- -Briefly explain what Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is, discu.ss if it a reasonable thing to pursue, and if the concept of R2P should pursued further or left behind (and why).
- -How do MNC’s aid democratization and open societies, and in what circumstances are MNCs obstacles to open societies?
- -Why has the number of IGO’s rapidly expanded over the past two centuries, in parallel with the growth of the number of sovereign states and the growth of NGOs and civil society?
- -Today, how are ancient transnational networks using new means to combat modern global issues? Giv.e example.s. What evidence do you see of religious actors addressing global issues?
- -Wh.at is the difference between a refugee, a migrant, and an internally displaced person? Who are the people that find themselves in the grey area of these definitions and why?
- -What are the benefits and/or risks to referring to diseases as security issues rather than as health or medical issues?
While there is no required len,gth for an answe.r, you should remember that the less you writ.e, the less there is to gra.de. Shorter ans.wers, while succinct, may not provide enough evidence to ans.wer a question effectively and result in a poor grade. While an an.swer too long may look full of fluff and distract from answerin.g the qu.estion. Studen.ts should find the sweet spot in between that both answe.rs the que.stion effectively and provides enough evidence of your knowledge on the topi.c..
there are 6 ques/tions, in my ex.am i will have to ans/wer only 2. i want the best ans.wers, and the best expla.nation to understand each of these ques.tions.
250 words per ques/tion
i just upload all the week respon/ses that you did in the last days, also you can find the lectures in each post of the last weeks
Running head: GLOBALIZATION 1
Is Globalization an inherently good or bad thing?
Global inequalities rise with the industrial revolution, once a score of states experiences rapid fiscal growth as compared to the remaining world. Globalization is a process wherein administrations or businesses create influence, and this effect is created worldwide. There are both good and bad sides of globalization, as the true aspect of globalization is efficiencies and possibilities of open markets which create them (Mergret, 2021). Businesses can communicate effectively with their supplier, partners, and clients and manipulate their supplies, distribution network, and inventories. Local manufacturers can promote their merchandise in remote markets with equal ease and velocity as in their domestic country. The terrible aspect of globalization is new dangers and uncertainties delivered approximately with the aid of using the excessive diploma of integration of home and neighborhood markets, intensification of competition, excessive diploma of imitation, rate and income swings, and commercial enterprise and product destruction.
Corporations that had been playing the blessings of globalization, now face risky and unpredictable calls for commercial enterprise possibilities and their merchandise speedy grow to be commodities, leaving them very little pricing energy and beneath steady strain with the aid of using new competition that undermines profitability (Ogar&Ogar, 2018). The terrible aspect of globalization is also approximately tight credit score, deleverage, and declining cash flows throughout the neighborhood and countrywide boundaries, as lenders tighten credit scores to each true and terrible borrower, miserable combination calls are produced for putting the world financial system right into a vicious cycle of profits and deciding of employment. That is why it is clear that inherently of globalization can be good or bad.
What is the future of the sovereign nation-state?
Advancement in the legislation of global associations might enhance global organization where state sovereignty permits to endure international bodies and international relations. A sovereignty state is a radical entity demonstrated by a central administration that has dominion over a geographical area. The sovereign state is free, as according to the declarative model of statehood, the state can be presently deprived of being identified by sovereign countries (Dandeker, 2019). Unidentified countries might be complicated to practice complete treaty-making strengths or get engaged in diplomatic associations with additional sovereign countries. According to the constitutive model of statehood, an individual identifies as sovereign by another country. Moreover, declarative theory explains a country as an individual in global rules if it is included in relationships with other countries, government, non-temporary population, and territory.
Westphalian sovereignty focuses on that every country and nation has sovereignty over domestic affairs and territory. It also includes prohibiting an exterior power where non-interference values in domestic affairs of a country might be equal to other states. The political community is sovereign if no legislation claims normative strength to withdraw verdicts of establishments. An international community of sovereign countries is subject to the rules in inter-connections that is moral customs and laws. The treaties bind with the contract of sites but no multinational establishments. Various treaties bind with a contract of countries that don’t contain international authorities. Subject to countries to norms not take effect on sovereignty, as persons subject to ethical norms and also recognize social practices where countries subject to global and social practices with no damage to sovereignty. Legislation of global associations led to a decrease in sovereignty due to de facto that brings to global authorities with dominance over authorities of the country in the jurisdiction.
Running Head: REFLECTION
Do MNC’s “rule the world”? Why or why not?
MNCs can rule the world; it is their ability to efficiently operate, coordinate, and adjust for a settlement between the different governments which gives them a lot of power. MNCs may and will relocate the production or manufacturing from a country with a high cost to a country with low-cost labor and production to improve efficiency. Moreover, MNCs also influence the world economy and their respective national economies. As a fact, the choices of MNCs have far-reaching consequences for a broader range of policy concerns such as investment protection, taxation, immigration in various countries with different economic and political structures.
Besides this, MNCs are considered to be more efficient in reaching their target markets because they operate in countries where the target market is located. These companies have easy access to raw supplies and too low labor costs. They can also take advantages of comparative advantages, such as labor costs and technology use. They own firms in other countries and allow them to enter the nation’s marketplace (Becker-Ritterspach et al., 2017).
How effective is “shareholder activism”? Provide evidence.
Shareholder activism can be defined as to be a useful management instrument that can be used to enhance corporate governance efficiency. In many cases, shareholder activism is used to improve performance, boost firm value, and improve decision-making. Shareholder activism permits the shareholders to take more ownership and responsibility of the company. They allow them to express their dissatisfaction with issues such as non-financial issues. And the issues such as social, environmental, and governance issues. It also includes the opening up of additional value and earning a higher return on investment (Bobillo et al., 2018).
The example to discuss the effectiveness of shareholder activism includes Wellington Management, the largest shareholder of Bristol-Myers Squibb, who has spoken against a drugmaker with a $74 billion acquisition of biotech Celgene in 2019. This showed a larger shift towards a more shareholder-centric approach for corporate governance (Shekita, 2020).
Becker-Ritterspach, F., Lange, K., & Becker-Ritterspach, J. (2017). Divergent patterns in institutional entrepreneurship of MNCs in emerging economies. Critical perspectives on international business.
Bobillo, A. M., Rodríguez‐Sanz, J. A., & Tejerina‐Gaite, F. (2018). Corporate governance drivers of firm innovation capacity. Review of International Economics, 26(3), 721-741.
Shekita, N. (2020). Interventions by common owners. Available at SSRN.
Running Head: ANSWERS 1
Do IGO’s erode state sovereignty? Why or why not?
The inter-governmental organization (IGO) is an association collected mainly of independent states, which includes the state members and the other governments who finished official accords for management/helping mutual welfares and ruled by intercontinental rules. And IGOs erode the sovereignty among the individual worldwide because they can generate the understanding to deliver states imposition of independence by considering those performances as a contract making the collection of members. Pacts are shaped when legal legislatures such as government officials of numerous situations go over an endorsement procedure; if the IGO with a global legal behavior will provide independency in Intergovernmental organizations are a vital feature of worldwide public law. It also reflects some extents in different states where the independence through the intergovernmental organization but it is affected by revolution factors in which social perspective and financial policies range and dictates the management of intergovernmental organizations (IGO) because states consume to contribute the quantity of their independence, which deteriorates the situations’ aptitude to assert expert.
To erode the autonomy of states to collect data through informative development among a worldwide stretch of measures in the organizational development which I think is important to provide independence to its members which include the other states to reciprocate the action of social insight of the state which is also involved in the organization behavior of intergovernmental. And why the intergovernmental organization does not erode the measurements of sovereignty because of the determinations of IGOs remained to generate a contrivance for the world’s populations to effort more positively composed in the parts to deliver concord and safety, it also deals with financial and communal queries to suspend other types of deliverances of matter which can disturb their communal lives. Meanwhile, with the formation of the UN and NATO, IGOs have developed indispensable performers worldwide to reform a safe and sound environment. IGOs’ universally effect has depressed the excellence of life in emerging countries while NGOs’ inspiration has had a collective optimistic result on the excellence of lifetime in emerging republics and when the nation cannot defend its countries from exterior or interior businesses for instance violence and also stop that governments, proceed inter-governmental organizations.
What values and norms helped bring about the creation of IGOs?
The norms and values which created the intergovernmental organization (IGO) and represents the consumable protection and gathering of collection in different states, and the part of worldwide governments is serving to usual the intercontinental schedule, arbitrating administrative bartering, if a place for party-political creativities and temporary as substances for the alliance- development. This organization also gives ease with collaboration and organization among member countries, so I think that intergovernmental organization (IGO) has created the norm to evaluate the diverse countries’ contributions were many similar factors articulated by the social and financial perspective of the members of the nations. It helped in accepting the multi-level method not individually aids detection disappointments that can deter system alteration, but likewise highpoints the part of governments, and of government alteration, in transformative conduits, and this articulated to many extents among worldwide to enhance the IGO areas. And the semi-intelligible usual of instructions that position and organize the accomplishments of the social collections that replicate the many rudiments of socio-technical organizations. The intergovernmental organization offers numerous welfares to members of different countries, including safety, employment prospects, global legality, regulatory volume, and inferior deal costs. All these values have been generating the aspects to accomplish the concept of IGO’s. The managerial values and norm articulates the organization’s structure by its attributes and behavior amplifications to other welfare and helped in understanding the measurements of data and ethical values are also included in the management by coordinating and collaborating with the other members of states. In 1945, the United Nations Organization was the solitary main IGO in the world by providing many attributes to solve the issues and focus on legal affirmations, and I contemplate that it is significant to provide values that are required to its memberships which include the other states (Vabulas & Snidal, 2013).
1. How effective have religious pre states actors been in the globalized world?
Prestate actors have indirect authority to control the religious condition in the state. Religious stability is essential to enhance economic development in the state. Prestate actors are responsible for creating or handling sensitive religious conflicts. In the past, many incidents happened that the prestate actors raised. Unfortunately, many societies are dependent upon the actions and conversations of the major players. While the globalized world highlights the fact that religion is a very personal matter, still developed countries are engaged in the establishment of religious conflicts. There is no space in hearts to console other religions and support minorities.
Religious prestate actors can control and handle human thoughts and try hard to avoid religious extremism in the state. Prestate actors are also usually involved in political activities to participate in international interventions. In the well-being of society, spiritual actors play a vital role in maintaining a peaceful situation and controlling the religious emotions of the people. We cannot neglect the contribution of religious prestate actors for their multiple institutional works. The globalized world requires such personalities who can know the way and experience to maintain peace in the state so other activities cannot survive. Religious conflicts are not healthy for the state and people to stay in the extremist society and live their lives. Religious prestate actors effectively move society towards the right path and govern people about their duties and responsibilities. In dual religious societies, religious prestate actors are essential to control the religious activities within the limit and provide enough space for other religious followers to perform their duties.
2. What conditions lead to religious engagement in conflict?
There are many conditions and scenarios which can lead to religious engagement conflict in the state. When any religious followers are practising extremist actions in society, then other individuals can easily hurt them in any manner. In religious practice, extremism is the major actor creating religious conflicts in society. The other major conflict creator can be the religious personalities used to guide people about religious activities. When major religious characters are not sincere with the state of people, they can easily create misunderstanding among the people and enhance the chances of sectarianism.
Previous wars and past experiences are also the main reason for to rise of religious conflicts. Sometimes people cannot forget their bad experiences of the past, which can lead to religious conflicts and create a lot of social and religious disturbance. The major reason behind the unwanted religious conflicts is that developed nations sometimes develop a sort of religious disturbance to win the political games and control economic projects. There are many examples of underdeveloped countries that are only busy solving their religious conflicts while developed nations are busy sustaining their economic position in the world.
Religious engagement conflicts are not fruitful for the society and economy to grow in the right way. There are many consequences and negative outcomes of the religious conflicts, which used to bear by the common man in society. State and social personalities have the authority to control people emotions and situations within the state so all activities can be done happily. Still, unfortunately, in reality, things are done in opposite directions, and situations get worst, which also uprise the chances of religious conflicts.
Running Head: QUESTIONS
1. Why are most refugees and displaced persons women and children?
According to the research, it is considered that female refugees are more likely to escape their nations due to violence directed exclusively at women. In contrast, according to experts, the men from any nation are more likely to flee political tyranny, resulting in gender-based migratory patterns. In addition to that, women and girls of any country can make up about half of all refugees, internally displaced people, and stateless people. Besides this, according to the UNHCR, “women girls account for more than half of 79.5 million individuals forced to flee their homes. Another research says that “more than half of the world’s refugees, according to UNHCR, are under the age of. According to UNICEF, “nearly 50 million children have been “uprooted” internationally, with 300,000 traveling alone in 2015 and 2016.
It should be noted that, meanwhile, almost half of the world’s refugees, that are internally displaced people. They are also known as stateless people are women and girls. Also, it is also noted that the children make up a disproportionately large proportion of the world’s refugees. In 2020, “children will make up nearly half of the world’s refugees, yet accounting for less than a third of the worldwide population Today, “approximately one in every three children living outside their native countries is a child refugee; for adults, the figure is fewer than one in every twenty.” Notably, the people are moving or are on the move all around the world today. The people move from one country to another or migrate for the following reasons; “fleeing poverty, bettering their livelihoods and chances, or fleeing conflict and catastrophe in their own countries.” Moreover, “women account for nearly half of the 244 million migrants and 19.6 million refugees globally. Women migrant workers’ remittances help enhance their families’ livelihoods and health and strengthen economies.
Besides this, some women are often the first responders in a crisis. Therefore, it is considered that the women play an essential role in caring for, maintaining, and reconstructing their communities, whether en route or in camps, home countries, or destination countries. However, there are also programs held or created to protect and help refugee and migrant women frequently overlook their needs, goals, and voices.
1. How do migrants have economic power?
According to the survey, migrants pay more in taxes and contributing to the social security than they receive benefits. Furthermore, labour migrants have the most significant positive influence on government finances. According to the analysis, the single most important indicator of migrants’ net fiscal contributions is their occupation. In particular with respect, migration is expanding the number of people of working age. Immigrants contribute to the economy’s success by filling unemployment problem, buying items, and paying income tax.
Furthermore, when more people work, productivity grows. When a growing percentage of Americans retire in the future, immigrants will help to meet work demand and maintain the social safety net. Migration, in particular, enhances global GDP through improving productivity. Furthermore, when migrants’ abilities supplement indigenous ones, their average per capita income rises. Remittances from abroad help to counteract the negative effects of emigration by increasing per capita revenue in the country of origin. More people have access to goods and services as a result of migrant labour.
Furthermore, money flows more easily in the market, supply and demand grow, and profits increase. Flows of capital promote an exporting country’s income, alleviate poverty, improve the quality of care and educational outcomes, and expand efficiency and economic access. The economic consequences is overwhelmingly positive, despite some individual variation. As a result of migration, home countries reap enormous financial benefits. While most of their wages are spent in their host countries, driving demand, migrants also send money back home to take care of their families.
It should be emphasized that such remittances have been reported to exceed official development support. By making it easy to join the nation legally, host countries can profit from immigration’s economic growth. In addition, these immigrants send money back home inside the form of incoming remittances, which aids in the economic stability of their native nation. Immigrants can also aid in demographic rebalancing.