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CE 341: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Homework #9: “Design Your Study” Part I
Due: 10/27/16 by 2pm
Place in my mailbox (West 134G) or Email to:
Problem Background
: The only uranium mining in Washington State was by Newmont Mining who mined on the Spokane Indian Reservation (Sherwood Uranium Mine and the Midnite Uranium Mine). Among Newmont Mining’s many holdings, its majority interest in the Dawn Mining Company, which until 1981 operated the Midnite Mine on the Spokane Indian Reservation. The open-pit uranium mine is the source of radiation and heavy metal contamination of Blue Creek, which flows into the Spokane River arm of Lake Roosevelt.
“Zone of White Death”
: Ecological stresses from metal oxide deposition, pH, and Zinc are common downstream of mine sites. Aluminum oxide can cover ecosystems with a white coating, which has varying impacts at different trophic levels.
Design a study that addresses the following concerns
1) What biological indices (metrics) would you use to determine the impact of contaminants on i.) biodiversity? ii.) process rates?
2) Are there any physical and/or chemical parameters that need to be
determined? If so, which ones?
3) Based on your answers above, what is the order of tasks that should be
performed during the study?
Reading Assignment: please use the link below for additional background information.
Written Assignment:
I am an environmental engineering consulting firm looking to hire you as a consultant. From local residents’ accounts, it is clear that water emerging below the waste rock and ore piles is still making its way into Blue Creek, in spite of the EPA project to capture contaminated water for treatment in an on-site treatment system. Provide me with a 3-5 page written response in report format to the questions above. Please include an introduction (with background info) and conclusions in your report. Use diagrams, tables and figures as you see fit. Be sure to properly cite your sources.
On a personal note…I have worked the past five years with Spokane Tribe of Indians and this issue is REAL! When we attempted to use Blue Creek as a sampling site where we’d take students to learn about water quality measurements, not one family would allow us to do so. This is not to say that the EPA isn’t making real strides in the mine clean up. However, the creek still shows signs of distress. Good luck with this assignment. Please let me know if you want to discuss any parts of it.
Note: ABET-Accreditation Student Learning Outcomes for this assignment include: