The assignment needs do be done by someone with a background in Digital Forensics, or a background in I.T. as well as Forensic Science.
Forensic Computer/Digital Examiner
This paper must be researched and written using the Forensic Discipline you choose in the Forensic Discipline Topics Discussion during Week 1. You will be expected to carry out research, using outside resources. In addition to the discussion of your topic, you will be expected to find a real-life case with enough detailed information to discuss it in relation to the forensic discipline in your paper.
The sources you use for this assignment should include at least two outside sources or articles. One of your outside sources can be any of the provided classroom readings. The source(s) of your real-life case do not count towards your two outside sources. Significant amounts of information from these outside sources should be incorporated into your paper. Wikipedia is NOT an appropriate outside source for any college level paper and should not be used as an outside source in this paper.
This paper is expected to be your explanation of this particular discipline, although you are expected to incorporate and apply the course material and material from the outside sources to your forensic discipline. To show your critical thinking and that you incorporated your outside references into your paper, the entirety of your paper must be written in your own words. You may not use quotations in your paper.
Make sure that you provide in-text citations throughout your paper, using APA format. Remember that for any information you receive from outside sources, whether you quote it, paraphrase it or summarize it, you must provide citations telling the reader where that outside information came from.
Your paper should contain the following items:
· Cover/Title Page
· Introduction
· Body of Paper
· Discipline Specifics to include:
· History
· Education and/or certification requirements
· Types of evidence examined
· Types of instrumentation utilized for evidence examination
· Inclusion of a real-life case that utilized this discipline
· Discuss if the discipline assisted in providing investigative leads in solving the case
· Analysis must incorporate information received from 2 outside sources
· Conclusion
· References Page
Format Requirements
· Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1” margins all around.
· The body of the paper (not including the cover page or the references page) must be between 900 and 1,500 words.
· All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC – learning resources found in the content page of this course.
· You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information. These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.
· Paper must be saved as LastName-Week 8 Paper (i.e. Blankenship-Week 8 Paper).