Each question needs 300 words !
1. Discussion Question 1
Please answer the following question with a 300-word response. You must also reply to at least two students with a 150-word response.
Choose one Criminal justice memorial policy from the following list (Polly Klass, Amber Alert, and Megan’s Law), note the characteristics of the persons and events they memorialize and the policies they established. Discuss what the characteristics of the crimes and victims say about crime and criminality in America and what the resulting policies suggest as they relate to predatory criminals.
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What is AMBER ALERT? What does AMBER ALERT mean? AMBER ALERT meaning, definition & explanation
User: n/a – Added: 1/26/17
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2. Discussion Question 2
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Cyberbullying prompts teen’s suicide
Duration: 2:53
User: n/a – Added: 8/7/13
Chapter 2: Discussion
After reading the chapter, demonstrate the social construction process of recent news coverage such as: Road Rage, Cyberbullying, Cyber stalking, or Driving Under the Influence. List the claim makers, their factual and interpretive claims, and any use of narratives, linkages, and ownership. Discuss which of the five common crime frames the news story best support.
TIP: Click on the CueCard to view the video.
3. Discussion Question 3
Chapter 3: Discussion
Write a critique of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings as a construction of predatory criminality. Discuss your perspective from one of the criminological theories of crime discussed in the chapter: rational choice, biological, psychological, sociological, or political theory.
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Boston Marathon Explosions Video: Two Bombs Near Finish Line
Duration: 2:53
User: n/a – Added: 4/16/13
TIP: Click on the CueCard to view the video.
4. Discussion Question 4
Chapter 4: Discussion
Discuss the video game, Grand Theft Auto as a construction of a copycat crime. Explain the research findings and possible linkage(s) between two competing hypotheses: one suggesting the cathartic effect and the second is the stimulating effect. In your opinion, which hypothesis best supports copycat crimes?
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Supreme Court to Hear Violent Video Game Case
Duration: 3:02
User: n/a – Added: 11/1/10
TIP: Click on the CueCard to view the video.
5. Discussion Question 5
Chapter 5: Discussion
Come up with additional differences between media police and real police beyond the categories mentioned by David Perlmutter.
6. Discussion Question 6
Chapter 6: Discussion
Please discuss the statement media trials provide the media with readymade narratives for entertainment vehicles in the form of movie scripts, episodes for weekly crime and law dramas, and content for infotainment talk shows, books, and other commercial spinoffs. Also, why is it important that media (all forms) be understood as a collection of for profit businesses?”
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The OJ Simpson Case from the Crimes and History Podcast
Duration: 46:12
User: n/a – Added: 9/3/19
TIP: Click on the CueCard to view the video.