Exp19_Word_Ch04_CapAssessment_Retirement_Instructions1 x
Exp19 Word Ch04 CapAssessment Retirement
Project Description:
You are enrolled in a personal finance course at your local university. One of the assignments is to write a group paper with another student about the different types of retirement plans. You and your partner conducted research on the topic and wrote a final draft of the report. In this project, you will format the paper to enhance readability. You will use track changes, accepting and rejecting them as necessary, credit sources used in the preparation of the report, address your partner’s comments, include a table of contents and an index.
Start Word. Download and open the file named Exp19_Word_Ch04_CapAssessment_Retirement x. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.
Ensure that the markup view is All Markup. Review the comments. On the second page, reject the replacement of the two words NOW to lowercase.
Accept all other tracked changes in the document and stop tracking. Keep all comments.
Change all headings to the correct heading styles as per the comments left by your partner.
Reply to the first comment by typing I have made the style replacement. (include the period.)
Select the table on page 2, and insert the caption text to read Table 1: The Future Value of Money (no period). Make sure the caption displays above the selected item. Center the caption.
Assign the caption Table 2: Comparisons between a Traditional and a Roth IRA for the next table, as instructed in the comments. Center the caption.
Select the APA Sixth Edition style. Click before the period at the end of the first sentence of the 403(b) Plans section. The sentence ends in (TSA) plan. Insert the following Web site citation:
Name of Web Page: Choosing a Retirement Plan: 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan
Name of Web Site: IRS
Year: 2018
Month: October
Day: 08
URL: http://www.irs.gov/Retirement-Plans/Choosing-a-Retirement-Plan:-403(b)-Tax-Sheltered-Annuity-Plan
Click before the period ending the first sentence of the 401(K) section. The sentence ends with at their workplace. Insert the following Web site citation:
Name of Web Page: 401(k) Plan
Name of Web Site: IRS
Year: 2018
Month: October
Day: 14
URL: http://www.irs.gov/Retirement-Plans/401(k)-Plans
For the first table, replace the Source URL with the following website citation:
Name of Web Page: The Future Value of Money
Name of Web Site: IRS
Year: 2018
Month: October
Day: 14
URL: https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-benefits-of-saving-now
Insert a footnote on page 2 at the end of the table heading in the Introduction section (the first line of the table), which ends with 6% annual return. Type the following for the footnote: The calculation did not take into consideration the cost of living adjustment (COLA). (Do not include the period.) Change the number format for footnotes to a, b, c in the Footnotes dialog box. (Click Apply, not Insert.)
Insert a blank page at the end of the report and insert a bibliography with the title References. The bibliography should be double-spaced with no paragraph spacing before or after.
Format the bibliography with a font of Times New Roman and a font size of 12 pt. Center the References title. All text in the bibliography should be Black, Text 1 font color. Ensure that no text is bold.
Create a table of contents, with an Automatic Table 1 style, on a new page positioned between the cover page and the current page 2. Note: Mac users, create a Classic style table of contents.
Mark the following words as index entries, selecting Mark All for each: contribution, Roth IRA, traditional IRA, 403(b), and 401(k). Select the first occurrence of deduction and set a cross-reference as See contribution.
Note, please be sure to search your document to ensure that all occurrences are marked as specified; press CTRL+F and use the Navigation Pane to locate each one.
Add an index on a blank page at the end of the document. Use Classic format and accept all other default settings.
Insert a footer with a centered page number, using the Plain Number 2 format. Note: Mac users, insert the default page number. Do not display the page number footer on the first page. Numbering begins with page 1 on the Table of Contents page.
Insert a page break so that the second table and its caption is on one page. Also, update the Table of Contents to reflect the change in page number.
Save and close Exp19_Word_Ch04_CapAssessment_Retirement x. Exit Word. Submit the file as directed.
Grader – Instructions Word 2019 Project
Project Description:
You are enrolled in a personal finance course at your local university. One of the assignments is to write a group paper with another student about the different types of retirement plans. You and your partner conducted research on the topic and wrote a final draft of the report. In this project, you will format the paper to enhance readability. You will use track changes, accepting and rejecting them as necessary, credit sources used in the preparation of the report, address your partner’s comments, include a table of contents and an index.
Steps to Perform:
Points Possible
Start Word. Download and open the file named Exp19_Word_Ch04_CapAssessment_Retirement x. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.
Ensure that the markup view is All Markup. Review the comments. On the second page, reject the replacement of the two words NOW to lowercase.
Accept all other tracked changes in the document and stop tracking. Keep all comments.
Change all headings to the correct heading styles as per the comments left by your partner.
Reply to the first comment by typing I have made the style replacement. (include the period.)
Select the table on page 2, and insert the caption text to read Table 1: The Future Value of Money (no period). Make sure the caption displays above the selected item. Center the caption.
Assign the caption Table 2: Comparisons between a Traditional and a Roth IRA for the next table, as instructed in the comments. Center the caption.
Select the APA Sixth Edition style. Click before the period at the end of the first sentence of the 403(b) Plans section. The sentence ends in (TSA) plan. Insert the following Web site citation:
Name of Web Page: Choosing a Retirement Plan: 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan
Name of Web Site: IRS
Year: 2018
Month: October
Day: 08
URL: http://www.irs.gov/Retirement-Plans/Choosing-a-Retirement-Plan:-403(b)-Tax-Sheltered-Annuity-Plan
Click before the period ending the first sentence of the 401(K) section. The sentence ends with at their workplace. Insert the following Web site citation:
Name of Web Page: 401(k) Plan
Name of Web Site: IRS
Year: 2018
Month: October
Day: 14
URL: http://www.irs.gov/Retirement-Plans/401(k)-Plans
For the first table, replace the Source URL with the following website citation:
Name of Web Page: The Future Value of Money
Name of Web Site: IRS
Year: 2018
Month: October
Day: 14
URL: https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-benefits-of-saving-now
Insert a footnote on page 2 at the end of the table heading in the Introduction section (the first line of the table), which ends with 6% annual return. Type the following for the footnote: The calculation did not take into consideration the cost of living adjustment (COLA). (Do not include the period.) Change the number format for footnotes to a, b, c in the Footnotes dialog box. (Click Apply, not Insert.)
Insert a blank page at the end of the report and insert a bibliography with the title References. The bibliography should be double-spaced with no paragraph spacing before or after.
Format the bibliography with a font of Times New Roman and a font size of 12 pt. Center the References title. All text in the bibliography should be Black, Text 1 font color. Ensure that no text is bold.
Create a table of contents, with an Automatic Table 1 style, on a new page positioned between the cover page and the current page 2. Note: Mac users, create a Classic style table of contents.
Mark the following words as index entries, selecting Mark All for each: contribution, Roth IRA, traditional IRA, 403(b), and 401(k). Select the first occurrence of deduction and set a cross-reference as See contribution.
Note, please be sure to search your document to ensure that all occurrences are marked as specified; press CTRL+F and use the Navigation Pane to locate each one.
Add an index on a blank page at the end of the document. Use Classic format and accept all other default settings.
Insert a footer with a centered page number, using the Plain Number 2 format. Note: Mac users, insert the default page number. Do not display the page number footer on the first page. Numbering begins with page 1 on the Table of Contents page.
Insert a page break so that the second table and its caption is on one page. Also, update the Table of Contents to reflect the change in page number.
Save and close Exp19_Word_Ch04_CapAssessment_Retirement x. Exit Word. Submit the file as directed.
Total Points
Created On: 07/29/2021 1 Exp19_Word_Ch04_CapAssessment – Retirement 1.9