Summary and Implication
Evidence-Based Practices: Summary and Implications
Topic- child hood obesity in maryland USA
In this assignment, you will take on the role of a local public health outreach worker who has been assigned by the superior to prepare a 4–6-page analysis of at least three interventions that might work in your community.
You have already chosen a local public health issue from your own community for your Unit 3 assignment. Now you will begin the search for an intervention that will help you address the issue you chose. Start by summarizing your problem statement.
Refer to your Unit 3 assignment, and complete the following:
· Create a one-paragraph summary of your community public health problem statement.
· Include the justification of why it is an issue that must be addressed.
Library and Internet Research
Search websites provided for you in this course and the Capella library using key words from your community problem to find multiple examples of evidence-based interventions that seem appropriate for addressing your community issue.
Use the following strategies to conduct your search:
· Step 1 – Summarize problem statement: In a paragraph, summarize your community public health problem statement and justification from the Unit 3 assignment.
· Step 2 – Use key words for search: Identify the key words from the problem you have identified. For example, if your problem was obesity in elementary school children in your community, the key words could be “obesity” and “elementary school” and “children.” (When conducting searches for this course, include the words such as “EBP” or “evidence” along with your other terms to ensure you are finding appropriate data.)
· Use your key words to find four (or more) EBP interventions in articles or white papers that have been successful in combating obesity in elementary school children. Make sure one article or white paper refers to public investment and EBP. Note: You will be narrowing down your selection to a total of three articles to analyze.
Complete the following:
· Analyze the articles you have selected. Eliminate one and narrow down your analysis to only three articles to be discussed in this assignment.
· Compare and contrast the interventions in the selected articles and present your findings. (Provide a complete APA citation for your articles). In your analysis:
· Provide a quick summary of each article, including how the authors evaluated the intervention.
· Describe the different types of results you found when using key terms to locate interventions. Note: Include how you modified your search terms (if necessary) to help improve your search.
· Discuss your thoughts on why each of the three interventions you finally selected might be helpful in solving your community problem.
· You must provide a rationale explaining the reason why you think each intervention might or might not be useful in your local community.
· Pick the intervention you will recommend as the best EBP, based on your analysis. Support your recommendation with relevant sources, cited in APA style.
· Describe how collaboration between a public health agency and a community-based organization is a good public investment.
Review the Evidence-Based Practices: Summary and Implications Scoring Guide carefully to fully understand how this assignment will be graded.
Submission Requirements
· APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
· Number of references: A minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.
· Length of paper: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages of content plus cover and reference pages and any appendices.
· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Submit your paper as an attachment to the assignment area.
Evidence-Based Practices: Summary and Implications
TOPIC- child hood obesity in maryland
In this assignment, you will take on the role of a local public health outreach worker who has been assigned by the superior to prepare a 4–6-page analysis of at least three interventions that might work in your community.
You have already chosen a local public health issue from your own community for your Unit 3 assignment. Now you will begin the search for an intervention that will help you address the issue you chose. Start by summarizing your problem statement.
Refer to your Unit 3 assignment, and complete the following:
· Create a one-paragraph summary of your community public health problem statement.
· Include the justification of why it is an issue that must be addressed.
Library and Internet Research
Search websites provided for you in this course and the Capella library using key words from your community problem to find multiple examples of evidence-based interventions that seem appropriate for addressing your community issue.
Use the following strategies to conduct your search:
· Step 1 – Summarize problem statement: In a paragraph, summarize your community public health problem statement and justification from the Unit 3 assignment.
· Step 2 – Use key words for search: Identify the key words from the problem you have identified. For example, if your problem was obesity in elementary school children in your community, the key words could be “obesity” and “elementary school” and “children.” (When conducting searches for this course, include the words such as “EBP” or “evidence” along with your other terms to ensure you are finding appropriate data.)
· Use your key words to find four (or more) EBP interventions in articles or white papers that have been successful in combating obesity in elementary school children. Make sure one article or white paper refers to public investment and EBP. Note: You will be narrowing down your selection to a total of three articles to analyze.
Complete the following:
· Analyze the articles you have selected. Eliminate one and narrow down your analysis to only three articles to be discussed in this assignment.
· Compare and contrast the interventions in the selected articles and present your findings. (Provide a complete APA citation for your articles). In your analysis:
· Provide a quick summary of each article, including how the authors evaluated the intervention.
· Describe the different types of results you found when using key terms to locate interventions. Note: Include how you modified your search terms (if necessary) to help improve your search.
· Discuss your thoughts on why each of the three interventions you finally selected might be helpful in solving your community problem.
· You must provide a rationale explaining the reason why you think each intervention might or might not be useful in your local community.
· Pick the intervention you will recommend as the best EBP, based on your analysis. Support your recommendation with relevant sources, cited in APA style.
· Describe how collaboration between a public health agency and a community-based organization is a good public investment.
Review the Evidence-Based Practices: Summary and Implications Scoring Guide carefully to fully understand how this assignment will be graded.
Submission Requirements
· APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
· Number of references: A minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.
· Length of paper: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages of content plus cover and reference pages and any appendices.
· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Evidence-Based Practices: Summary and Implications Scoring Guide
Due Date: Unit 5
Percentage of Course Grade: 17%.
Summarize how peer-reviewed interventions successfully address a public health issue.
Does not describe how peer-reviewed interventions successfully address a public health issue.
Describes interventions that address a public health issue, but does not summarize why the interventions were successful.
Summarizes how peer-reviewed interventions successfully address a public health issue.
Summarizes how peer-reviewed interventions successfully address a public health issue, and identifies areas of uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and/or additional information that could be used to provide a more accurate summary.
Explain how key terms in a public health problem statement can be used in a library or Internet search for evidence-based practices.
Does not list key terms in a public health problem statement used in a library or Internet search for evidence-based practices.
Lists but does not explain key terms in a public health problem statement used in a library or Internet search for evidence-based practices.
Explains how key terms in a public health problem statement can be used in a library or Internet search for evidence-based practices.
Explains how key terms in a public health problem statement can be used in a library or Internet search for evidence-based practices, and identifies assumptions underlying the selection of the terms.
Describe how collaboration between a public health agency and a community-based organization is a good public investment.
Does not describe how collaboration between a public health agency and a community-based organization is a good public investment.
Describes how collaboration between a public health agency and a community-based organization is a good public investment, but the description is unclear or incomplete.
Describes how collaboration between a public health agency and a community-based organization is a good public investment.
Describes how collaboration between a public health agency and a community-based organization is a good public investment, and identifies the assumptions used to establish values.
Support the community problem statement with appropriate evidence-based practice references.
Does not support the community problem statement with appropriate evidence-based practice references.
Supports the community problem statement with references, but the appropriateness of the support is unclear.
Supports the community problem statement with appropriate evidence-based practice references.
Supports the community problem statement with appropriate evidence-based practice references, and acknowledges one’s own biases.
Follow APA style and format guidelines for resources and citations and create a document that is clearly written and generally free of grammatical errors.
Does not follow APA style and format guidelines for resources and citations or create a document that is clearly written and free of grammatical errors.
Follows APA style and format guidelines for resources and citations but the document contains frequent format and grammatical errors.
Follows APA style and format guidelines for resources and citations and creates a document that is clearly written and generally free of grammatical errors.
Follows APA style and format guidelines for resources and citations, and creates a document that is well organized, clearly written, and is completely free of grammatical errors.