20190414005053discussion_board_forums_info x20190414005144module_2 x
. Explain the problem’s context briefly.
2. Propose an interdisciplinary combination of areas of study that would prepare students to solve the problem.
A. Discussion Board Forums (2)
Discussion boards consist of one initial post and two replies. Each thread must follow the unique prompt and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to the thread of at least two classmates. Each reply must add to the conversation and be helpful to original poster. (MLO: B, C, D, E)
You are required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be no more than 300-400 words (depending on the discussion board) and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, you are required to reply to the thread of at least 2 classmates. Each reply must be no more than 150 words.
TOPIC: Interdisciplinary Solutions to Real Problems
THREAD: The world is full of problems, and the solutions to them are often not simple or something that a single discipline can handle.
· When a famine occurs, the solution is not simply to send food. Health, economic, and social causes will rise up at the same time.
· When designing a video game or a website, a company does not need just engineers; they also hire humanities majors who can create the concept and experience.
· When students drop out of high school at a high rate, the school may increase sports funding, tutoring, guidance counselor staffing, trade classes, etc.
For this discussion board, identify a complicated problem you have encountered personally or have heard about.
1. Explain the problem’s context briefly.
2. Propose an interdisciplinary combination of areas of study that would prepare students to solve the problem.
In describing the solution, propose 2-3 specific disciplines (such as philosophy, biology, English, computer sciences, etc.)that would prepare an undergraduate student to be an expert in solving the problem you mention. Explain why each discipline is necessary, show how each discipline contributes to one’s knowledge of the problem, and explain how it is interdisciplinary, not just multidisciplinary.
A multidisciplinary example that would not be acceptable would be like proposing business and religion as disciplines for a pastor who wants to do accounting for his church as an extra ministry. While he may be more likely to be hired, he is doing two separate things, not one. There is no integration. Interdisciplinarity integrates two seemingly different things into one specific task like studying creative writing, music, and theater to be able to write musicals. All areas are integrated into the final task or career.
There is no word count minimum, but do not use more than 300 words per thread.
REPLIES: Respond to two of your classmates’ threads, evaluating their proposals using the following questions:
1. Do the proposed disciplines help students prepare to fix the problem?
2. Would you add any other disciplines that might be helpful?
3. Is the combination truly interdisciplinary, or is it just setting the student up to be a multidisciplinary jack-of-all-trades? Explain.
There is no word count minimum, but do not use more than 150 words per response.
Authour: Brittney Poindexter
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July 19, 2019 was life changing for my family it was the day that i received the phone call that my husbands truck was hit with a rpg (rocket launched grenade) all i knew was that he was still alive. Due to the attack and his injuries my husband was allowed to come home. To a simpled minded 20 year old you think that everything is going to go back to normal, and after what happened to husband would be the same person, I was definitely wrong. After observing him daily, going over his injuries with his doctors we though physical therapy the increase of medication for lack of sleep would help him, but we had to go a little more in depth. I was aways the person who loved to kiss their mate in the sleep or hug them when i wake to go back to sleep, i came to the realization after a few incidence that i could no longer do that, because ,my husband was having night frights and each time i touched him in his sleep he was associated that with his attack because that occured at night as well. I began to observe him more, seeing that he was running and fighting in his sleep, the lack of sleep because of not wanting to dream, only being able to sleep with the window open so that he can hear the cars drive by so that he is aware of his surrounding, and lastly and most terrifying to me sleep walking and seizures. After explaining to doctors what i was seeing the test began and my husband was later told that he not only suffered from PTSD, he has traumatic brain injury, sleep apnea, photo phobia, and due to the TBI suffers from seizures from time to time. From the original incorporation of just physical therapy we now have to incorporation appointments for mental health, as well as different me brain activities and biofeedback to help him through these struggles. After the incorporation other aspects he is now doing better than before, but i would increase activities to help him better with his PTSD.
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Authour: Jared Callaway
Many of our service members are returning from this 17 year long war on terrorism with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. There are many more treatment options to this disorder that have been created and tried since the disorder has received attention from the public and the media. Unlike the many service members before there are treatment options that were not available to them. In order to treat Combat Related PTSD successfully, many disciplines must be utilized. These service members have a unique mindset because of their training so the first discipline should be military studies. This will allow for the therapist to understand the mindset of the patient as well as giving them an understanding to connect with the patient on a genuine level. The next discipline used should be psychology. There are many psychological approaches to the treatment of PTSD. These approaches all help service members deal with their own internal struggles. The final discipline needed is the sociological approach. This approach intertwines with the psychology but on the societal level in which the patients interact appropriately with others.