ScreenShot2021-06-24at12.33.29PM SEE6020FinalProjectRubric1 x-LightsOnFestival
Attached are the instructions and what I have so far for my project. Part of this project is about the risk management plan guidelines that I will need for the project. My project is an art and music festival called ″Lights on Festival″. It is located in Concord, CA and it is an outside stadium. More information will be in the pdf. Please let me know if you have any questions.
SEE6020 Final Project Rubric
Novice 60% |
Intermediate 75% |
Advanced 100% |
Identifies physical risk associated with event Weight 20% |
Identifies minimal risk assessment to event |
Identifies some risk assessment to event |
Identifies extensive risk assessment associated with event |
Identifies all operational, contractual, economic, legal and reputation risk associated with event Weight 20% |
Identifies minimal peripheral risks associated with event |
Identifies some peripheral risks associated with event |
Identifies extensive peripheral risks associated with event |
Effectively identifies and communicates risk management plans to other constituents of the organization and/or event Weight 25% |
No clear communication to constituents |
Provides some communication to constituents |
Clearly communicates the plan to all constituents |
Develops thorough contingency and crisis response protocols Weight 25% |
Provides minimal contingency and crisis response protocols |
Provides some contingency and crisis response protocols |
Provides extensive contingency and crisis response protocols |
APA formatting 10% |
APA formatting is minimal. |
APA formatting is fair. |
APA formatting is excellent. |
The Lights on Festival will be an annual music and art festival held in Concord, CA, at the Concord Pavilion. This event will bring more comfort and style to the audiences; especially a taste of the goods and wares from one-stop-shop and the variety of genres, including rock, pop, R&B, Hip Hop, and electronic dances, among others, and will be held on consecutive three-day weekends in June every year. Lights on Festival showcases the talents of upcoming artists and reunited bands. A risk management plan plays a crucial role in enhancing safety and controlled provisions to all the key stakeholders
within the arena
, pre, during, and post-concert activities (Fuller & Drawer,
). The key stakeholders in the risk management plan include the audience, the event organizers, live performers, and the other guests.
s Pre-Concert
Risk |
Likelihood |
Severity |
Magnitude |
Solution |
The general state of the |
Unlikely |
Minor |
2 |
Management must inspect the |
site is uneven, and the |
arena before the concert and |
presence of unwanted |
report any anomaly or foreign |
or dangerous objects in |
object in the arena |
the 2 5 0,000 |
to the management |
square-foot area |
3 |
Cancellation, attrition, |
Rare |
High |
5 |
The event organizers must |
and liability transfer |
study and review the health |
and weather guidelines to |
prevent any cancellation. |
However, if the concert is |
postponed to a |
later date within the year, early |
tickets will not be refunded. |
Instead, the attendees will use |
the same tickets |
on the first day of the |
rescheduled. |
If the event is canceled or |
postponed | |||||||||||||||||||
to the subsequent year, all the |
early | |||||||||||||||||||
bookings will be refunded. |
Public Health risks; |
Management should identify |
waste |
and prevent any accidental or |
management, sanitation, |
intentional exposure to health |
and food safety |
hazards. |
4 | |||
Destroyed camping |
Rarely |
All the camping spots must be |
spots |
examined two weeks before the |
annual event. |
Absence of an |
Should immediately hire |
appointed staff member |
another stand-in staff. |
during the
live concert performance
Ticket Sales |
Moderate |
Management should have an |
breakdown |
alternative |
ticketing procedure to ensure a |
seamless |
entry of the attendees to avoid |
overcrowding. |
Bad lighting systems |
Likely |
Management will assess the |
within the arena |
condition of the lighting system |
and replace all faulty ones |
immediately to prevent any |
inconveniencing incident. All |
damaged bulbs are disposed of, |
and a report is compiled to the |
event organizers. |
Physical injuries of |
First Aid should be |
the parking assistants |
administered by the team. |
or the attendees |
Seriously injured audiences or |
the performers should be |
referred to the local health |
facility with the approval of the |
Committee chair |
(McKeever & Schatz, 2003). |
Stage collapsing |
The security team and the |
during the |
ground people should have |
performances |
additional materials stand-by to |
meet such eventualities. |
Inadequate events |
The organizers will allow |
merchandize |
the attendees to purchase |
foodstuffs from other readily |
available shops. |
Risks Post-Concert performance
6 |
Injuries post the performance |
The security officials should |
from accident or disruption |
assess the situation. In case of |
serious injuries, the first aid |
team should offer first Aid or |
call the ambulance, depending |
on the situation (Krutsch et al., |
2020) |
Fire outbreak at the arena |
Management must ensure all |
components of life safety |
before and after the |
event, including the crowd |
density and control. However, |
in the event of a fire outbreak, |
security must take charge |
immediately. |
The fire brigade should |
intervene immediately to |
prevent the loss of property. |
7 |
A formal report should be |
written and forwarded to |
management. |
A poisoning incident |
Security and the other Ground |
people should immediately |
assess the situation and |
appropriate action taken. |
A report should be compiled to |
management on the incident. |
8 |
Very |
Unlikely |
Possible |
Likely |
Very Likely |
Hazards |
(unforeseeable) |
(common) |
severity |
Negligible |
Low |
(Less disturbance) |
Slight |
Medium |
(Minor disturbance) |
Moderate | High | |||||||||||
(Immediate |
attention) |
Severe |
(Significant impact) |
Very Severe |
(Long-term impact) |
9 |
Risk Management
As an event risk manager for a music festival, there are many issues to be considered when trying to effectively manage attendees that are above the age of twenty, but the event can still come with several risks. These events tend to have a higher rate of DUI’s, alcohol poisonings, and rowdiness once attendees get their hands on some alcohol. As the event risk manager, we want to help keep that rate at zero during our events. Additionally, we would like to ensure the safety and security of all attendees. Furthermore, we want to keep any negative occurrences to a minimum, making sure it does not escalate to something that could produce bad publicity.
The Lights on Festival is held in Concord, CA, at the Concord Pavilion. This event is held in June on consecutive three-day weekends. During this time of year, it is very hot, and with the heat and alcohol combination can lead to more rowdiness and sometimes crime. The crime of most concern would be driving under the influence. The local officials of Concord, CA, plan to partner with us in anything they can do to help ensure the safety of their attendees and civilians of this area. The festival is not within walking distance of the town, but shuttles, Ubers, Lyfts can help drive those who cannot drive themselves.
This festival is going to need to have some very attentive security. Many festival-goers may have started the party before they arrive at the venue. “Pregaming” is a very popular thing to do before going out for people of all age groups. Our front gate staff is going to have to be aware of this. If someone is too visibly intoxicated when they arrive at the front gate, we would like for the staff to refuse entrance to the venue. We want them to offer that guest water and to assist in finding a ride home. At the front gate, we also want IDs to be checked. If under 21, they will not
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be allowed into the event space. For those over twenty-one, a green wristband will be worn regardless of their age but to indicate they have been checked before entering the park.
Attendees will also get their bags checked for any prohibited items. Outside food and beverage will not be permitted to this event. We will have a zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking/ fake IDs. If anyone underage is caught drinking alcohol, they will be asked to leave, and security can help arrange a ride home for them if needed.
Hot weather is expected for the afternoon of the festival. We wanted to combat this because we can’t have people passing out from the heat left and right. We have hydration stations set up with fans, ice-cold water, and cups for anyone to enjoy for free. In addition, we will have 4 soft drink sponsors coming and setting up tents to give out free cold beverage samples. We will also have 4 sponsors handing out snack samples as well. This will help those attendees who may not want to purchase items at the concession stay hydrated and nourished. We will have 4 concession areas that will have various items from hot dogs to tacos. Those food vendors will not be selling alcohol. Alcohol will be purchased only from the designated alcohol booths by the designated companies.
We believe that with all these measures in place, it will help manage a safe environment for this event. With the staff that is ready, we believe that it will be hard for many, if any, things to slip between the cracks causing a bad occurrence. There will be plenty of cold beverages and food for any attendee to enjoy to stay cool and nourished during the event. Security will be around to help anyone with any needs or issues during the event as well.
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The festival will be an annual music and art festival that takes place in Concord Pavilion. The event will bring more comfort to the targeted audience, more specifically to taste goods and wares that will be from a one-stop shop coupled with a variety of genres such as pop music, R&B, as well as hip hop (Williams, 20
). The Lights on Festival will be showcased on the talents of the upcoming artists coupled with the upcoming band. Risk management plays a fundamental role in the promotion of safety, as well as controlled provisions to all the key stakeholders within the region. They find their way to a place of total safety in case there is fire through the use of escape routes that have enough lighting. For an outdoor musical event, it is important to have knowledge of the escape route capacity to discharge the number of people present within the escape time. Therefore, assessment of the evacuation route is important, especially when there are any restrictions. However, since the outdoor musical event will accommodate few attendees, the most appropriate evacuation route will be the fences and gates.
In order to communicate to the stakeholders, the escape routes, signs, and notices will be used where necessary to help people to identify the escape routes or exits. In addition, the signs have to comply with the provisions of health and safety regulations. The signs must be in a pictogram form. Also, texts and directional arrows can also be used to supplement the pictogram, provided that they are necessary to make the signs to be easily understood.
Natural disaster matrix and protocols
The most significant element of a successful health and safety management plan comprises developing a successful health and safety policy (Williams, 2016). It is also important to create a plan that the policy is implemented and to ensure health and safety performance. It is also necessary to audit and review performance. The natural disaster risk events associated with the event include lighting from an approaching storm that may affect an outdoor musical event.
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Physical Risks Associated with the Event
Several risks are associated with the event. The most prominent risk is theft because such events will be an ideal hunting ground for pickpocketers and thieves. In addition, cash and phones are other easy targets. The other potential risk is associated with hearing loss and damage. Exposure to high sounds can affect the hearing capacity. Other risks are associated with violence and alterations. Music events create an opportunity for violence, fights, as well as verbal altercations.
Operational, Economic, Legal, and Operational Risk Associated with Event
It is necessary to have the appropriate crowd management in place. Managing crowds needs the right planning in advance, which will ensure an appropriate atmosphere without stress. Therefore, crowd management is important to manage a music event. The next important legal requirement is to manage transport and to enhance traffic management. The management of the event should take time to assess and evaluate the risk and put appropriate plans in place.
Risk Management Plans
Safety policies should be put in place which document the demonstration that other parties to which the event-related are concerned with the health and safety of people. This should form an integral part of the musical event at all levels and should be the major concern of the management at all levels of the organizations (Williams, 2016). This is an important way of letting others understand the organization’s commitment to individuals’ health and safety. In addition, the safety policies should comprise details of the organization that is holding the event and describes the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involves. Moreover, the organization’s safety policy should comprise of nattered that describe the delegation of safety duties.
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Contingency and Crisis Protocols
Contingency planning in a live musical even is vital to ensure that nothing goes wrong. The event planners will be able to respond faster and appropriately. For instance, in the event that there is a failure in the sound system due to faulty equipment, the contingency plan will include having a backup sound system and include personnel with skills to fix the equipment in the event management team. Also, in case an evenxsxst staff goes missing, the contingency plan is to have a person designated in the event management team as a troubleshooter whose role will be to continually move about the event site to look for and fix such problems.
In case there are injuries and accidents, the contingency plan will be to organize first aid
or hire a qualified medical staff to be in attendance throughout the event. It is also necessary to
ensure that the driveways and the entrances are not blocked by the emergency personnel
(Mossberg, 2019). It is also important to understand the weather constraints and the mobility of
individuals who will be affected by the event. An important practice is to reach out to the event
organizers to have a better understanding of the size, people, and place.
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Mass Casualty Indicants
Mass casualty indicants refer to ways in which something comes up to offer a clue about what is coming to happen during an event. This ensures proper protection by laying risk and safety protocols against the indicated Mass casualty incidents, which describe incidences in which resources in medical emergency services are overcome with many victims. These victims require immediate personnel and equipment for stabilization. This may be as a result of natural or artificial calamities during meetings or events. This paper explores more about the indicants that lead to basic risk and safety protocols to ensure all people are covered and protected in an event.
Use of early warning systems, early programmed systems installed in events platforms and surrounding areas (Kaye 2020). This gradually helps detect any disturbances or risks that can be subjected to people in the events such as an earthquake (Theophilus 2019). This system provides various alerts to indicate the coming of a major struck, enabling people relevant to protection to act immediately and save people from reducing or preventing events. Thus, this system provides various alerts to indicate the coming of a major struck, enabling people relevant to protection to act immediately and save people by removing them or providing a hundred percent security to reduce or prevent casualties.
Installation of detectors such as gas detectors will ensure quality monitoring of gases in an event. This indicates any harmful gases and changes in environmental conditions that may pose a danger to people in an event. Alarms automate with the gas detectors to raise alarms to relevant offices to offer immediate action and responses to the specific gases.
Various risk and safety protocols in event planning help to prevent coming mass casualties (Kaye 2020). Or if it has happened, it helps to reduce fatalities and prevent further prevalence to people in an event. These protocols include identification, assessment, and monitoring, which
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entails security checks, air conditioning, monitoring food types and ages. All this can be enhanced by having tight security at the gates to verify IDs and ensure all those protocols are followed to prevent chaos during the festival.
Training of personnel and offering public risk communication can also greatly help. This involves promoting safety behaviors that include proper responding to warnings, shelter plans, and safety evacuations from extreme events and maintaining civil order in times of trauma to reduce more risks. Emergency and trauma care systems help control patients during medical care to calm them down and reduce the trauma experienced in the event (Castoldi, 2020). Stockpiling should be a factor in the location of a safe area of an event by finding a position away from many people and near a qualified health facility with a tiered approach to handling emergencies.
In conclusion, mass casualty indicants, in conjunction with risk and safety protocols, play a very important role in festive events (Demir, 20
). Personnel is trained and offers public risk communication to help people respond correctly to the warnings, shelter safety evacuations, and plans to reduce more risks. This ensures the smooth running of activities, and it is greatly encouraged always to plan and put all safety considerations before the start of any event. This ensures that every risk that might be subjected to attendees is catered for. This includes the indicants that help to warn us about the coming of certain events.
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Fuller, C., & Drawer, S. (2004). The application of risk management in sport. Sports medicine, 34(6), 349-356.
Krutsch, W., Mayr, H. O., Musahl, V., Della Villa, F., Tscholl, P. M., & Jones, H. (Eds.). (2020). Injury and Health Risk Management in Sports: A Guide to Decision Making. Springer Nature.
McKeever, C. K., & Schatz, P. (2003). Current issues in the identification, assessment, and management of concussions in sports-related injuries. Applied neuropsychology, 10(1), 4-11.
Mossberg, L. (2019). Managing extraordinary event experiences: Understanding consumer immersion. In A Research Agenda for Event Management. Edward Elgar Publishing. 6
Williams, N. L. (2016). 4 Managing Event Projects. Events Management: An International
Approach, 94.
Castoldi, L., Greco, M., Carlucci, M., Montán, K. L., & Faccincani, R. (2020). Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) training in a metropolitan university hospital: short-term experience with MASS Casualty SIMulation system MACSIM®. European Journal of Emergency Surgery and trauma, 1-9.
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Demir, F., Ahmad, S., Calyam, P., Jiang, D., Huang, R., & Jahnke, I. (2017). A coming-Generation Augmented Real-life Platform for Mass Casualty incidences (MCI). Journal of Usability Studies, 12(4).
Kaye, A. D., Cornett, E. M., Kallurkar, A., Colontonio, M. M., Chandler, D., Mosieri, C., … & Fox, C. J. (2020). Framework for creating an incident command center during crises. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology.
Theophilus, A., Thornton, T., Trigg, J. M., & Yansick, M. (2019). Negotiation in mass casualty attacks. Journal of ultimatum evaluation and Management, 6(3-4), 113.