcement on D2L. Use in-text citations and include a
reference page at the end of the review. If you have problems doing this, use the zoom
days, cell phone contact, or private zoom meetings to get advice. Make sure that you
download, and save, a PDF of the article and not merely use the
abstracts. Eventually I will ask you to produce the pdf’s, failure to do so will result
in heavy grade deductions.
Read the last section of the article first. This section is typically called Discussion,
Conclusions, or Limitations. These sections typically provide the most direct information
about what the study is about. It is a quick way to “vet” studies. If the study looks good
after that, then start at the beginning. Pay special attention in the literature review and
analysis section of the article as that content is what you are writing about. Look at the
style of the writing for how to write literature reviews-it’s a technical style and you should
write yours in a technical way. You will notice that there are two basic ways to introduce an
article. People will introduce an article by saying….. According to Miller and Williams
(2005), x y and z or Miller and Williams (2005) contend….or argue….or find…..or state x y
and z. Pick up on some of those style points.
Please use 12pt font, times new roman style, double spaced. Please do not take
up space with things such as the date, the name of the class, etc. All I need is your name at
the top of the page. You can turn it in upload in D2L with the extension (old MS Word
file) or x (new MS Word file). The assignment is due this Friday, April 9th at midnight
and will turn into a zero the following week.
What I envision for this assignment is a Two Page paper that reviews your
methodology. A methods section provides a summary for the reader of the specifics
of the variables you are using.
First, you should have a section labeled Data Sources and you should use the
data source names to organize the section. Such as:
Data Sources
Bureau of Labor Statistics
This section should identify the different data sources you are using for your
study. Provide a brief description of the data source. This should be a summary
that is your own words. You should cite by providing an in-text (number) and a
corresponding (number) in the reference page with the link in the reference page
instead of a link in the text. This will help keep the paper clean. For example:
I use the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the variable X and the Bureau of Labor
Statistics is primarily an organization that provides data on X. Provide more
information about the data at the data source you are using…..
Then, when you are ready to cite, put a (1) at the end of the paragraph. That
number will correspond to the number in reference page as such :
Reference Page
(1) https://www.bls.gov/bls/escalation.htm
(2) ETC.
This keeps the paper clean and removes long web addresses from the text.
BEFORE YOU TURN IT IN. Instead, say things like…..In this study, I use….This study
uses independent variables X,Y,Z….ETC
Second, you should have a section labeled Operationalization and you should
use the variable names to organize the section. Such as:
This section should identify how the variable is measured. In this section you
must document, document, document! You need to provide the label for the
variable and specify which data source it comes from. You need to state the type of
statistic, years included, how the variable is defined, ETC. Any data transposing you
did need to be document and described.
Basically, a good way to think of this part of the paper is “If I were writing
instructions for someone to read about each variable and how I am using it, would
they be able to find the variable and use it in the same way by following my
description?” If they could, then you’re good! You should cite by providing an in-
text (number) and a corresponding (number) in the reference page with a link as
you did for the data source section.
Each variable needs its own paragraph/s with the variable name listed
before the description as I have done above. Write up the independent variables
first, then the dependent variable/s. Clarity and format are key for this section of
the paper.
Please use 12pt font, times new roman style, double spaced. Please do
not take up space with things such as the date, the name of the class, etc. All I need
is your name at the top of the page.
This assignment should be completed by this Friday, March 26th , by
What I envision for this assignment is a Two page paper that summarizes
the data in your analysis. An analysis section first provides a summary of data and
then interprets findings. Right now I am concerned with you summarizing your
data and presenting two visualizations. I present an example of a write up on the
following page.
Things that you should be thinking about at this point are: What
comparisons are meaningful? What is the best form of visualization? What are the
important points of interest? Ideally, you will have both the independent and
dependent variable in one visualization.
Please use 12pt font, times new roman style, double spaced. Please do
not take up space with things such as the date, the name of the class, etc. All I need
is your name at the top of the page. You can turn it in via a turnitin link that I will
post friday as a file with the extension (old MS Word file) or x (new MS
Word file).
This assignment should be completed by Friday, February 26th , by
Example of a Line Chart with one variable
Below in Line Chart 1, I present a comparison of three crimes. The
comparisons are of ?????????? Additionally, the trend is over the years ?????? Each
point, section, bar represents a rate/actual incident/etc-
This basically covers the intro to the chart-basically explain to the reader
what they are looking at.
Chart XX
Then point out what is interesting
Above in Chart 1, analysis shows that of serious crimes, rape and assault
account for the majority of serious crimes. Murder and non-negligent manslaughter
are rare at…..(put in some specific numbers) MNM is very stable over the years at…..
(put in some specific numbers) Rape is up a little from X to Y. Assault dropped the
most of the three serious crimes from Z to P-but use really data points like from 85K
to 97K and so for and so on.
2011 2012 2013
Murder and
Basically this is all “you” and what you think are interesting aspects of the
comparisons in the visualizations.
Example of a Bar Chart with an independent and Dependent variable
The bar chart below evaluates the hypothesis that higher
rates are correlated with higher murder rates. The rates are correlated by the 9
census defined regions and sub-regions. The blue bars represent murder rates and
the red bars represent unemployment rates.
It appears from this bar charts that a correlation is a weak relationship
between unemployment rates and murder rates. Specifically, the data for E. North
Central sticks out in that………etc.
unemployment rates vs.murder rates