MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis
Assignment Two (Ver DU-A) Page 1
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis
Assignment Two
Analysis of Climate Change Survey Data
• Due: Week 9, 11:59 pm, Sunday 17th May 2020.
• Marks: 30%.
• Words: 2,000 words or approximate equivalent.
• Submission: Two files (Excel, Word) electronically in CloudDeakin.
Email submissions will not be accepted.
Note: Do not convert your Word document to pdf format.
• Notes: This assignment is to be completed individually.
Please ensure you are familiar with the Extension Request and the Late Penalties rules
governing assignments in the Faculty of Business and Law (see details below).
Assurance of Learning
This assignment assesses the following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes:
Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
GLO4: Critical thinking: evaluating information using
critical and analytical thinking and judgment
ULO2: Manipulate and summarise data that
accurately represents real world problems
ULO3: Interpret and appraise statistical output to
assist in real-world decision making
Faculty of Business and Law Assignment Extension Procedures
Information for students seeking an extension BEFORE the due date
If you wish to seek an extension for this assignment prior to the due date, you need to apply directly to the Unit
Chair by completing the Assignment and Online Test Extension Application Form (available from
https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/faculties/buslaw/student-support/assignment-extensions) and sending the
completed form as well as your supporting documentation (if a non COVID-19 related issue) and a draft of your
assignment, to our generic email address T12020MIS770@deakin.edu.au. (Note: completing the Extension
Application Form is mandatory if you wish to apply for an extension.)
This process needs to occur as soon as you become aware that you will have difficulty in meeting the due date,
but no later than 5-00 pm Friday 15th May 2020. In other words, requests for extensions will not be entertained
after the normal close of business on Friday 15th May 2020.
Please note: Unit Chairs can only grant extensions up to two weeks beyond the original due date. If you require
more than two weeks, or have already been provided an extension by the Unit Chair and require additional
time, you must apply for Special Consideration via StudentConnect within 3 business days of the due date.
Misreading the due date/time, assignment anxiety or returning home will not be accepted as grounds for
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Assignment Two (Ver DU-A) Page 2
Conditions under which an extension will normally be considered include:
• Medical – to cover medical conditions of a serious nature, e.g. hospitalisation, serious injury or chronic
Note: temporary minor ailments such as headaches, colds and minor gastric upsets are not serious medical
conditions and are unlikely to be accepted. However serious cases of these may be considered.
• Compassionate – e.g. death of a close family member, significant family and relationship problems.
• Hardship/Trauma – e.g. sudden loss or gain of employment, severe disruption to domestic arrangements,
victim of crime.
Information for students seeking an extension AFTER the due date
If the due date has passed; you require more than two weeks extension, or you have already been provided with
an extension and require additional time, you must apply for Special Consideration via StudentConnect. Please
be aware that applications are governed by University procedures and must be submitted within three business
days of the due date or previously granted extension due date.
In most instances the maximum amount of time that can be granted for an assignment extension is three weeks
after the due date, as Unit Chairs are required to have all assignment submitted before results/feedback can be
released back to students.
Penalties for late submission
The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an
approved extension:
• 5% will be deducted from the available marks for each day, or part thereof, up to five days.
• Work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked; you will receive 0% for
the task.
Note: ‘Day’ means calendar day.
The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the
task after the due date.
Additional information
For advice regarding academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please
refer to the document “Rights and responsibilities as a student” in the “Unit Guide and Information” folder
under the “Resources” section in the MIS770 CloudDeakin site.
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a dataset that has been produced as a result of the survey you
conducted on Climate Change. You now need to interrogate the dataset in order to answer questions posed by
your client, the Australian Government. Ultimately, you will need to analyse the data, interpret the results, and
then draw appropriate conclusions.
The aims of the assignment are to:
• provide you with some examples of the application of data analysis
• test your understanding of the material presented in the relevant topics
• test your ability to analyse data and interpret your results
• test your ability to effectively communicate your results to others
Before attempting the assignment, make sure you have prepared yourself well. At a minimum, please read the
relevant sections of the prescribed textbook and review the materials provided in Modules 1 and 2 (i.e. Topics 1
to 7).
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Assignment Two (Ver DU-A) Page 3
The Australian Government has previously commissioned you, Ellyse Perry (Chief Analyst at Survey House), to
develop a survey to help them gauge the views of the Australian public regarding “Climate Change”. Now, in
order to implement possible Climate Change policy initiatives, the Government, through their representative
Daisy Pearce (Manager, Public Relations in the Prime Minister’s Office), wants you to interpret the data gathered
from your survey and then answer several questions.
Daisy does not have an analytics background, so it’s important that you utilise “plain, easy to understand
language” in your answers. If you believe you need to include any technical terms, then you must explain these
in a clear and succinct manner.
The questions you need to answer are contained in the following memorandum.
Date: 24th April, 2020
To: Ellyse Perry, Chief Analyst, Survey House
From: Daisy Pearce, Manager, Public Relations, PM’s Office
Subject: Analysis of Climate Change Survey Data
Dear Ellyse,
Can you please carry out an analysis of the recent Climate Change Survey data (contained in the file
ClimateChangeSurvey.xlsx) and prepare a Memorandum reply to me containing answers to the following
My specific questions are:
Q1. An Overall View of “Monthly_Payment” spend per month
Can you provide me with an overall summary of the amount people are willing to pay monthly in order to have
a net zero electricity bill sourced entirely through renewable energy (e.g. solar panels with backup battery)? A
summing up of the variable “Monthly_Payment” just by itself, would be useful.
Q2. “Monthly_Payment” vs “Concerned”
I am interested in how the “Monthly_Payment” amount people are willing to pay for renewable energy relates
to how “Concerned” people are with the current situation regarding Climate Change. In particular, does there
appear to be any difference in how much people are prepared to pay monthly on renewable energy compared
to the “Concerned” responses of: Not concerned; Slightly concerned; Somewhat concerned; Very concerned,
and Extremely concerned.
Q3. Climate Change Affordability Measures
(a) Can you estimate the average “Monthly_Payment” amount people are willing to pay for renewable
energy in Australia?
(b) Climate Change is a global concern and there are countries that do not have the financial resources to
address their local Climate Change circumstances. Therefore, I’m interested to know if you can estimate
the proportion of all Australians who believe that Australia should financially “Support” developing
countries in their efforts to address Climate Change.
Q4. Climate Change Views
(a) A previous report published by one of the national daily newspapers indicated that the proportion of
Australians who have Already Installed or Plan to Install “Solar_Panels” on their homes is no more than
25%. An industry energy group has responded to this report by claiming that the rate has been
understated and the true figure is higher. Can you check this industry group’s claim?
(b) Another point of contention made in the report was the amount of money Australians would be
prepared to make an up-front payment (“Up_Front_Payment”) in order to have net zero electricity bills
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Assignment Two (Ver DU-A) Page 4
through renewable energy. The report states that it is, on average, less than $21,500. The same
industry energy group has responded by claiming that the amount of money Australians are prepared to
pay up-front is at least $21,500. Could you please also check this claim by the industry group?
Q5. Relationships
I would like to see whether factors listed below provide any explanation of the amount people are willing to pay
monthly (“Monthly_Payment”) in order to have net zero electricity bills through renewable energy. If so, can you
also indicate which factor is the most important?
(a) “Income”
(b) “Age”
Q6. Appropriate Sample Size
Finally, I am concerned that the sample of 400 Australians is too small to provide accurate results as this seems
hardly enough data. For a survey we intend to undertake next year, we would like to be able to:
(a) estimate the proportion of Australians that are Aware or Very Aware of Climate Change to within 3%,
(b) accurately estimate the average monthly payment (“Monthly_Payment”) amount people are willing to
pay in order to have net zero electricity bills through renewable energy to within $20.
How many Australians would we need to include in next year’s survey to satisfy both of these requirements?
Regards, Daisy
Memorandum Requirements
• Your memorandum reply should be no longer than 3 pages and there is no need to include a Table of
Contents, any visualisations (i.e. Charts and Tables), or Appendices in the Memorandum. The
Charts/Graphics and Tables you create are only to be placed in the Data Analysis file (i.e. the Excel
spreadsheet) and not reproduced in the memorandum.
• Suggested Word formatting for the memorandum: Single‐line spacing; no smaller that 10‐ point font; page
margins approx. 25mm, and good use of white space.
• Your memorandum must, however, have a cover sheet containing your particulars and Unit details.
• Set out the memorandum in the same order as in the originating Memorandum from Daisy, with each
section (question) clearly marked.
• Use plain language and keep your explanations succinct. Avoid the use of technical or statistical jargon. As
a guide to the meaning of “Plain Language”, imagine you are explaining your findings to a person without
any statistical training (e.g. someone who has not studied this unit). What type of language would you use
in that case?
• Marks will be lost if you use unexplained technical terms, irrelevant material, or have poor
• All Microsoft Excel output associated with each question in the Memorandum is to be placed in the
corresponding tab in the file ClimateChange_yourstudentid.xlsx
Data Analysis Instructions/Guidelines
In order to prepare a reply to Daisy’s memorandum, you will need to examine and analyse the dataset
ClimateChangeSurvey.xlsx thoroughly.
Daisy has asked a number of questions and your Data Analysis output (i.e. your charts/tables/graphs) should be
structured such that you answer each question on the separate tab/worksheet provided in your Excel document.
There are also three extra tabs in ClimateChangeSurvey.xlsx called CI, HT and SS and you may use the various
templates contained in these tabs in your “Confidence Interval”, “Hypothesis” and “Sample Size” answers
should you wish to do so.
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Assignment Two (Ver DU-A) Page 5
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Assignment Two (Ver DU-A) Page 6
In order to effectively answer the questions, your Data Analysis output needs to be appropriate. Accordingly,
you’ll need to establish which of the following techniques are applicable for any given question:
• Summary Measures (e.g. Descriptive Statistics, Inc. Outlier detection).
• Comparative Summary Measures (i.e. Descriptive Statistics for multiple values of a variable).
• Suitable tables (such as a Frequency Distribution) and charts or graphics (such as Histograms, Box Plots, Pie
Charts, Bar/Column Charts) that will illustrate more clearly, other important features of a variable.
• Scatter Diagrams (used to visually establish if there is a relationship between two numeric variables).
• Cross Tabulations (sometimes called Contingency Tables), used to establish the relationships (dependencies)
between two variables (see Additional Materials under Topic 2 – Creating Cross Tabulations in Excel using
Pivot Tables).
• Confidence Intervals. You can assume that a 95% confidence level is appropriate. We use Confidence
Intervals when we have no idea about the population parameter we are investigating. Additionally, we
would use Confidence Intervals if we are asked for an estimate. You can use the relevant Excel templates
provided in the dataset and copy them to the applicable question tab.
• Hypothesis Tests. You can assume that a 5% level of significance is appropriate. We Use Hypothesis Tests
when we are testing a Claim, a Theory or a Standard. You can use the relevant Excel templates provided in
the dataset and copy them to the applicable question tab.
• Sample size calculation: You can assume that a 95% confidence level is appropriate. You may include
comparisons for 90% and 99% and a recommendation for the appropriate sample size.
• To answer some questions, you may need to make certain assumptions about the data set we are using.
Mention these in your data analysis, where relevant. There is no need to mention this in the memo.
Note: There is an Appendix at the end of each Chapter of the Prescribed Textbook which describes the basic
Excel steps associated with that Topic. Chapters 1 to 9 are applicable for this assessment.
Your completed assignment should be submitted in two separate files:
• Memorandum (Part A): A Word document of no more than 3 pages that is not to contain any
charts/tables/graphs. (Note: Do not submit a pdf document in lieu.). Please name your Word document
ClimateChange_yourstudentid x
• Data Analysis (Part B): An Excel document containing separate tabs/worksheets with charts/tables/graphs
for each question. Please note that all interpretations should be presented in your “Memorandum” and the
Excel document should only contain your intermediate analysis and final output. Please name your Excel
document ClimateChange_yourstudentid.xlsx
The assignment is to be submitted to the MIS770 assignment box in Deakin’s Cloud Campus before 11-59 pm,
Sunday 17th May 2020. Please ensure you include your name and student details in your Word document as well
following the above file naming convention. Failure to follow this convention may lead to a delay in receiving
feedback and marks.
MIS770 Foundation Skills in Business Analysis Assignment Two (Ver DU-A) Page 7
Marking Rubric
Improvement Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent
Data Analysis
(Marks: 16)
0 points 4.8 points 8 points 9.6 points 11.2 points 16 points
This part
relates to the
in the form
of charts,
tables &
graphs etc.
created by
Ellyse which
formed the
basis of her
response to
Uses irrelevant
or inappropriate
techniques to
analyse the data,
or the Data
Analysis and
tools were used
to analyse the
data but in an
incomplete or
Uses some
appropriate data
analysis and
visualisation tools
to analyse the
data but there
are many errors
in the analysis.
appropriate data
analysis and
visualisation tools
to analyse the
data but there
are several errors
in the analysis.
appropriate data
analysis and
visualisation tools
to analyse the
data but there
are some errors
in the analysis.
analysis of the
data using
techniques, but
there are some
minor errors in
the analysis.
Uses data
visualisations to
understand the
patterns in data.
Skilful and
analysis of data
using many
Uses data
visualisations to
produce novel
A very poor
presentation of
the analysis, or
the analysis
does not follow
principles of
good graphical
presentation of
the analysis
presentation of
the analysis is
presentation of
the analysis is of
a respectable
The analysis is
well organised
and follows
principles of
good graphical
An excellent
presentation of
the analysis.
0 – 4.7 Marks 4.8 – 7.9 Marks 8 – 9.5 Marks 9.6 – 11.1 Marks 11.2 – 12.7 Marks 12.8 – 16 Marks
(Marks: 12)
0 points 3.6 points 6 points 7.2 points 8.4 points 12 points
This part is the
response by
Ellyse to the
posed by
Does not
communicate any
of the main
findings of the
analysis in an
accurate and/or
useful way, or
the interpretation
of findings is at a
basic level.
Explains some of
the main
findings of the
accurately which
only enables the
reader to draw a
few reasonable
Explains most of
the main
findings of the
accurately and
enables the
reader to draw
Explains nearly
all of the main
findings of the
accurately and
enables the
reader to draw
detailed and
descriptions of
the most
features of the
analysis along
descriptions and
conclusions that
are carefully
considered and
The written
communication is
unprofessional or
difficult to follow
and contains
numerous errors.
The written
is not very easy
to follow and/or
it contains too
many errors.
The written
is clear and easy
to follow but it
contains minor
The written
is clear and easy
to follow and
generally free of
The written
is professional,
easy to follow
and has a good
The written
is very
logical and easy
to follow.
0 – 3.5 Marks 3.6 – 5.9 Marks 6 – 7.1 Marks 7.2 – 8.3 Marks 8.4 – 9.5 Marks 9.6 – 12 Marks
(Marks: 2)
0 points
No attempt has
been made to
follow the
0.6 points
Little attempt
has been made
to follow the
1 point
Most of the
Guidelines have
been followed.
1.2 point
Majority of the
Guidelines have
been followed.
1.4 points
All of the
Guidelines have
been followed.
2 points
All of the
Guidelines have
been dealt with
Very good
0 – 0.5 Marks 0.6 – 0.9 Marks 1 – 1.1 Marks 1.2 – 1.3 Marks 1.4 – 1.5 Marks 1.6 – 2 Marks
panels with battery)
, }
, Vic, Qld, , , Tas, , }
, }
, High School, Certificate, Degree, , }
, , Green, Minor Parties}
, }
, Dissatisfied, /Unfamiliar, , }
, , There is no Climate Change, Unsure/Undecided}
, Moderately Aware, Have a little knowledge, Have no Interest/Awareness}
Not Serious, – Extremely Serious)
, , , , , , , 10}
, , Would Install if I could, No plan to install/Do not want}
, , Coal, , , , Renewable}
, , , , , , Other}
Monthly_Payment Up_Front_Payment Age Gender Income State Locality Education Politics Support Cause Awareness Affected Seriousness Concerned Solar_Panals Energy_Source News_Source 8.00
, 0
35 Female ,000
Rural Postgrad Degree Yes Very Satisfied Mostly Human 1 Gas Magazines .00
, 0
Male , 0
Urban TAFE Labour Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 10 Already Installed Hydro Social Media Female , NSW Rural Bachelor Labour Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware 4 Already Installed Solar Other 8.00
,9 Female ,000
Rural High School Other Yes Australian Govt Little Knowledge 2 No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Newspapers .00
,7 33 Male NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Oil Internet 8.00
, 5
60 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Somewhat Affected 9 No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Newspapers 2.00
Male NSW Rural Bachelor No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Coal Magazines .00
, 25 Male ,000
VIC Rural High School Greens Yes Satisfied Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 2 Not Concerned Already Installed Wind Internet .00
Female ,000
NSW Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Natural Aware Not Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media .00
35 Female , 0
VIC Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Slightly Concerned Solar Internet ,0 35 Male ,000
QLD Urban PhD Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Severly Affected 4 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Newspapers , 0
49 Female ,800
NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro TV .00
Male NSW Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Magazines 50 Male QLD Rural High School Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Plan to Install Coal Social Media 0.00
49 Female ,000
VIC Rural High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Already Installed Wind Internet .00
39 Female , 0
QLD Urban High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Coal Internet .00
Male NSW Urban TAFE Coalition No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Other .00
59 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied No Climate Change Very Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned Install if I Could Coal Other 25 Female WA Urban Bachelor Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 2 Extremely Concerned Install if I Could Coal Internet 0.00
18 Female NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar State Govts Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 1 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Other Social Media $21,700 37 Male VIC Urban Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 7.00
24 Male ,000
TAS Urban Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied State Govts No Climate Change Aware Not Affected 2 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Gas Internet .00
33 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar TV 30 Female NSW Urban Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar TV Female NSW Rural High School Coalition Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Gas Newspapers .00
56 Male NT Urban Postgrad Degree Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Gas Internet Female NT Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Very Dissatisfied State Govts No Climate Change Little Knowledge Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 5
35 Female VIC Rural High School Labour Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Magazines .00
Male QLD Urban High School Greens No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Not Concerned Install if I Could Gas Social Media .00
34 Male VIC Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Wind Other 50 Male VIC Urban Pre High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 7 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Newspapers .00
34 Male VIC Rural High School Coalition Yes Very Dissatisfied Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Other .00
Female $ 18,700 VIC Urban TAFE Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Other .00
Male QLD Rural High School Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Social Media 27 Male $ 30,100 SA Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media 40 Female ,000
NSW Urban PhD Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change No Interest/Awareness Severly Affected 5 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal TV 33 Male ,200
NSW Rural High School Other Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Extremely Concerned Already Installed Coal Social Media 38 Female VIC Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 41 Female VIC Urban Bachelor Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Other 32 Female QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Magazines 58 Female QLD Rural Bachelor Labour Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Little Knowledge Not Affected 9 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Other 28 Male QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Industry/Companys Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Internet .00
19 Female NSW Urban High School Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 1 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Other Other .00
33 Male SA Urban Bachelor Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Newspapers $0.00 59 Male NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet Male $ 18,500 WA Urban High School Coalition No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers .00
21 Male $ 85,000 VIC Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Already Installed Hydro Other 26 Male ,000
NSW Urban PhD Other Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Severly Affected 2 Extremely Concerned Already Installed Oil Social Media .00
39 Female SA Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Newspapers .00
29 Male $ 30,100 NSW Urban Postgrad Degree Greens No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro Social Media 31 Female NSW Rural TAFE Other Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 4 Not Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet 33 Male ,000
NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal TV .00
36 Female ,000
NSW Urban High School Greens No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV 28 Female $ 68,000 NSW Rural Postgrad Degree Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Severly Affected 2 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 40 Male NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Other 25 Female SA Urban High School Greens No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Not Concerned Install if I Could Coal Magazines QLD Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Internet .00
27 Female NSW Rural High School Coalition No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Coal Other 40 Female $ 16,800 TAS Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media .00
27 Male NSW Urban High School Greens No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Magazines 53 Female VIC Urban Pre High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Aware Severly Affected 8 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Newspapers .00
39 Male WA Urban High School Greens No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media 47 Female QLD Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Not Affected 7 Extremely Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media .00
27 Male ,500
NSW Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 3 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal TV 40 Male NSW Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Social Media 27 Female VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 3 Not Concerned Install if I Could Solar Other .00
60 Male $ 72,000 WA Rural High School Greens Yes Satisfied State Govts No Climate Change Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Internet 25 Female SA Urban High School Greens No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Install if I Could Solar Internet 53 Female VIC Urban TAFE Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Severly Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Hydro Other 35 Female VIC Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Newspapers .00
43 Female QLD Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 33 Male ,000
VIC Rural PhD Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Severly Affected 4 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers $343.00 48 Female SA Urban Pre High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 7 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Internet $21.00 $10,925 29 Female NSW Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Coal TV .00
26 Male SA Urban Postgrad Degree Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Other 23 Male NSW Urban High School Coalition No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Not Concerned Already Installed Oil TV 30 Male SA Rural High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro Social Media .00
$24,025 53 Male $ 55,000 QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers .00
53 Male ,000
NSW Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Severly Affected 8 Not Concerned Plan to Install Solar Other .00
43 Female QLD Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Not Concerned Already Installed Hydro Newspapers 30 Female WA Rural Bachelor Coalition Yes Dissatisfied State Govts No Climate Change Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Wind Other 27 Female QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV 59 Female QLD Rural Bachelor Coalition No Dissatisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Not Affected 9 Very Concerned Install if I Could Coal Other 36 Male NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Wind Internet 52 Female VIC Urban Postgrad Degree Labour No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 40 Female NSW Urban Bachelor Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 5 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media 29 Female QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Industry/Companys Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Internet 40 Female VIC Urban High School Labour No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Very Concerned Already Installed Wind Newspapers .00
$12,050 36 Male VIC Rural Postgrad Degree Other Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Other 38 Female VIC Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Magazines 64 Male QLD Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Not Affected 10 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Other .00
43 Male NSW Rural Bachelor Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Local Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Install if I Could Coal Internet 28 Male QLD Rural High School Greens No Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Social Media .00
52 Male QLD Urban Bachelor Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Not Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media 48 Male NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Internet 52 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Aware Somewhat Affected 1 Slightly Concerned Already Installed Gas Other 43 Male NSW Urban TAFE Coalition No Satisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Other 39 Male QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Magazines 29 Female NT Urban Pre High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar TV 34 Female SA Rural Bachelor Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Other .00
25 Female SA Urban High School Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Plan to Install Coal TV 32 Female VIC Urban Bachelor Greens No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Magazines .00
49 Male $ 18,700 ACT Urban High School Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Plan to Install Nuclear TV 40 Male NT Urban Pre High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers .00
39 Female $ 16,800 NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Other 32 Female WA Rural High School Other Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Coal Social Media 25 Female $ 18,700 QLD Urban Postgrad Degree Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Newspapers .00
42 Male $ 60,000 QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 6 Not Concerned Install if I Could Gas Social Media 37 Female $ 70,000 VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Other .00
$11,300 28 Male VIC Urban Bachelor Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Not Affected 3 Not Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet 23 Male ,000
NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 2 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro TV $34.00 37 Male $ 65,000 VIC Urban High School Other Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Nuclear Other .00
35 Male $ 13,600 NSW Urban High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro TV 63 Male $ 20,000 NSW Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 10 Very Concerned Already Installed Coal Research Journals 29 Female $ 22,000 QLD Rural Postgrad Degree Other No Dissatisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media $0.00 62 Female VIC Urban Bachelor Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Internet 26 Female ,900
VIC Urban High School Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 3 Extremely Concerned Install if I Could Wind Social Media $39.00 50 Male $ 22,500 NSW Rural High School Labour Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media $434.00 49 Male VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Install if I Could Wind Magazines 44 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media 25 Female VIC Rural Bachelor Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar State Govts Mostly Human Little Knowledge Not Affected 2 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Social Media .00
$10,950 44 Male $ 16,800 VIC Urban TAFE Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 42 Male VIC Urban TAFE Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 36 Male NSW Rural High School Labour Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Coal Magazines 41 Female $ 31,000 NSW Rural TAFE Coalition No Dissatisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 26 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Slightly Concerned Already Installed Hydro TV $0.00 42 Male $ 13,600 QLD Urban Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers 27 Female ,800
VIC Urban High School Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 3 Extremely Concerned Plan to Install Solar Magazines $29.00 48 Male QLD Urban High School Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 1 Not Concerned Already Installed Hydro Internet 65 Female VIC Urban High School Greens No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 3 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media .00
65 Male $ 22,500 WA Rural High School Labour Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Coal Newspapers $0.00 44 Female $ 21,100 WA Rural High School Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Newspapers 48 Male QLD Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar TV .00
37 Female QLD Urban High School Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Internet 52 Female VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Other .00
38 Female QLD Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Wind Newspapers $19.00 35 Male VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Internet $10,625 34 Female NSW Urban High School Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Research Journals 34 Female SA Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Social Media $10.00 27 Male ACT Rural High School Coalition No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Magazines 23 Female NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro TV $0.00 62 Female $ 14,300 NSW Urban Postgrad Degree Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Research Journals 41 Female NSW Rural High School Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 1 Not Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Social Media $13,850 26 Female SA Rural High School Labour Yes Dissatisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Coal TV $31.00 36 Male $ 24,400 QLD Rural High School Labour Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media 37 Female $ 65,000 VIC Rural Bachelor Greens No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Not Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 39 Male VIC Rural High School Other No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Internet 62 Male QLD Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media .00
61 Male $ 28,200 WA Urban Pre High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Newspapers $23,475 20 Female VIC Urban High School Coalition No Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 1 Slightly Concerned Already Installed Gas Social Media 31 Female WA Rural Bachelor Other No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Social Media $434.00 28 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 3 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal TV $59.00 22 Female $ 32,000 WA Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Not Concerned Already Installed Hydro Other $14,700 36 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Coal TV $39,038 48 Male ,200
NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 7 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Newspapers $23,325 47 Male $ 58,000 NSW Urban TAFE Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Severly Affected 7 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV 51 Female VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Local Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Hydro Newspapers 48 Female $ 95,000 NSW Rural Postgrad Degree Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Severly Affected 7 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 30 Male VIC Rural High School Labour No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Wind TV $11,325 40 Male $ 18,700 WA Urban High School Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Magazines $12.00 29 Male VIC Urban High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 35 Female $ 26,300 QLD Rural High School Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Magazines $11,300 61 Male $ 16,800 VIC Urban High School Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 10 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Social Media $11,225 38 Female $ 19,600 NT Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Internet 40 Male NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 5 Slightly Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV .00
32 Male $ 13,600 ACT Urban Bachelor Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media .00
32 Female NSW Urban High School Other No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Nuclear Magazines 68 Female QLD Urban High School Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Gas Internet $30.00 39 Female $ 31,000 VIC Rural High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 1 Slightly Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Social Media $38.00 58 Male $ 22,800 QLD Urban High School Labour Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Research Journals $366.00 47 Female $ 27,600 ACT Rural TAFE Coalition No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 7 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Internet 50 Female SA Rural Postgrad Degree Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 1 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro Magazines $53.00 $25,075 24 Female $ 70,000 QLD Urban High School Labour No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 2 Not Concerned Plan to Install Solar Newspapers 30 Female VIC Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 3 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Gas Magazines .00
31 Female VIC Rural Pre High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Magazines $13.00 37 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Coal Internet 44 Male $ 40,000 VIC Rural TAFE Labour Yes Very Satisfied State Govts Unsure Little Knowledge Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media $55.00 41 Female $ 33,400 VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Oil Newspapers $10.00 46 Female NSW Urban TAFE Greens No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 7 Very Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Internet 57 Female $ 19,600 VIC Rural High School Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned Install if I Could Wind Social Media $691.00 61 Female $ 83,000 SA Urban TAFE Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Aware Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Research Journals 58 Male $ 90,000 SA Urban Bachelor Greens No Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change No Interest/Awareness Not Affected 9 Very Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Social Media $43.00 $13,100 49 Female $ 26,000 VIC Rural High School Greens No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Newspapers 30 Male NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media .00
$12,825 55 Male $ 22,500 NSW Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Other $13,225 32 Female $ 26,300 SA Urban TAFE Other Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers .00
$15,025 29 Male $ 33,900 WA Urban Bachelor Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 47 Male $ 49,000 QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Install if I Could Coal Internet 32 Female NSW Rural Postgrad Degree Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Severly Affected 1 Slightly Concerned Plan to Install Gas Social Media 44 Female SA Rural High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Individuals/Families Unsure Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet $31.00 34 Female $ 63,700 TAS Urban Pre High School Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt No Climate Change Aware Severly Affected 4 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Other 38 Female $ 21,100 WA Rural High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar TV $294.00 $13,175 42 Male $ 26,300 NSW Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media 30 Female VIC Urban Postgrad Degree Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Little Knowledge Severly Affected 1 Slightly Concerned Install if I Could Gas Internet .00
29 Female QLD Rural High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Other .00
38 Male ACT Urban High School Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Magazines $16,600 32 Male $ 40,600 WA Urban Pre High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Newspapers 55 Male QLD Urban Bachelor Labour No Satisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 8 Very Concerned Plan to Install Coal Research Journals $99.00 $11,325 47 Female $ 18,700 VIC Urban High School Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar TV $13,100 40 Female $ 26,000 SA Rural High School Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Internet $22,225 37 Female $ 59,000 NSW Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro TV $11,325 43 Male $ 18,700 NSW Rural High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Social Media 32 Male NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro TV $96.00 31 Male VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Social Media .00
44 Female $ 7,900 WA Urban Postgrad Degree Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media $21,000 39 Female $ 59,200 VIC Rural High School Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Other 41 Female $ 6,500 NSW Urban High School Coalition No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Social Media QLD Urban Bachelor Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media .00
58 Male NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 55 Female ,000
NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Coal Social Media $16,325 60 Female VIC Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Satisfied Local Govts No Climate Change Very Aware Severly Affected 9 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media $38.00 29 Male $ 55,000 ACT Urban Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind TV 42 Male $ 67,000 NSW Urban Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Magazines 41 Female $ 76,300 VIC Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers $128.00 35 Female VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Wind Newspapers .00
24 Male ,000
NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 2 Extremely Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet $40.00 39 Female NSW Urban TAFE Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Magazines $384.00 38 Male $ 31,000 NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar State Govts Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers .00
37 Male QLD Urban Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Not Affected 5 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Internet .00
47 Male WA Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Individuals/Families Unsure Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Internet $272.00 $24,025 38 Male $ 72,000 QLD Rural High School Coalition Yes Satisfied State Govts Unsure Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Coal Other $10,200 41 Female $ 13,600 TAS Urban Pre High School Greens No Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar TV .00
41 Male NSW Urban Bachelor Greens No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Not Affected 6 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media $59.00 $24,975 38 Female NSW Rural High School Other Yes Unsure/Unfamilar State Govts Unsure Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Hydro TV 29 Female WA Urban Bachelor Coalition No Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Social Media 38 Female $ 22,800 TAS Urban Pre High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Other $105.00 61 Female NSW Urban TAFE Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural No Interest/Awareness Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Other $21.00 26 Male $ 16,800 QLD Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro TV $72.00 $24,325 25 Female ACT Rural High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 1 Slightly Concerned Plan to Install Gas Newspapers $76.00 $11,300 62 Female $ 16,800 SA Urban High School Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 10 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers $0.00 $17,325 42 Female $ 40,000 NSW Urban Bachelor Labour Yes Very Satisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Newspapers 31 Male $ 76,000 ACT Rural High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar TV $8,525 33 Female VIC Rural Postgrad Degree Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 4 Slightly Concerned Plan to Install Gas Internet .00
21 Male $ 28,000 NT Urban Postgrad Degree Coalition Yes Dissatisfied State Govts Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Install if I Could Gas Social Media $17.00 50 Male VIC Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Individuals/Families Unsure Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Magazines $53.00 36 Male $ 33,900 WA Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Social Media $22.00 41 Male QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers $365.00 27 Female NSW Urban Postgrad Degree Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media $20.00 42 Female $ 7,200 NSW Urban Bachelor Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Nuclear TV 28 Female $ 24,300 WA Urban Pre High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Severly Affected 3 Slightly Concerned Install if I Could Nuclear Social Media 46 Male $ 95,000 VIC Urban TAFE Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Severly Affected 7 Extremely Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media 32 Male WA Urban High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Internet $56.00 $11,900 40 Female $ 19,000 VIC Rural TAFE Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Severly Affected 5 Very Concerned Install if I Could Wind TV $63.00 39 Male $ 42,700 NT Urban TAFE Greens No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Oil Social Media .00
30 Male QLD Urban Bachelor Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Not Affected 3 Not Concerned Plan to Install Solar Magazines $17.00 $13,850 33 Male $ 28,900 SA Urban High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Other 27 Male $ 49,000 NSW Rural High School Greens Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 3 Extremely Concerned Plan to Install Coal Other 37 Male $ 74,200 NSW Urban High School Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Coal TV $26.00 56 Female WA Rural High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Not Concerned Install if I Could Gas Other WA Rural Bachelor Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Internet 36 Male SA Urban Pre High School Coalition No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro TV 32 Male $ 81,990 ACT Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Magazines 44 Female $ 63,300 NSW Urban TAFE Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Severly Affected 2 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Social Media 48 Male ,300
TAS Urban High School Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 7 Extremely Concerned Plan to Install Solar Magazines $69.00 39 Female QLD Urban TAFE Greens Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet $26,750 31 Male SA Rural Pre High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar TV $14,825 39 Female VIC Urban High School Greens No Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Social Media $13,250 62 Female $ 22,000 NSW Rural TAFE Greens No Satisfied Individuals/Families No Climate Change Little Knowledge Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Other $0.00 21 Female WA Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Already Installed Wind Newspapers 62 Male VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 10 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Research Journals $21.00 34 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Newspapers 35 Female SA Urban Pre High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Magazines 41 Female VIC Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Coal Internet $19.00 45 Male $ 59,000 QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Newspapers 54 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Internet 51 Female $ 60,000 NSW Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar TV 52 Male $ 90,000 NSW Rural Bachelor Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Not Affected 8 Slightly Concerned Already Installed Oil Magazines .00
29 Female NSW Urban Bachelor Greens No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro TV 44 Male SA Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Aware Not Affected 6 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers 40 Female NSW Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Not Affected 5 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar TV 41 Male QLD Urban High School Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Extremely Concerned Install if I Could Solar Other 31 Male $ 125,000 QLD Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 4 Extremely Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Social Media $40.00 38 Male NSW Urban Bachelor Coalition No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media $39.00 $24,300 43 Male $ 67,000 VIC Rural High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media 40 Female $ 65,000 NSW Rural Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Little Knowledge Not Affected 5 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV $40.00 $12,200 41 Male NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar State Govts Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Wind Other .00
$12,825 64 Female $ 22,500 SA Urban TAFE Greens No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers $33.00 $15,850 40 Male SA Urban TAFE Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media 52 Female $ 110,000 WA Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media 41 Male $ 55,000 VIC Urban High School Other Yes Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Wind Internet 38 Female $ 12,100 NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Magazines $51.00 69 Male VIC Urban TAFE Greens Yes Satisfied State Govts Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 11 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Wind Newspapers $100.00 $11,650 26 Male $ 19,600 NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media 26 Female VIC Rural High School Other No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Internet 45 Female $ 92,000 QLD Rural Bachelor Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Little Knowledge Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media $19.00 26 Male $ 28,200 NT Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar TV $10.00 33 Female $ 57,000 NT Urban High School Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Internet 38 Male $ 71,000 QLD Urban High School Greens Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Coal Other $0.00 $23,450 36 Female $ 63,700 SA Urban High School Labour No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Other $72.00 36 Female $ 13,600 VIC Urban Postgrad Degree Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Magazines $31.00 $11,850 45 Male $ 20,600 WA Rural Pre High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Wind Social Media 45 Female SA Urban High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Social Media $17.00 $10,225 34 Male $ 13,600 QLD Rural Postgrad Degree Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Magazines $14,275 51 Male $ 28,200 QLD Urban High School Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media $9,925 38 Male $ 13,600 NSW Urban Bachelor Other No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media 58 Male $ 26,300 ACT Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar TV $0.00 $11,300 54 Female $ 13,600 VIC Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Oil Internet $13,175 57 Female TAS Rural High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families No Climate Change Very Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned Install if I Could Coal Research Journals $676.00 43 Male $ 90,000 VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 6 Extremely Concerned Already Installed Wind Social Media 40 Male NSW Urban Bachelor Greens Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 5 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Magazines 45 Male VIC Rural High School Coalition Yes Very Dissatisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Magazines 54 Female $ 58,000 ACT Rural High School Other No Satisfied Individuals/Families No Climate Change Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 8 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Gas Other 43 Female NSW Rural Postgrad Degree Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Industry/Companys Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Hydro Social Media 48 Male $ 68,000 WA Rural Pre High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Aware Severly Affected 7 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Social Media $156.00 $13,850 44 Female $ 29,200 SA Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 57 Male QLD Urban TAFE Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Severly Affected 9 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Other 20 Male $ 125,000 NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Satisfied State Govts Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Internet $29.00 $11,325 49 Male $ 18,700 NSW Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar TV $0.00 39 Female $ 63,200 TAS Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Other $924.00 41 Male SA Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Not Affected 6 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro TV $12.00 $10,175 37 Female $ 8,600 NT Urban Postgrad Degree Labour No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Nuclear Magazines 65 Male NSW Urban TAFE Coalition Yes Satisfied Industry/Companys Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Research Journals 50 Male $ 90,000 NSW Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Social Media 57 Male SA Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Internet 48 Female NSW Urban TAFE Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 7 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV 53 Female $ 21,300 NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Newspapers $76.00 52 Male $ 71,000 NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar TV 38 Female WA Rural Postgrad Degree Other Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Severly Affected 1 Extremely Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Internet $50.00 $10,125 33 Male $ 13,200 NSW Rural High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Social Media 63 Female $ 18,300 ACT Urban Bachelor Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Not Affected 10 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Social Media $32,700 51 Male $ 83,000 NSW Urban High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Internet 43 Male $ 75,900 NSW Rural High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media 44 Male VIC Urban High School Greens No Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Other $92.00 $10,975 30 Female $ 16,800 SA Urban Pre High School Coalition No Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Social Media 42 Male SA Urban Bachelor Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Magazines $74.00 $11,900 62 Female $ 16,800 QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 10 Not Concerned Already Installed Gas Newspapers 38 Female TAS Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Magazines .00
$13,750 54 Male $ 24,400 NSW Urban High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Oil TV 52 Female $ 70,000 SA Urban High School Labour Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Magazines $54.00 $10,575 38 Female $ 16,600 VIC Urban Bachelor Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Newspapers $18,350 55 Female $ 40,000 NT Urban Bachelor Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Not Affected 8 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind Social Media $12,700 43 Female $ 24,300 VIC Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Newspapers $10,200 25 Female $ 13,600 VIC Urban High School Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Not Concerned Plan to Install Coal Internet $10,625 36 Male $ 16,800 TAS Urban Pre High School Other Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media $10,700 53 Female $ 13,000 VIC Rural Postgrad Degree Coalition No Very Satisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Severly Affected 8 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media $0.00 $12,700 28 Male $ 18,700 SA Urban Bachelor Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Other 32 Female NSW Urban High School Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Slightly Concerned Plan to Install Solar Internet 40 Female $ 15,100 VIC Urban TAFE Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 5 Very Concerned Plan to Install Wind Social Media $128.00 $13,300 57 Male $ 24,400 SA Rural High School Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV 27 Male $ 26,300 VIC Urban High School Coalition No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Gas Internet 38 Male $ 58,000 VIC Urban High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro Other 28 Female VIC Urban High School Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 1 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Gas TV 52 Female QLD Urban TAFE Labour Yes Satisfied Local Govts Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 8 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Other 39 Female NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Coal Magazines 36 Male $ 92,000 NSW Urban Bachelor Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Not Affected 5 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Wind TV 38 Female $ 62,000 NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Not Concerned Plan to Install Coal TV 41 Male SA Rural High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Social Media 27 Female $ 95,000 NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 3 Very Concerned Already Installed Oil Social Media $9,200 32 Female $ 9,300 SA Urban Pre High School Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Other $16,325 39 Male NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Coal Other 51 Male $ 95,000 VIC Urban High School Labour No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media $11,325 42 Female $ 18,700 SA Urban TAFE Greens No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Coal Magazines $0.00 30 Female NSW Rural Postgrad Degree Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Coal Social Media 24 Male $ 49,000 WA Rural Postgrad Degree Other Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Little Knowledge Severly Affected 1 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Social Media $11,325 33 Male $ 18,700 QLD Rural High School Coalition Yes Very Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Magazines $50.00 $10,525 61 Male $ 13,600 WA Urban TAFE Labour Yes Satisfied Individuals/Families Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media 39 Female $ 10,600 TAS Urban Bachelor Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Newspapers 23 Male $ 24,400 ACT Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Oil Internet 55 Male QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Individuals/Families No Climate Change Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 8 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Research Journals $10,200 43 Female $ 13,600 QLD Rural High School Coalition Yes Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Install if I Could Coal Social Media $39.00 $10,950 43 Female $ 16,800 WA Rural Bachelor Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers $35,375 50 Male $ 110,000 QLD Urban TAFE Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Severly Affected 7 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Coal TV $141.00 43 Female NSW Rural High School Coalition No Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Internet 49 Female NSW Urban High School Labour No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Somewhat Affected 7 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 63 Female SA Urban Pre High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Not Concerned Already Installed Gas Research Journals 33 Female TAS Urban Bachelor Greens Yes Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Magazines 35 Male $ 76,000 WA Urban High School Coalition No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Solar Social Media 21 Female $ 63,300 NSW Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Plan to Install Wind Social Media 63 Female $ 20,600 NSW Urban TAFE Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Severly Affected 10 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV 36 Female $ 70,000 QLD Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Internet 28 Female SA Rural Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied Industry/Companys Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro Internet $12,700 43 Female $ 24,300 VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar Social Media 44 Female $ 22,800 WA Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Newspapers 25 Female WA Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural No Interest/Awareness Not Affected 2 Not Concerned Already Installed Hydro Magazines $383.00 27 Male $ 153,000 SA Urban Pre High School Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human No Interest/Awareness Severly Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Internet 22 Female $ 60,000 NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 2 Not Concerned Already Installed Nuclear Newspapers $128.00 $13,675 33 Male $ 28,200 NSW Urban High School Labour No Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar TV $169.00 25 Male $ 26,300 VIC Urban Postgrad Degree Labour Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Already Installed Nuclear Social Media $78.00 $11,325 47 Female $ 18,700 NT Urban Postgrad Degree Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 7 Very Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV $30.00 $10,950 44 Male $ 16,800 SA Urban Pre High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Severly Affected 2 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Newspapers 26 Male $ 71,000 SA Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Slightly Concerned Install if I Could Hydro Magazines 47 Female $ 12,300 SA Urban Bachelor Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Unsure Very Aware Not Affected 7 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet $307.00 35 Female $ 63,200 VIC Urban Bachelor Greens Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Aware Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Coal Internet $43.00 41 Male ACT Urban High School Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Wind Magazines $51.00 32 Male VIC Urban High School Coalition Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal Internet 34 Female VIC Urban Pre High School Labour No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Aware Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Newspapers $0.00 31 Male QLD Urban Postgrad Degree Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Solar Internet 31 Male $ 58,000 NSW Urban Bachelor Labour No Very Satisfied State Govts Mostly Human Little Knowledge Not Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar TV 57 Male NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Very Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned Plan to Install Hydro Newspapers $10.00 32 Female VIC Urban High School Labour Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet 44 Male $ 248,000 NSW Urban Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural No Interest/Awareness Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Social Media 29 Male $ 60,000 NSW Urban High School Greens Yes Very Satisfied Individuals/Families Mostly Human Little Knowledge Somewhat Affected 3 Not Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Coal TV $20.00 $12,325 56 Male $ 20,600 NSW Rural High School Coalition No Very Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Human Very Aware Somewhat Affected 9 Very Concerned Already Installed Solar Internet $357.00 $14,575 28 Male $ 32,000 WA Urban High School Labour Yes Satisfied Australian Govt No Climate Change Very Aware Somewhat Affected 3 Somewhat Concerned Already Installed Hydro Other 42 Female VIC Rural Bachelor Greens No Dissatisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Not Affected 6 Very Concerned Already Installed Coal Internet 22 Female NSW Urban Bachelor Greens Yes Satisfied Industry/Companys Mostly Human Very Aware Not Affected 2 Slightly Concerned Already Installed Nuclear TV $78.00 35 Female SA Urban Postgrad Degree Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Severly Affected 4 Somewhat Concerned Plan to Install Coal Other 52 Female SA Urban Bachelor Coalition No Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural No Interest/Awareness Not Affected 4 Extremely Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Social Media for mean (σ known)
Sample Mean (X) of the Mean
ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! Margin of Error ERROR:#NUM! Margin of Error ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! Interval Lower Limit ERROR:#NUM! Interval Lower Limit ERROR:#DIV/0! Limit
ERROR:#DIV/0! Interval Upper Limit ERROR:#NUM! Interval Upper Limit ERROR:#DIV/0! ‘. Note that ‘<>‘ represents not equal.
Hypotheses µ = “,IF(D12=”<","≥","="))
Null Hypothesis π ≤ µ <> Alternative Hypothesis π > Test Type Upper Level of significance α (Use decimal) Critical Region ERROR:#NUM! ERROR:#NUM! ERROR:#NUM! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#DIV/0! ERROR:#VALUE! ERROR:#DIV/0! Data Data Sampling Error (Use %) Confidence Level (Use %) Confidence Level (Use %) Intermediate Calculations Intermediate Calculations 0.0000 Z value 0.0000 ERROR:#DIV/0! Calculated Sample Size ERROR:#DIV/0! Result ERROR:#DIV/0! Sample Size Needed ERROR:#DIV/0!
Variable Name
Amount willing to pay monthly ($) in order to have net zero electricity bills through renewable energy (e.g.
Amount willing to pay up front ($) in order to have net zero electricity bills through renewable energy (e.g. Solar panels with battery)
Your Age in Years
Gender you most identify with
Your income in Dollars
State in which you normally reside
If you live in a city or the country
The highest level of Education achieved
High School
Postgrad Degree
Which political party you most associate yourself with
Belief that Australia should financially support developing countries in their efforts to address Climate Change
How happy you are with the Australian Government’s current policies on Climate Change
Very Satisfied
Lead Role
Who should take the most responsibility in addressing Climate Change
{Australian government, State governments, Local government, Industry/Companies,
Who/what you think is most responsible for Climate Change
Mostly Human
Mostly Natural
Awareness you have regarding Climate Change
Very Aware
The extent you believe you have been affected by Climate Change
{Severely affected, Somewhat affected, Not affected}
Seriousness of Climate Change on Australian society (
{1, 2,
Your concern with current situation regarding Climate Change
{Not concerned, Slightly concerned, Somewhat concerned, Very concerned, Extremely concerned}
Willingness to Install Solar Panels
Already Installed
Plan to Install
Which Energy Source you believe should be Australia’s largest contributor to national Electricity generation
Your preferred News Source to learn about Climate Change
Research Journals
Social Media
Australian Govt
Little Knowledge
Severly Affected
Slightly Concerned
No Plan/Do Not Want
Not Concerned
Not Affected
Somewhat Concerned
Very Dissatisfied
No Climate Change
Somewhat Affected
Extremely Concerned
$ 46,
$ 30,100
Very Concerned
$ 18,700
State Govts
Install if I Could
$ 2
$ 16,800
$ 24,
$ 24,600
$ 40,600
$ 18,100
$ 19,700
$ 57,000
Pre High School
$ 30,700
$ 56,200
No Interest/Awareness
$ 28,000
$ 13,
$ 68,000
$ 24,200
$ 70,000
$ 18,500
$ 26,000
$ 33,400
Local Govts
$ 33,200
38 $0.00
$ 14,300
$ 23,800
40 $10.00
$ 60,000
$ 55,000
$ 37,900
$ 12,300
$ 32,000
$ 72,000
46 $0.00
48 $917.00
$ 34,000
51 $10.00
$ 23,200
54 $17.00
$ 42,300
$ 20,600
57 $26.00 $13,100 39 Male
$ 28,300
$ 24,700
$ 21,300
$ 63,700
$ 19,100
$ 92,000
$ 16,900
$ 81,990
$ 52,800
$ 63,800
70 $31.00
$ 13,600
$ 12,100
$ 20,000
$ 16,600
$ 22,400
76 $31.00
$ 23,500
77 $44.00
$ 45,500
$ 22,300
$ 27,500
$ 61,000
$ 31,000
84 $0.00
$ 38,100
$ 7,000
$ 26,300
$ 39,700
$ 10,000
$ 23,400
90 $28.00
$ 59,000
$ 21,100
$ 34,300
$ 16,200
$ 22,500
$ 29,200
$ 90,000
$ 22,000
98 $72.00
$ 59,200
$ 22,800
$ 19,600
$ 65,000
$ 49,300
104 $0.00
$ 18,000
$ 24,300
$ 20,200
$ 26,400
$ 27,600
$ 86,400
$ 67,000
$ 58,000
$ 47,600
$ 20,300
$ 83,000
$ 42,600
$ 95,000
$ 8,600
$ 76,300
$ 28,200
$ 21,900
$ 7,200
$ 9,100
$ 15,800
141 $10.00
$ 24,400
$ 49,000
$ 28,900
146 $0.00
$ 40,000
$ 110,000
$ 29,400
$ 33,900
$ 103,200
$ 35,800
$ 35,200
159 $105.00
$ 48,300
$ 14,700
$ 160,000
$ 46,000
$ 6,500
172 $54.00
$ 5,100
$ 29,800
$ 15,500
$ 7,900
$ 9,300
$ 42,700
188 $84.00
$ 4,000
$ 19,000
$ 17,000
$ 13,200
$ 42,000
$ 11,100
$ 140,000
$ 63,300
208 $34.00 $14,700 30 Female
$ 32,500
$ 125,000
$ 36,100
$ 29,600
$ 16,300
$ 152,000
$ 56,000
$ 402,000
$ 76,000
$ 57,800
$ 62,000
$ 25,000
$ 5,800
$ 13,000
$ 39,900
$ 10,300
$ 74,200
$ 143,000
$ 69,000
250 $0.00 $10,625 30 Female
$ 15,300
$ 41,300
$ 13,700
$ 75,900
$ 33,000
$ 63,200
$ 248,000
$ 59,600
262 $30.00
$ 15,100
$ 185,000
$ 153,000
$ 18,300
$ 79,500
$ 71,000
$ 344,300
$ 40,200
275 $96.00
$ 22,100
$ 37,700
$ 29,500
$ 80,000
288 $96.00
$ 69,600
$ 23,900
300 $0.00
$ 43,400
$ 44,000
$ 42,400
$ 44,800
$ 213,000
312 $30.00
$ 38,800
$ 48,000
$ 10,600
$ 41,000
322 $21.00
$ 265,100
325 $338.00
$ 46,900
327 $0.00
$ 13,800
337 $143.00
$ 8,500
338 $39.00
341 $0.00
342 $0.00
$ 26,600
343 $73.00
$ 37,000
$ 39,100
$ 176,300
$ 43,300
$ 8,300
354 $149.00
357 $21.00 $14,700 37 Male $ 35,800 WA Urban High School Coalition Yes Unsure/Unfamilar Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 5 Somewhat Concerned Install if I Could Solar Newspapers
$ 52,000
$ 64,000
365 $40.00
$ 55,800
366 $38.00
$ 19,800
367 $31.00
$ 31,600
372 $40.00
$ 33,300
375 $33.00
$ 63,000
377 $0.00
384 $37.00 $11,325 41 Female $ 18,700 ACT Urban High School Coalition Yes Satisfied Australian Govt Mostly Natural Very Aware Somewhat Affected 6 Somewhat Concerned No Plan/Do Not Want Hydro Social Media
$ 39,200
$ 77,000
$ 122,000
$ 36,000
$ 44,100
$ 10,800
$ 5,000
$ 41,500
$ 6,300
$ 272,000
CI – Template
Instructions (Note: These are Template – copy to your Q1 – Q6 tabs as necessary)
1. Cells shaded in blue are for inputs (it is important that you do not change any other cells)
2. Cells shaded in green represent final results or important calculations
3. Non-shaded cells show intermediate results
Confidence Interval
Confidence Interval for mean (σ unknown)
Confidence Interval for proportion (
Data Data
Population Standard Deviation
Sample Standard Deviation
Sample Size
Sample Mean
Count of Successes
Sample Size Sample Size
Confidence Level
(Use %)
Confidence Level (Use %) Confidence Level (Use %)
Intermediate Calculations
Intermediate Calculations Intermediate Calculations
Standard Error
Standard Error of the Mean
Sample Proportion
Degrees of Freedom
Z Value
Z Value 0.0000
t Value
Standard Error of the Proportion
Margin of Error
Confidence Interval Confidence Interval Confidence Interval
Interval Lower Limit
HT – Template
– Instructions (Note: These are Template – copy to your Q1 – Q6 tabs as necessary)
1. Cells shaded in blue are for inputs (it is important that you do not change any other cells)
2. Cells shaded in green represent final results or important calculations
3. Non-shaded cells show intermediate results
4. In cells D7 and J7 the ONLY valid values are ‘<', '>‘ or ‘
Hypothesis Test for
Hypothesis Test for π (Proportion)
Null Hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis
Test Type
Level of significance
(Use decimal)
Critical Region
Degrees of Freedom -1
Critical Value
Lower Critical Value
Upper Critical Value
Sample Data
Sample Data Sample Size
Sample Standard Deviation
Count of ‘Successes’
Sample Mean
Sample Size
Sample proportion, p
Standard Error
Standard Error of the Mean ERROR:#DIV/0!
Z Sample Statistic
t Sample Statistic
p-value ERROR:#VALUE!
Decision ERROR:#DIV/0!
=IF(E27 SS – Template
– Instructions (Note: These are Template – copy to your Q1 – Q6 tabs as necessary)
1. Cells shaded in blue are for inputs (it is important that you do not change any other cells)
2. Cells shaded in green represent final results or important calculations
3. Non-shaded cells show intermediate results
Sample size for a Mean
Sample size for a Proportion
Population Standard Deviation
Estimate of True Proportion
Sampling Error
Z value
Calculated Sample Size
Sample Size Needed