You will submit your creative work. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course from both instructor and peers.
Specifically, the following critical elements should be addressed:
I. Contextual Norms: Craft an original short creative work that meets the following specifications:
A. Adhere to the contextual norms related to structure and form to communicate the ultimate message of your work.
B. Integrate the contextual norms related to establishing a style and voice for your creative work as appropriate for the purposes of your work based on what you have learned in this course. You will explain your choices in your reflective paragraph
C. Use appropriate grammatical construction to ensure clarity of the overall work.
D. Employ creative writing techniques appropriate for your selected form and the meaning of your work. These techniques will differ among the forms, but may include skills or techniques such as tone, point of view, voice, character, narrative structures, poetic structures, imagery, an rhythm.
E. Feature a complete, cohesive narrative, theme, or topic that moves from beginning to end, rather than an excerpt from a larger piece.
For fiction, you will write a complete short story. This story should be 3 to 5 pages in length. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. For nonfiction, you will write an paper, a memoir, or a personal journalism piece. This work should be 3 to 5 pages in length. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins
Overall, I think your next draft could benefit from a little more Show, Not Tell. The bulk of the story is being told in passive language: “It WAS cold snow”, “It WAS one of the most perfect…”, etc. That’s passive (telling) rather than showing. Show us the scene. Show us what it looks like using active verbs!
Integrates genre norms but with deviations or integrations that are not appropriate for establishing a style and voice within the purpose of the work based on course materials
Overall, you could use a final edit, especially for grammar. Part of the problem is you’re also shifting between past and present tenses! Be sure to pick one and stay consistent.
Here’s my biggest note… Why is the narrator the one telling this story as opposed to the unnamed friend? This is the friend’s story, no the narrator’s. There’s definitely a lacking point of view.
Also, I’d recommend naming the characters. It’s hard to keep track of who’s who when you’re just writing “my friend” over and over. I believe you refer to the friend as “he” and “she”, too – so it seems like even you might be getting confused…
It was cold snow in New York. Different forms of flakes were falling from the sky peacefully and calmly. The ideal nature of snow had already been on the ground from the previous night but the speed of pilling was high and in an impressive manner. It was one of the most perfect dark lights where people were able to see the whiteness of the snow perfectly. My friend who was standing by the window side was watching how the snow was arising and coming down. She was unable to think of some alterations from research as she slowly started to move down on her big belly and started to rub it gently. On the same level, she immediately had that sense of love and happiness. Not only after her changes had that different form of had issue raised.
It all started in 2018 when my friend who was a junior had research on how to become a kindergarten teacher in the future. She had recently broken up with her ex-boyfriend which was the worst issue in her life. To her, it was an issue that was verbally abusive. In some cases, he would just awful words to her with the motive of making her feel being unwanted especially when he is close to his friends. On the same level, she lost a lot of his friends in this sought relationship. In the beginning, he was very nice to them but as time progressed different alternative levels worked out making the relationship open up for new languages which manipulate changes in the manner of doing some of the facts with his friends. The manner of how they interacted can stand up to be an issue that needs careful reasoning as most of his friends were against the mode of words uttered and interactive level. This raised various ideal issues which might take time for the evaluation to take an effective level and turn up.
The manner in how some of the issues are worked abide with the impression of an anniversary. My friend decided to set up a nice dinner with most of the expensive things like lobster and oysters only to find out that the outcome was not as hugely planned. It was an ideal fact which started at exactly 5:00 where she was sitting at the table waiting for his boyfriend to walk in but then until 6:00 there was no turn-up. My friend started to develop some sought of frustration where she finally heard the jingle of keys in the door at almost 7:00. His boyfriend walked in saying, I am sorry I was late and the impact was long study sessions and research. All of these excuses were still used in the previous interaction level. She always pretended to be okay but she did to avoid a lot of arguments. They all sat down and began to eat when the boyfriend is started to nitpick the food by uttering some sought of harsh words which end up with total disruption. His girlfriend just decided to keep quiet for him to yell all of his words which led to an abrupt and storm tension in the room.
Looking at the ought of discussion which ought for this change made my friend make her own personal and decisive decision which is an issue that she loved to do in the previous set of life. She was walking reflecting on the manner of how the general interaction might have led towards some of the alternations. My friend always loved art in high school but his boyfriend changed that for her by calling it dumb and a waste of one’s time. In this instance, she quickly took the flier and felt highly empowered where his friend was not interested in some of the ideas. However, most of the facts in this creative work show that her emotions have an influence and impact on how people should set their life towards the interaction level.
After a few days of quarrels and dating, the two decided to break up which was an issue that happened when they went out for dinner where there was a misunderstanding. The manner of how words were uttered gave clear evidence that they were not together in the manner of reflecting ideas which was an issue that plates for change and recount for the basic and ideal issue. The level of interaction has minimized some of the recount facts where his boyfriend was not comfortable with some of the issue that blows for changes and open up for an elusive outcome that opens up for any sought of relationship. To culminate, there is always a need to show memorized changes in life which is a fact that changes the completeness and excitement that abide on people with joyful level and other rests of lives.