Directions: In this assignment you will be asked to defend you thesis against rational arguments your classmates may have against it. Please note that any criticism of your thesis is not a personal attack, but rather a counter to an arguable claim.
Step One:
Post your thesis to the discussion board by Sunday.
Step Two:
By Sunday, read two classmate’s posts and reply to them with a counter claim against their argument (You may not respond to posts that have more than two responses already without discussing it with me first).
Step Three:
By Tuesday, write short paragraph four sentence response (using the four step method presented this week) to each of the counter arguments (no supporting sources needed).
(1) There are those who say…. (2) However, …. (3) There are many…. (4) Therefore…
Grade Criteria:
A: Thesis and responses posted on time. Counter argument properly refuted using the four step format reviewed in this week’s material
B: Thesis and responses posted on time. Counter argument addressed, however, aspect of the format were missing
C: Thesis and responses posted on time. Refutation attempted
F: Not completed
Step two:
Thesis 1-Unemployment, mental illness and substance dependency are the main causes of homelessness with affordable housing programs being the best solution.
Counter Claim-Although there are numerous factors contributing to homelessness, the most inevitable and significant factor is capitalism as it leads to extreme income inequality and the monopolization of wealth production. The best solution would be a redistribution of income and wealth.
Thesis 2-Prisoners should be given the chance to participate and treated in society with others both equally because it reduces mass incarceration rates.
Counter-The most significant issue in the modern criminal justice system is the endless cycle of recidivism which is why prisoners should never be treated and allowed to participate in society equally. Thesis
Background Information
Purpose: Antithesis, which literally means “opposite,” is a rhetorical device in which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect. Antithesis emphasizes the idea of contrast by parallel structures of the contrasted phrases or clauses.
Assignment: Based on your most recent thesis, write a one page essay where you: identify, explain, and answer the antithesis to your position. (Use the four step format provided in the PowerPoint)
Structure: Adhere to MLA style for this essay.; that includes a proper heading and headers. The title of your essay should be your thesis statement. Your essay must be one page, double spaced, and include one source to support your refutation. A works cited page must be included with your essay.
Counter Argument Rubric
Counter Argument Rubric | |||||
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
Thesis/Argument The thesis statement is in the form of a declarative sentence that clearly and concisely states the author’s main point. |
10 pts |
Concession Concession acknowledges multiple, relevant opposing points. Qualifying language is effective |
Rebuttal An effective rebuttal which refutes the terms introduced in the concession is present. Valid, reliable evidence is given as support. The explanation of claims and evidence is thorough and insightful. Sources are identified when applicable |
Cohension Effective use of varied syntax. Effective use of synonyms and repetition (words, phrases, and ideas). Effective and varied use of transitions. Clear pronoun references. Effective use of pacing |
Spelling/Grammar Demonstrates an adequate command of conventions: |
English 201
Haonan Qian
Ronald Holland
Global Warming
Are the effects of global warming really that bad or are there any misinformation and exaggerations on the topic?
Thesis: Although the recent climate changes in the world should be a matter of concern, the effect of global warming has been highly exaggerated and politicized resulting in misleading strategies, which do not address the real problem competently.
Literature Review
Global warming is the overheating of the earth by the sun, which was discovered after the preindustrial period and is associated with environmentally unfriendly human activities (Al-Yasiri & Géczi, 2021). However, the whole topic of global warming has ignited biased opinions, exaggerations, politics, and most people discuss the issue with partiality. It is observable that there have been risky trends in climate in various parts of the world, but the impact of the changes may not be as bad as reported.
In an earlier study, “Politicization and polarization of climate change,” it is noted that politics has to lead to mistrust by raising politically attached interests in discussing the whole topic (Grassle, 2021). For instance, in America, the republicans such as George Bush must support environmental legislations strategies but doubted the science behind climate change (Grassle, 2021). According to the article, most environmental pollution is from oil and gas companies (Grassle, 2021). These companies are the most profitable and powerful in the world, which makes decisions on regulating them so inclined. As a result, the solutions and policies developed to counter climate change end up subjective and directed on the wrong areas to protect political agendas.
In the past, WHO has given very misleading information on the impact that would be caused by global warming. (Goklany, 2012). In a certain 2014 report WHO claimed that in the coming 10 to 30 years, climate change would cause over 95000 deaths per year. Scrutiny on these results done by Indur M Goklany in the article, “Unhealthy exaggeration The WHO report on climate change,” demonstrates how some of such data lack scientific evidence (Goklany, 2012). WHO admits to making estimations that ignore commonsense adaptations, using undependable technology and methodologies in predicting the impact of climate change (Goklany, 2012). WHO is the most dependable source of information, and giving imprecise results is ambiguous to the public.
Though climate change advocacy has campaigned everywhere in the world, the real problem is still unaddressed. There are numerous misinterpretations of data and bogus strategies to tackle the challenge (Das & Pathak, 2020). Climate change has been used to distract young populations from the challenges in life and garner their attention to climate change concerns. Popular media is used to spread wrong information, for instance, the inevitability of global warming and the underestimation of individual efforts in solving the crisis (Das & Pathak, 2020). When there is copious wrong information everywhere, more wrong decisions and fruitless noise is made.
Global warming is not all bad and it is some enormous advantages to some biomes. Climate change should be addressed without biases if adequate solutions are to be developed. That includes highlighting the advantages and disadvantages together to get the best solution. Some benefits of global warming include better agriculture yields, lower energy costs, richer biodiversity, and probably fewer droughts. A research, “Global warming benefits the small in aquatic ecosystems” indicates that climate has massive significance in some aquatic ecosystems (Daufresne et al., 2009). The fact that there is lesser research done on the advantages of global change is evidence the entire outlook of the topic is biased.
Most scientific research articles such as “Global Warming Potential: Causes and Consequences” insist that global warming is a national hazard with tremendous damage (Al-Yasiri & Géczi, 2021). According to this article is the leading cause of many diseases in living things, and the information should be trusted for a better future (Al-Yasiri & Géczi, 2021).
It is still clear that global warming is a critical topic yet it is flooded with numerous exaggerations, manipulations, and politics making it hard to separate the truth from the lies.
Al-Yasiri, Q., & Géczi, G. (2021). Global Warming Potential: Causes and Consequences. Academia Letters, 2-4.
Daufresne, M., Lengfellner, K., & Sommer, U. (2009). Global warming benefits the small in aquatic ecosystems. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 106(31), 12788-12793.
Grassle, W. (2021). The Politicization and Polarization of Climate Change. Claremont Colleges, (1), 14-26.
Goklany, I. (2012). UNHEALTHY EXAGGERATION The WHO report on climate change. Wires Climate Change, 3(6), 1-8.