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Emerging issues in accounting and finance
Unit 9 – Helping you plan your essay
Historically, producing financial statements that users find useful has been a long-standing challenge around the world. To help meet this challenge the quality of the accounting standards that companies have to comply with has risen strongly since their introduction in the 1970’s. Despite this, there continues to be too many instances where published financial statements don’t help users get a reliable picture of what is happening in a business. A fair conclusion to reach from all this must be that finding the solution to this problem is not the responsibility of the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do.
Critically evaluate this statement and reach a conclusion.
Introduction (Approx. 180 words)
Marks for an introduction are given under presentation and structure. A good introduction will draw the reader in.
Here are some ideas for how you might want to use an introduction
Opening statement: What subject(s) or theme(s) are you exploring?
Why is this subject interesting/ important? Why does it matter?
What are the objectives of your essay?
How will the rest of this essay be structured? Briefly set out each section, in chronological order.
Section 1 (Approx. 360 words) –1 or 2 references
Historically, producing financial statements that users find useful has been a long-standing challenge around the world. To help meet this challenge the quality of the accounting standards that companies have to comply with has risen strongly since their introduction in the 1970’s.
You will need to look over the material/reading/tutorials for units 4 and 5 and think about some of the key challenges that have been faced when producing financial statements
Key challenge
It is important not to spend too much of your word count on this as there is very little or no critical evaluation in this section. Most of the marks in this this section are from the content section and remember using your own words is key here.
Section 2 (Approx 540 words) – Minimum of 5 references
Despite this, there continues to be too many instances where published financial statements don’t help users get a reliable picture of what is happening in a business
Is it true that there are too many instances where published financial statements where published financial statements don’t help users get a reliable picture of what is happening in a business? You could use some annual reports for this section or look at some of the FRC/Parliamentary reports. You could also use some of the newspaper articles or use any documentary (CASE will help you with references any of these).
Company Examples
What reason could there be that people would say the financial statements did not give a reliable picture?
Do you agree or not? – you need to decide this based on evidence
Was there an issue with the financial reporting standards or were there/do there appear to be other reasons?
Section 2 will either conclude that there is a problem with financial reporting standards or it will conclude that there is not financial standards that are the issue
Section 3 (Approx 540 words) – Minimum of 5 references
A fair conclusion to reach from all this must be that finding the solution to this problem is not the responsibility of the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do.
Are there still problems with Accounting standards? – this is a statement that you need to critically evaluate. You may have your own view on this – but it is important that you consider both views – this will give you a high mark for Breadth/Depth
Financial Reporting standards are fine as they are. Again – use your previous discussion from units 1 and 2
Yes – there is still an issue with Accounting standards – look at unit 8 to find resources to support this. You can also use your research from your discussion and units 1 and 2
Conclusion (Approx 180 words) – No new references
Specific marks will go for how you conclude in this essay
(A) Summarise the findings from your previous sections 1-3
For Example
· Section 1 – you might say that your research agrees that regulating financial statements has been a long standing challenge and point to your evidence that agrees with this
· Section 2 – from your research were there examples of company accounts not showing a true picture of the organisation? – Were the accounting profession responsible?
· Section 3 –the accountancy profession has done all it can do? – what are your key points to agree/disagree with this
(B) In my view……..
· What is the conclusion that you have reached? – Do you think the accountancy profession need to do more – if so – why? Or why not?
UNIT 9 – How to write an essay
Historically, producing financial statements that users find useful has been a long-standing challenge around the world. To help meet this challenge the quality of the accounting standards that companies have to comply with has risen strongly since their introduction in the 1970’s. Despite this, there continues to be too many instances where published financial statements don’t help users get a reliable picture of what is happening in a business. A fair conclusion to reach from all this must be that finding the solution to this problem is not the responsibility of the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do.
Critically evaluate this statement and reach a conclusion.
This essay can be split into 3 sections and can follow a story format – we start by looking at the past (section 1), we then consider where we are now (section 2) and then we look to what the future might look like (section 3).You will notice that the sections that are looking at critical evaluation (sections 2 and 3) have a higher word count as this is where we are looking at your skills in reading and questioning literature. This is a key level 6 skill.
Which part of the essay is this introducing us to
Approx. idea of Word Count
Points to consider
10% of word count
Although this is an introduction and it is the first thing that your tutor will read, you do not need to write this at the beginning of your essay. Often this will come together when you have looked at the later sections.
Section 1
Historically, producing financial statements that users find useful has been a long-standing challenge around the world. To help meet this challenge the quality of the accounting standards that companies have to comply with has risen strongly since their introduction in the 1970’s
20% of word count
Although this is 2 statements – they can be addressed together as they both relate to the past. There is some useful information to help with this in units 4 and 5. These statements are not particularly controversial. You want to support them and to illustrate with examples.
There is no substitution for reading and understanding what you have read for this section. If you are struggling to understand the readings, you need to think about why you do not understand what you have read. Content marks will be particularly relevant here. How you translate your reading into your own words will show to what extent you have understood what you have read.
Section 2
Despite this, there continues to be too many instances where published financial statements don’t help users get a reliable picture of what is happening in a business
30% of word count
Can you think of some examples which might support this – in units 6 and 7 we looked at corporate failures – were these examples where published financial statements did not show a reliable picture? or were there other reasons why these companies failed. This section gives you an opportunity to practice your critical evaluation skills. You will have looked at a number of corporate failures in tutorials and in the units – if would be good to bring in here some examples of corporate failures and ask yourself – was accounting the problem here. There does not need to be a black/white answer here – and be careful not to be too damming/complementary about accounting standards.
How have you have critically assessed the literature that you have used?
Section 3
A fair conclusion to reach from all this must be that finding the solution to this problem is not the responsibility of the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do.
30% of word count
Again, this is a statement which requires you to question. You need to find evidence to support both sides of this conclusion. Can the accounting profession do more? (look at unit 8) or are the accounting standards at a point where they are doing all they should. This is really where your breadth and depth marks can be attained. Both sections 2 and 3 will be gaining you breadth/depth marks and critical evaluation marks
You must not only discuss whether or not the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do to make sure that financial statements are reliable, but you will also need to consider examples to support this. You will also need to consider whether the problems lie in other areas such as auditing or regulation of accountants. To score high in this area, you will need to show that you have looked at real business examples and IFRS and applied them to the question.
How have you have critically assessed the literature that you have used
10% of word count
Your conclusion should balance out your arguments in sections 2 and 3.
Marks are awarded here for how you have distinguished key points from those of lesser importance.
You need to reach a positive and clearly stated conclusion based on your research. Do not “sit on the fence”. There is no “correct” conclusion and we need to see your personal conclusion which you need to support based on the research you have performed. Although you do need to reach a conclusion, that does not need to be black/white. If you do not include a very clear conclusion (along with the reasoning which has led you to that conclusion) then you will not score highly in this area.
1,800 +/- 10%
As well as the above you need to make sure that you look at the assessment criteria, which are below. I have included these in red in the above guide
Assessment Criteria
Available Marks
Presentation and Structure
This will include proper use of essay format and keeping to the word limit of 1,800 +/- 10%
Ensure your work looks professional and is easy for the marker to navigate and explore. Essays which are difficult to navigate and understand or which are in a confused structure will not score well. Make sure your work is written in a flowing style and ensure you use paragraphs, grammatical construction and punctuation properly. CASE can provide guidance if you are unsure. You must use a high standard of academic English throughout the work – avoid the use of casual or informal language or US spelling.
Your essay should be easy to read, without stopping and wondering how one point links to another. It may help for someone to read your essay to see how it flows or for you to read your essay aloud before submission.
In-text citations and the reference list are complete and have been compiled in strict accordance with CASE Harvard.
The ability to explore the topic and to demonstrate a good understanding of the topic which you have gained from an extensive range of appropriate research and reading. Ensure you perform sufficient research to fully understand the subject matter in depth rather than just a superficial level of knowledge. How you translate your reading into your own words will show to what extent you have understood what you have read. A minimum of 12 references would be considered appropriate – however, it is the quality of your research and not the quantity which is important. Do not use Wikipedia/Investopedia/uk essays etc.
Breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature
Give evidence that you have fully considered the question from all angles rather than having just jumped to a conclusion. (You must do this even if you do not agree with the other viewpoint)
You must not only discuss whether or not the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do to make sure that financial statements are reliable, but you will also need to consider examples to support this. You will also need to consider whether the problems lie in other areas such as auditing or regulation of accountants. To score high in this area, you will need to show that you have looked at real business examples and IFRS and applied them to the question.
Analysis /Critical evaluation /Discussion /Exposition/Ability to draw together the arguments made to form a coherent conclusion
Marks are awarded here for how you have distinguished key points from those of lesser importance and how you have critically assessed the literature that you have used.
You need to reach a positive and clearly stated conclusion based on your research. Do not “sit on the fence”. There is no “correct” conclusion and we need to see your personal conclusion which you need to support based on the research you have performed. If you do not include a very clear conclusion (along with the reasoning which has led you to that conclusion) then you will not score highly in this area.
Assignment2 – Assignment Brief: Individual Essay
Module Title: |
Emerging Issues in Accounting and Finance |
Module Code: |
6BUS1209 |
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count |
An INDIVIDUAL Essay, 1,800 words +/- 10 % |
Assignment Weighting: |
7 5 % |
Module leader |
First marker |
Seminar Tutors |
Internal Moderator |
Module Board name |
Detailed Brief for Individual Essay |
Assignment Title: The critical evaluation of an emerging issue in accounting and finance. Description of the assignment: Each student is required to prepare and submit an individual essay, with a 1,800 word count (+/- 10%) that meets the requirements of the following assignment brief. Historically, producing financial statements that users find useful has been a long-standing challenge around the world. To help meet this challenge the quality of the accounting standards that companies have to comply with has risen strongly since their introduction in the 1970’s. Despite this, there continues to be too many instances where published financial statements don’t help users get a reliable picture of what is happening in a business. A fair conclusion to reach from all this must be that finding the solution to this problem is not the responsibility of the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do. Critically evaluate this statement and reach a conclusion. Citation and Referencing: Students will be expected to use a minimum of 12 references in their critique. These must be carefully chosen from academic journals and can include other reputable sources, such as reports produced by accounting firms and bodies and government departments. It is expected that students will use these cited resources to support the arguments they make when answering this question. |
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment |
· Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria and Mark scheme below in appendix 1. · Guidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Mark scheme within 4 weeks of submission. · For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches 40. If a submission is more than 5 working days after the deadline, a grade of zero will be awarded. · Please note that the submission time is BEFORE 5pm and late penalties will run from 1 second after 5pm. This is done automatically by studynet. · Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 40, no lateness penalty will be applied; · Plagiarism offences will receive standard penalties. |
Appendix 1 – Individual Essay Marking Scheme:
Assessment Criteria |
Available Marks |
Presentation and Structure This will include proper use of essay format and keeping to the word limit of 1,800 +/- 10% Ensure your work looks professional and is easy for the marker to navigate and explore. Essays which are difficult to navigate and understand or which are in a confused structure will not score well. Make sure your work is written in a flowing style and ensure you use paragraphs, grammatical construction and punctuation properly. CASE can provide guidance if you are unsure. You must use a high standard of academic English throughout the work – avoid the use of casual or informal language or US spelling. Your essay should be easy to read, without stopping and wondering how one point links to another. It may help for someone to read your essay to see how it flows or for you to read your essay aloud before submission. |
10 | |
Referencing In-text citations and the reference list are complete and have been compiled in strict accordance with CASE Harvard. |
5 | |
Content The ability to explore the topic and to demonstrate a good understanding of the topic which you have gained from an extensive range of appropriate research and reading. Ensure you perform sufficient research to fully understand the subject matter in depth rather than just a superficial level of knowledge. How you translate your reading into your own words will show to what extent you have understood what you have read. A minimum of 12 references would be considered appropriate – however, it is the quality of your research and not the quantity which is important. Do not use Wikipedia/Investopedia/uk essays etc. |
25 |
Breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature Give evidence that you have fully considered the question from all angles rather than having just jumped to a conclusion. (You must do this even if you do not agree with the other viewpoint) You must not only discuss whether or not the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do to make sure that financial statements are reliable, but you will also need to consider examples to support this. You will also need to consider whether the problems lie in other areas such as auditing or regulation of accountants. To score high in this area, you will need to show that you have looked at real business examples and IFRS and applied them to the question. |
30 |
Analysis /Critical evaluation /Discussion /Exposition/Ability to draw together the arguments made to form a coherent conclusion Marks are awarded here for how you have distinguished key points from those of lesser importance and how you have critically assessed the literature that you have used. You need to reach a positive and clearly stated conclusion based on your research. Do not “sit on the fence”. There is no “correct” conclusion and we need to see your personal conclusion which you need to support based on the research you have performed. If you do not include a very clear conclusion (along with the reasoning which has led you to that conclusion) then you will not score highly in this area. |
Appendix 2 – Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment: |
Successful students will typically: 1. analyse the way in which theory, practice and rules in accounting and finance are fit for purpose within the context of the economic, political and cultural environment of our society with specific application to any current controversial reporting issues; 2. link major accounting regulatory moves to unresolved issues which remain ongoing across the history of accounting and finance theory- i.e concepts such as measurement, judgement, independence, the nature of reality, behaviour, etc; 3. evaluate the position of accounting & finance in our society from a political and economic standpoint (i.e. the relationship between government, business, society and the accounting profession); 4. analyse the nature of the relationship between accounting & finance from a practical and theoretical standpoint; |
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment: |
Successful students will typically:
5. use academic literature to build critical argument and analysis; 6. argue views on topical issues in an academic manner, using appropriate research, while showing their ability to develop an argument and communicate effectively; 7. advise regulatory bodies, or senior management or a professional body, having undertaken independent research and drawn conclusions; |
Transformational Opportunities |
Successful students will typically: Use the literature to assist in their transition from taught student to student researcher. |
Assignment2 – Assignment Brief: Individual Essay
Module Title: |
Emerging Issues in Accounting and Finance |
Module Code: |
6BUS1209 |
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count |
An INDIVIDUAL Essay, 1,800 words +/- 10 % |
Assignment Weighting: |
7 5 % |
Module leader |
First marker |
Seminar Tutors |
Internal Moderator |
Module Board name |
Detailed Brief for Individual Essay |
Assignment Title: The critical evaluation of an emerging issue in accounting and finance. Description of the assignment: Each student is required to prepare and submit an individual essay, with a 1,800 word count (+/- 10%) that meets the requirements of the following assignment brief. Historically, producing financial statements that users find useful has been a long-standing challenge around the world. To help meet this challenge the quality of the accounting standards that companies have to comply with has risen strongly since their introduction in the 1970’s. Despite this, there continues to be too many instances where published financial statements don’t help users get a reliable picture of what is happening in a business. A fair conclusion to reach from all this must be that finding the solution to this problem is not the responsibility of the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do. Critically evaluate this statement and reach a conclusion. Citation and Referencing: Students will be expected to use a minimum of 12 references in their critique. These must be carefully chosen from academic journals and can include other reputable sources, such as reports produced by accounting firms and bodies and government departments. It is expected that students will use these cited resources to support the arguments they make when answering this question. |
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment |
· Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria and Mark scheme below in appendix 1. · Guidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Mark scheme within 4 weeks of submission. · For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches 40. If a submission is more than 5 working days after the deadline, a grade of zero will be awarded. · Please note that the submission time is BEFORE 5pm and late penalties will run from 1 second after 5pm. This is done automatically by studynet. · Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 40, no lateness penalty will be applied; · Plagiarism offences will receive standard penalties. |
Appendix 1 – Individual Essay Marking Scheme:
Assessment Criteria |
Available Marks |
Presentation and Structure This will include proper use of essay format and keeping to the word limit of 1,800 +/- 10% Ensure your work looks professional and is easy for the marker to navigate and explore. Essays which are difficult to navigate and understand or which are in a confused structure will not score well. Make sure your work is written in a flowing style and ensure you use paragraphs, grammatical construction and punctuation properly. CASE can provide guidance if you are unsure. You must use a high standard of academic English throughout the work – avoid the use of casual or informal language or US spelling. Your essay should be easy to read, without stopping and wondering how one point links to another. It may help for someone to read your essay to see how it flows or for you to read your essay aloud before submission. |
10 | |
Referencing In-text citations and the reference list are complete and have been compiled in strict accordance with CASE Harvard. |
5 | |
Content The ability to explore the topic and to demonstrate a good understanding of the topic which you have gained from an extensive range of appropriate research and reading. Ensure you perform sufficient research to fully understand the subject matter in depth rather than just a superficial level of knowledge. How you translate your reading into your own words will show to what extent you have understood what you have read. A minimum of 12 references would be considered appropriate – however, it is the quality of your research and not the quantity which is important. Do not use Wikipedia/Investopedia/uk essays etc. |
25 |
Breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature Give evidence that you have fully considered the question from all angles rather than having just jumped to a conclusion. (You must do this even if you do not agree with the other viewpoint) You must not only discuss whether or not the accounting profession as it has done all it can reasonably do to make sure that financial statements are reliable, but you will also need to consider examples to support this. You will also need to consider whether the problems lie in other areas such as auditing or regulation of accountants. To score high in this area, you will need to show that you have looked at real business examples and IFRS and applied them to the question. |
30 |
Analysis /Critical evaluation /Discussion /Exposition/Ability to draw together the arguments made to form a coherent conclusion Marks are awarded here for how you have distinguished key points from those of lesser importance and how you have critically assessed the literature that you have used. You need to reach a positive and clearly stated conclusion based on your research. Do not “sit on the fence”. There is no “correct” conclusion and we need to see your personal conclusion which you need to support based on the research you have performed. If you do not include a very clear conclusion (along with the reasoning which has led you to that conclusion) then you will not score highly in this area. |
Appendix 2 – Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment: |
Successful students will typically: 1. analyse the way in which theory, practice and rules in accounting and finance are fit for purpose within the context of the economic, political and cultural environment of our society with specific application to any current controversial reporting issues; 2. link major accounting regulatory moves to unresolved issues which remain ongoing across the history of accounting and finance theory- i.e concepts such as measurement, judgement, independence, the nature of reality, behaviour, etc; 3. evaluate the position of accounting & finance in our society from a political and economic standpoint (i.e. the relationship between government, business, society and the accounting profession); 4. analyse the nature of the relationship between accounting & finance from a practical and theoretical standpoint; |
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment: |
Successful students will typically:
5. use academic literature to build critical argument and analysis; 6. argue views on topical issues in an academic manner, using appropriate research, while showing their ability to develop an argument and communicate effectively; 7. advise regulatory bodies, or senior management or a professional body, having undertaken independent research and drawn conclusions; |
Transformational Opportunities |
Successful students will typically: Use the literature to assist in their transition from taught student to student researcher. |