APA FormatNo Plagiarism
This week’s assignment is the final, revised draft of your Argument Research Paper. This final copy will demonstrate the argument, writing, and revision techniques studied in the course and will build upon the steps you have taken in previous weeks toward thoroughly and carefully revising your Argument Research Paper.
Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay Final Draft:
· Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:
· Headers with pagination
· Title Page
· Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation
· APA in-text citation and referencing for all sources
· Do not divide your essay into sections.
· Do not use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer APA essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles, employ APA-style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next should be signaled through your use of the effective transition and topic sentence rules we have practiced.
· 6-8 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or references
· Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs, and your conclusion paragraph
· At least 5 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced
Argument Research Essay First Draft
Javier Hernandez Tamayo
Chamberlain University
English 14
Professor Szpara
February 5, 2022
Amy Szpara
Make sure to title this with something related to the topic.
Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals are not treated fairly due to Mandatory
COVID-19 Vaccination.
Since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in 2019 Dec in Wuhan, China, the world
has been taken by storm by the pandemic. Massive theories have emerged about the virus since
this is the first time it is being addressed. Healthcare professionals have been on the front line to
offer assistance to affected victims and the challenge is that even medical professionals have
been a vulnerable population with extremely high levels of exposure and contraction. As a way
of saving people, pharmaceutical companies have been working round the clock to come up with
vaccines that would help the body to develop right antibodies to fight the virus. With different
pharmaceutical companies inventing a vaccine, the United States government have taken the
issue an notch higher by making it a law that all nurses and healthcare providers must get
vaccinated and failure to do they opt for voluntary termination. From the situation, many has
been forced to get vaccinated against their will to secure their careers while others have been
terminated leading to loss of livelihood. The situation does not sound fair because in a free and
democratic country, people and in this case nurses have a right to make decision on whether to
get vaccinated or not. The way nurses are being treated on the basis of mandatory vaccination is
not fair and other effective and professional methods to handle the situation should be created
and reinforced to create a balanced environment for the nurses, patients, and general members of
the public.
According to Maltezou, et al., (2019); since the vaccine was introduced and with the
number of people vaccinated, COVID 19 Vaccine does not seem to be the solution for the
pandemic as promised. There are a lot of people who have developed other complications after
Amy Szpara
step further
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
…to do so means they…
Amy Szpara
Okay. You have a clear thesis here.
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
I’m seeing a few issues with subject-verb agreement, so that will be something to work on moving forward.
Amy Szpara
December 2019
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
being injected a new chemical in their body systems and the side effects have been the cause of
their death. From the fact that the vaccine has not proven to be the overall pandemic solution, it
is not ethical and professional to compel nurses simply because of their career to go through
mandatory vaccination of go through voluntary termination from their career. Nurses are placed
in a better position to understand the content of the vaccine, its effect on the body, and ability to
protect the body from contracting the virus (Kostoff, et al., 2020). It is from this understanding
that nurses should be granted a fair ground to make personal and informed decisions on whether
to get vaccinated or not without their livelihood being threatened.
The decision to have nurses undergo voluntary termination in the case they are against
mandatory vaccination is a direct method of promoting staff shortage in the industry. This comes
as a time when the country is in dire need of medical professionals from the increasing number
of affected patients visiting various medical facilities for attention (Williams, et al., 2020). Being
a time when nurses are needed by the government the most, it is not right to have them go
through termination since there are many other options available that can be used to keep nurses
safe from contracting or spreading the virus for instance wearing of protective gears (Manning,
et al., 2021). There are a lot of many other options the government can explore and make sure
that nurses due to high level of exposure are granted many other options and they have to
embrace some since they are only physically protective and would not have any form of side
effects on their bodies.
According to Maltezou, et al., (2019); mandatory COVID 19 vaccination represents an
ethical problem because it does not take in consideration other determinant factors such as
population health, socio-cultural factors, religious beliefs, population immunity status as well as
individual rights and willingness to accept the vaccine. These are important factors that any
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
Many people? What are the numbers on this?
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
That’s a good point.
Amy Szpara
, including
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
government should consider before making it mandatory for a certain group of people to engage
in an activity (Williams, et al., 2020). The failure to consider such factors appears like the order
is dictatorial in nature and has some hidden agenda that the government is trying to push. For
long, the government has been vocal on embracing diversity and this means cultures, religious
beliefs, and personal opinions must be considered in order to attain a democratic environment
(Manning, et al., 2021). Making it mandatory for nurses to go through mandatory vaccination
means that their individual rights as citizens is being snatched away from them. The more reason
is that there are nurses from religious beliefs that do not belief in vaccines, others are hindered by
their cultures, and others by personal beliefs and values which should be respected under the law.
Nevertheless, despite the situation being unfair for the nurses and medical professionals
directly affected by the ruling, it is important to understand that COVID 19 vaccination has
ability to reduce the risk of severe forms of SARS-COVID 19 (Parker, et al., 2021). For the
many that have been vaccinated against corona virus, a majority of them have been able to
overcome other variants of the virus that even have a higher impact on the body than the initial
virus. Moreover, as vaccination is becoming the order of the day, the number of infected cases is
reducing tremendously proving that the vaccine may not be the overall solution to the pandemic
but have a noticeable percentage of effectiveness that is perfectly working for some people
(Parker, et al., 2021). This is a perspective that nurses should use to consider their options and
make informed decisions but still does not guarantee the use of force and threat to have nurses
undergo vaccination.
Looking at the scenario when the pandemic was at its highest, the country was exposed to
lockdowns and later curfews that had an economic turndown. Other strict measures were also
introduced by the ministry of health for instance constant washing of hands, wearing of surgical
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara
For a long time
Amy Szpara
repetition here
Amy Szpara
I think it would be good to see some stats on the nursing shortages, how many have actually been fired, etc.
Amy Szpara
, including
Amy Szpara
masks to cover mouth and nose while communicating with another person, and maintaining
social distance (Maltezou, et al., 2019). All these measures were made mandatory with intentions
of saving lives something that has proven fruitful. The more reason is that with the application of
these measures, the spread rate has gone low leading to opening of economy and more people
contributing towards improving the already suffering economy. Despite the measure appearing
harsh, the overall intention of the government could be ensuring that nurses since they are
incharge of saving lives are safe so that they can assist many people to get back on their feet
bringing the country back to normalcy (Parker, et al., 2021). Despite the fact that the motive
could be noble, there should be professional communication and nurses convinced on why they
should support the vaccination so as not to make it sound mandatory and at the same time have
them vaccinated as they retain their employment opportunities.
Nurses should also consider that their job is highly sensitive and its overall purpose is
boost levels of public health. According to Centers for Disease Control, (2022) nurses are trained
to encourage and enlighten members of the public on the importance of engaging in activities
that would maintain quality health and safety (Williams, et al., 2020). One of the things that
nurses have done professionally is conducting immunizations on children more so on many other
diseases that have affected the world through pandemics in the past. For instance, nurses are
vocal to mothers to make sure that their children go through all recommended immunization
doses to keep them safe from contracting diseases with irreversible effects (CDC, 2022). Having
this being their job, it means that whenever a pandemic rises, they should be the first to go
through vaccination to send the right signals that indeed vaccines save lives. The fact that they
must be threatened to comply sends a fear message to other people with no medical knowledge
on why those people with solid medical understanding are against the vaccines. Moreover,
Amy Szpara
nurses should use their connection and knowledge to investigate more about the vaccine and
share completely valid and practical reasons why people should or should not get vaccinated.
In conclusion, nurses are human beings with human rights they should enjoy like any
other citizen. The COVID-19 pandemic had a sound effect on the country and people on
individual levels. The implementation of an order by the ministry of health that nurses must
undergo mandatory vaccination of face voluntary termination has supporting and opposing
arguments. However, for the purpose of striking a balance, it is not right and legally acceptable
to compel one to undergo a vaccination that he/she has no knowledge about and has been proven
to have extremely bad side effects. Secondly, the order comes at a time when the country is in
dire need of qualified and competent nurses to take care of COVID-19 patients thereby saving
lives. Nevertheless, nurses and the medical professionals are in a position to do a thorough
investigation about the vaccine and use their knowledge based on facts and not assumptions to
make a solid decision on whether or not to get vaccinated. The results should also be openly
communicated while making sure they do not put their lives and those of patients in greater risks
given the sensitivity of their jobs. As Manning, et al., (2021) states, the government instead of
issuing threats should prepare nurses so that they can naturally embrace the idea and offer their
support thereby eliminating the contrast.
Amy Szpara
I do think you need to delve into the counter argument a bit more – why hospitals are requiring this and why people argue that healthcare workers should be vaccinated.
Amy Szpara
And just under 5 pages, this is short of the minimum. You might add another real-life example or something of the sort from one of your sources to really drive a point home to flesh this out a bit.
Centers for Disease Control, (January 12, 2022). Key Things to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines
Kostoff, R., Briggs, M., Porter, A., Spandidos, D., Tsatsakis, (2020). A., COVID 19 Vaccine
Safety. International journal of molecular medicine, 2020-11-01, Vol.46 (5), p.1599-
Maltezou, H. C., Theodoridou, K., Ledda, C., Rapisarda, V., & Theodoridou, M. (2019).
Vaccination of healthcare workers: is mandatory vaccination needed?. Expert review of
vaccines, 18(1), 5-13.
Manning, M. L., Gerolamo, A. M., Marino, M. A., Hanson-Zalot, M. E., & Pogorzelska-
Maziarz, M. (2021). COVID-19 vaccination readiness among nurse faculty and student
nurses. Nursing Outlook, 69(4), 565-573.
Parker, M., Bedford, H., Ussher, M., & Stead, M. (2021). Should covid vaccination be
mandatory for health and care staff?. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 374,
n1903. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n1903
Williams, L., Gallant, A., Rasmussen, S., Brown Nicholls, L., Cogan, N., Deakin, K., Young, D.
Flowers, P., (2020). Towards intervention development to increase the uptake of
COVID‐19 vaccination among those at high risk: Outlining evidence‐based and
theoretically informed future intervention content. British Journal of Health Psychology.
Nov2020, Vol. 25 Issue 4, p1039-1054. 16p. 3 Charts.
Amy Szpara
Amy Szpara