_Instructions x5G_Sports_Programs_Final_Result
Project Description:
In this project, you will create a worksheet for Sandy Chase, Assistant Director of Athletics, with data that has been sorted, filtered, and grouped and that analyzes sports programs at Laurel College.
Open the Excel workbook Student_Excel_5G_Sports_Programs.xlsx downloaded with this project.
Display the Valley-Park-West worksheet. Select the range A1:J40, insert a table, and then display the Table Styles gallery. In the third row, apply the fourth style or choose another style.
Sort the table on the Campus column using a Custom List in the following order: Valley, Park, West. (Mac users, create the custom list in the Excel, Preferences, Custom Lists dialog box.) Add a second level sort by Sport Group and a third level sort by Program Name both in ascending order.
Display the Sports Season Comparison worksheet. Copy the range A6:G7, paste it in cell A1, and then change the title in cell A1 to Criteria. Select the range A2:G3, and then name this range Criteria.
Copy the range A1:G2, and then Paste the copied range in cell A36. Change the title in cell A36 to Fall-Summer Sports Season. Name the range A37:G37 Extract and then name the range A7:G34 Database.
Create an advanced filter that will place in the Extract area the records from the Database range in which Fall is the primary season and Summer is the secondary season.
Display the Stipends by Group worksheet. Sort the data in ascending order first by Group and then by Coach Stipend.
Apply subtotals to the Coach Stipend column at each change in Group. AutoFit columns C:D and then collapse the outline so that the Level 2 summary information is displayed.
On the Valley-Park-West worksheet, in cell J1, insert a Hyperlink to the file you downloaded with this project, e05G_Coach_Information. Display the ScreenTip, type Click here for contact information and then test your hyperlink. Close the e05G_Coach_Information file.
Select all three worksheets. Insert a footer in the left section that includes the file name, and in the right section, insert the Sheet Name. Set the Width and Height to 1 page, and Center the worksheets horizontally. Change the Theme to Slice, and then change the Fonts theme to Corbel.
Display the workbook Properties, and then as the Tags, type sports programs As the Subject, type your course name and section number. Be sure your name displays as the Author.
Save and close the file, and then submit for grading.
Grader – Instructions Excel 2019 Project
Project Description:
In this project, you will create a worksheet for Sandy Chase, Assistant Director of Athletics, with data that has been sorted, filtered, and grouped and that analyzes sports programs at Laurel College.
Steps to Perform:
Points Possible
Open the Excel workbook Student_Excel_5G_Sports_Programs.xlsx downloaded with this project.
Display the Valley-Park-West worksheet. Select the range A1:J40, insert a table, and then display the Table Styles gallery. In the third row, apply the fourth style or choose another style.
Sort the table on the Campus column using a Custom List in the following order: Valley, Park, West. (Mac users, create the custom list in the Excel, Preferences, Custom Lists dialog box.) Add a second level sort by Sport Group and a third level sort by Program Name both in ascending order.
Display the Sports Season Comparison worksheet. Copy the range A6:G7, paste it in cell A1, and then change the title in cell A1 to Criteria. Select the range A2:G3, and then name this range Criteria.
Copy the range A1:G2, and then Paste the copied range in cell A36. Change the title in cell A36 to Fall-Summer Sports Season. Name the range A37:G37 Extract and then name the range A7:G34 Database.
Create an advanced filter that will place in the Extract area the records from the Database range in which Fall is the primary season and Summer is the secondary season.
Display the Stipends by Group worksheet. Sort the data in ascending order first by Group and then by Coach Stipend.
Apply subtotals to the Coach Stipend column at each change in Group. AutoFit columns C:D and then collapse the outline so that the Level 2 summary information is displayed.
On the Valley-Park-West worksheet, in cell J1, insert a Hyperlink to the file you downloaded with this project, e05G_Coach_Information. Display the ScreenTip, type Click here for contact information and then test your hyperlink. Close the e05G_Coach_Information file.
Select all three worksheets. Insert a footer in the left section that includes the file name, and in the right section, insert the Sheet Name. Set the Width and Height to 1 page, and Center the worksheets horizontally. Change the Theme to Slice, and then change the Fonts theme to Corbel.
Display the workbook Properties, and then as the Tags, type sports programs As the Subject, type your course name and section number. Be sure your name displays as the Author.
Save and close the file, and then submit for grading.
Total Points
Created On: 08/22/2019 1 GO19_XL_CH05_GRADER_5G_HW – Sports Programs 1.0