20181012214813how_to_complete_the_assignment x20181012214814anovavideotranscript
For this Assignment, you will continue your practice as a critical consumer of research. You will critically evaluate a scholarly article related to one-way ANOVA testing.
How to complete the assignment:
Select a quantitative article from a peer-reviewed journal that reports on research that uses a one-way ANOVA for statistical analysis.
Write a 2- to 3-page critique of the article you found. In your critique, include responses to the following:
Why did the authors use this one-way ANOVA test?
Do you think it’s the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?
Did the authors display the data?
Does the results table stand-alone (i.e., are you able to interpret the study from it?) Why or why not?
Follow the attached guidelines for assistance when completing the assignment.
Be sure to use proper APA format, citations, and referencing.
6210 Week 7 Assignment 2
How to Critique a Journal Article
Note: This assignment is basically the same as the weeks previous assignments, except it requires a research article that reports with a one-way ANOVA.
Warning: there are several different types of ANOVA to include
-One-way repeated measures ANOVA (this is not a one-way ANOVA)
-Factorial ANOVA
You want to avoid these because they will hurt your head and they are also beyond the scope of his course. Find an article that uses a
. Remember, you want to discuss
1. Select a quantitative article from a peer-reviewed journal that reports on research that uses a one-way ANOVA for statistical analysis.
2. Write a critique:
State that the researchers used a one-way ANOVA and explain why or why not that choice is correct. Hint: if you believe the one-way ANOVA choice is incorrect, find another article.
Explain why the researchers chose a one-way ANOVA. Do this by examining the RQ, null hypothesis, IV and DV:
The RQ should address differences in the DV based on the IV.
The IV must be nominal with 3 or more 2 levels (groups).
The DV should be interval or ratio.
3. Discuss the data display (datasets, charts, graphs, etc.): Hint; if the display requires a written explanation it should not be in the article.
4. Discuss if the data stand alone:
Review the results section for statements that reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis and/or state statistical significance has or has not been achieved.
If the statement(s) are supported by the statistics, then the data ‘stand alone.’ If the statement(s) are not supported by the statistics then the data do not ‘stand alone.’
One-Way ANOVA Demonstration
One-Way ANOVA Demonstration
Program Transcript
MATT JONES: This week we’re going to be introducing you to one-way ANOVA.
This is a comparisons-of-means test. Let’s go to SPSS to see how we’ll perform
this specific test. To perform the one-way ANOVA in SPSS, we start up at the
Analyze tab. If we click that, we get a dropdown menu.
Since one-way ANOVA over is a comparisons-of-means test, we can move our
cursor down to Compare Means, scroll across, and we see that one-way ANOVA
is down at the bottom. If we click on that, a dialog box is opened up, where we
have a Dependent List and a Factor. For one-way ANOVA, our dependent
variable needs to be a metric level variable. That is it’s an interval or ratio level of
measurement. This is important because one one-way ANOVA compares means
across a factor.
The factor is our grouping variable. This needs to be a categorical variable.
Typically, one-way ANOVA is used with grouping variables that have three or
more levels or attributes to them. In this case, let’s go ahead and test whether the
means of the socioeconomic status index differ across a respondent’s highest
To begin with, well, we’ll go ahead, and we’ll put socioeconomic status index into
our Dependent List box. So you can see off to the left are choice of variables.
Socioeconomic Status is down towards the bottom of our Variable list. If I place
my cursor over it, we’ll see it highlighted. You’ll also note, again, a little scale
ruler off to the left, which indicates that this is an interval-ratio-level variable.
Once I click on that variable, it’s highlighted. I can just simply click on the arrow
box, which moves that variable over into the Dependent List. Now I need to make
sure and enter my factor as well. I’ll scroll up till I find Respondents Highest
Degree. I can see that it’s right here. I can hover over this variable and then
highlight it.
Again, click on my arrow that places it into the Factor box. For basic omnibus
ANOVA test, we are finished. We can go ahead and click OK and examine our
output. This is the SPSS one-way ANOVA omnibus output. You can see here
Respondent Socioeconomic Index is our dependent variable.
SPSS provides us with information about between-groups and within-groups
variance. The between-groups variance is a squared deviations between the
groups. The within-groups variance, also known as unexplained variance, is the
variance within the sample. A ratio of the mean square of between groups to
within groups is how we obtain the F-value. The F statistic is a critical value that
determines the significance of our test.
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One-Way ANOVA Demonstration
Here we can see that the significance level is 0.000. This significance level is
well below the conventional threshold of 0.5. Therefore we can reject the null
hypothesis that there are no differences in socioeconomic status index across
respondents highest degree. To find out where possible differences lie, we have
to perform a post-hoc test.
To perform a post-hoc test, we once again go back up to our Analyze, Compare
Means, One-Way ANOVA. We can click on Post-Hocs, in here you’ll see that
there are a variety of options provided for you. We have equal variances
assumed and equal variances not assumed. At this point, we don’t know that
whether we have equality of variances, and this is something that we specifically
have to test for.
But as you’re performing the one-way ANOVA test, you can choose an equal
variances assumed test, an equal variances not assumed test, and then on your
output, go to the appropriate test after examining the variances. So we can click
on a Bonferroni Test for equal variances and also Games-Howell for equal
variances not assumed. Click Continue.
If we click our Options box, this is how we determine whether we have
homogeneity of variances, or said another way, equality of variances. As you
know from your reading, this is an assumption of the one-way ANOVA test. If we
click on that and activate this test, going to hit Continue and then click OK. Right
away you’ll see that we get quite a bit more output than we had before.
Our first piece of output is the test of homogeneity of variances, also known as a
Levene’s test. This tests the null hypothesis of homogeneity of variances. Here, if
you look at the significance level, you’ll see that we are at 0.000, which is well
below the threshold of 0.05. This means we reject our null hypothesis that
variances are equal. Therefore, we have to assume that the variances are not
equal in the one-way ANOVA.
As we noted before, the overall test, also sometimes referred to as the omnibus
test, is significant. Since the omnibus test is significant, we know that at least one
of the means differs from another. Therefore we need to examine our post-hoc
tests to determine which means differ. Again, moving with the assumption of
inequality of variances, we have to move down to our Games-Howell all Post-
Hoc test.
If you remember, we chose Bonferroni as a test for equality of variances, but
tested for the equality of variances and found they were not equal. The Games-
Howell test performs a pairwise comparison for all levels of our variable. Here
you’ll see less than high schools compared to high school, less than high school
to junior college, less than high school to bachelor, less than high school to
graduate, and so forth, until all possible combinations are achieved.
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One-Way ANOVA Demonstration
The next column shows us our mean difference. We can see that on the
socioeconomic status index, our dependent variable, those with less than high
school have a mean score of 10.08 units lower than high school. If we move over
to our significance level, we see that, indeed, this pairwise comparison is
statistically significant a at the 0.05. Therefore there is a statistically significant
difference between those with less than high school and those with a high school
As we move down our output, we can examine all of these pairwise comparisons.
Again, less than high school to junior college, there is a difference of 17.38, and it
is statistically significant. If we move to a less than high school to bachelor’s, we
can see that the difference increases. Again, it is statistically significant, and the
same is true for less than high school to graduate.
Moving through our output, we can go ahead and examine all of these pairwise
comparisons, move over to our significance column, and see that they are indeed
all statistically significant. You’ll notice on the main difference that SPSS also
puts an asterisk next to each mean difference to highlight or flag those
differences that are statistically significant. We can conclude from our output and
our post-hoc tests that there is indeed a difference in socioeconomic status index
across respondents highest degree and that all pairwise comparisons are
statistically significant, concluding that the higher a respondent’s degree, the
higher their socioeconomic status index on average.
And that concludes our SPSS demonstration on one-way ANOVA. As a couple of
parting thoughts, be sure and remember that your dependent variable in one-way
ANOVA needs to be a metric variable, that is an interval ratio level of
measurement. Your independent variable, or your factor, needs to be a
categorical variable. This is because one-way ANOVA of is a comparison-of-
means test.
Also, it’s very important to test the assumption for homogeneity of variances, so
be sure and look at that Levene’s test. If you have any further questions, be sure
and use your textbook. And also, your instructor is a very valuable resource.
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