Developing the Conceptual Model.
Using the conceptual modeling approach in GMS (i.e. map module), complete the attached problem from the textbook (P.5.3) on the next three pages (pages 2-4). The problem refers to two equations that you need from insert Box 5.3. I have scanned and attached the insert for you (pages 4-7).
Instructions for turning in Labs from now on
1. Create a master folder for your homeworks. Label it Lastname_Lab3 [the only item to upload].
2. Be sure to save your models as something obvious (e.g. Prob3a) in the master folder.
3. This means that all the .GPR files and their associated folders (with the same titles as the GPR files) will be in the master folder.
4. When you write up your lab assignments, save the write up in the master folder
5. Convert your final master folder into a zip file.
6. Upload your master zip file on Moodle under lab 3.
GeoE 422 Groundwater Flow Modeling
Spring 2022
Laboratory 3
Due February 2nd
Developing the Conceptual Model.
Using the conceptual modeling approach in GMS (i.e. map module), complete the attached problem from the textbook (P.5.3) on the next three pages (pages 2-4). The problem refers to two equations that you need from insert Box 5.3. I have scanned and attached the insert for you (pages 4-7).
Instructions for turning in Labs from now on
1. Create a master folder for your homeworks. Label it Lastname_Lab3 [the only item to upload].
2. Be sure to save your models as something obvious (e.g. Prob3a) in the master folder.
3. This means that all the .GPR files and their associated folders (with the same titles as the GPR files) will be in the master folder.
4. When you write up your lab assignments, save the write up in the master folder
5. Convert your final master folder into a zip file.
6. Upload your master zip file on Moodle under lab 3.
You should only have to upload the one zip file and I should be able to access everything you’ve completed. I want a neat write up that I can print out in color with your name on it. In your write up bring in screen shots from the models, tables of results, or any other items necessary for me to read your homework and understand what you did. Include all parameters used (e.g. recharge rates, hydraulic conductivities……even if this seems obvious). My goal is to not have to open up your files at all. However, if I do need to open up your models, you need to have them neat and in order with both model folders and GPR files so I can actually open it. That means provide me with each major model that is required for the problem. But don’t provide me with each failed attempt before getting the right model too.