• Individual task.
• Answer the following questions in a single document using the material and information given to you throughout the course. Once you have decided which
country you will be working in, the UK, Canada or the USA, you must research and find the laws or regulations that correspond to the questions that you are
answering. Remember to use Harvard citations in the document and to provide a reference page at the end.
1. Jim who recently quit his job after receiving a very large bonus payment is interested in forming his own business. He is not sure how to begin and he has
asked you to help him identify and analyze what company formation options he has available. He can set up his business in the UK, Canada or the USA,
he will go where you decide.
a. Please advise him on what it means to be unincorporated, the advantages and disadvantages
b. Then explain to him the significance of opening an incorporated business? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of business?
c. Then explain to him what is a Limited Liability Partnership? What responsibilities and liabilities do the partners have for themselves individually, to
the firm/to each other in the firm and to the public?
d. Explain to Jim if he needs additional capital to begin his new company what are some ways he could finance his new company?
2. 5 years later Jim has done very well but he is facing competition from 4 other similar businesses, he is considering the idea of merging with one of his
competitors or trying to acquire one of them.
a. Explain to Jim what a merger is. Then identify and explain the steps that he and the other party would need to take to merge together – remember
this will vary country to country.
b. Jim was able to convince Bob to merge their companies together, explain to Jim what three separate groups of professionals are recommended to
be consulted to assist him with this merger.
c. Explain to Jim and Bob what issues they will need to agree to when the two comes merge into one new company. For example, who will be the
Director, etc…
3. (In case Jim cannot merge with someone) Jim soon realizes that none of his competitors want to merge with him but still facing stiff competition, so he
asks you to assist him in acquiring one of the competitors to give him a bigger advantage in the market.
a. Explain to Jim what is an acquisition and then explain to him the different ways he can acquire one of his competitor’s company.
b. Explain to Jim what the significance of him acquiring a competitor’s company would be in relations to control of the company, decision making,
directors, etc…
4. If Jim cannot merge with a competitor is there the possibility of a Strategic Alliance or Joint Venture between the parties?
a. Explain what is a Strategic Alliance? What are the main characteristics of a strategic alliance and the advantages/disadvantages?
b. Explain what is a Joint Venture? What are the main characteristics of a joint venture and the advantages/disadvantages?
BCO125 BUSINESS LAW – Task brief & rubrics
• Wordcount: From 1000 to 1500 words.
• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• You are encouraged to quote relevant publications, such as academic journals and books, case studies or business reports to support your arguments. To
find relevant publications, you may browse through EBSCO (link is on Moodle) and/or Google Scholar, where you’ll find access to many publications.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
Assignment Launch: Week 10.
Submission: Week 13 – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Submission will be accepted all Week 13: From the 4th to the 10th of May at 23:59hrs (Barcelona’s time).
Weight: This task is a 40% of your total grade for this subject.
Outcomes: This task assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Understand the role of law as a business and management tool.
• Identify different issues and laws applicable in the context of doing business.
• Examine the different legal approaches and legal tools available for the conduct of business.
Marginal fail
Knowledge &
Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of key
concepts and uses vocabulary
in an entirely appropriate
Student demonstrates good
understanding of the task and
mentions some relevant
concepts and demonstrates use
of the relevant vocabulary.
Student understands the task
and provides minimum theory
and/or some use of
Student understands the task
and attempts to answer the
question but does not mention
key concepts or uses minimum
amount of relevant vocabulary.
Student applies fully relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class.
Student applies mostly relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class.
Student applies some relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class.
Misunderstanding may be
Student applies little relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class.
Misunderstands are evident.
Student evaluates the findings
in excellent ways, drawing
outstanding conclusions and
proposing new paths of work.
Student evaluates the findings in
a significant manned, drawing
some conclusions and proposals.
Student creates a fair report but
misses some elements learned in
class. Misunderstandings may be
Student creates an incomplete
report plan with some important
missing elements and/or some
irrelevant details.
Student communicates their
ideas extremely clearly and
concisely, respecting word
count, grammar and
Student communicates their
ideas clearly and concisely,
respecting word count,
grammar and spellcheck
Student communicates their
ideas with some clarity and
concision. It may be slightly over
or under the wordcount limit.
Some misspelling errors may be
Student communicates their
ideas in a somewhat unclear and
unconcise way. Does not reach
or does exceed wordcount
excessively and misspelling
errors are evident.