Name: ___________
Class: ___________
University: _________________
This is food web is found in the _______________________ Ecosystem
Trophic Level
Replace with a picture
Replace with a picture
Replace with a picture
Replace with a picture
Trophic Level
Replace with a picture
Replace with a picture
Trophic Level
The Invasive species in this food chain are:
Invasive species affect the ecosystem in this way:
The ecosystem services provided are:
Additional points that I would like to make:
Food Web
For this assignment you will describe the ecosystem in which you live. Create and label a food web in that ecosystem. In your flow chart or diagram, label the energy flow and trophic levels. Be sure and identify keystone species and invasive species. Your food web must include a minimum of 8-10 images and/or aspects. In a concluding paragraph, explain the following:
· What ecosystem services are provided
· How the nutrient cycles and ecosystem services have been affected by the invasive species
· Any key points you demonstrated in your food web
Include the following information on your Food Web: Name, Assignment Title, University.