The final polished paper is to be 7-8 pages, excluding cover page, references, and appendices (appendices are optional), on a topic/issue related to informatics/eHealth and nursing. In your paper, be sure to develop a position or argument (indicated in your thesis statement) and analyze the topic/issue using a minimum of 3 subtopics/arguments. Content over the page limit will not be graded. Your final paper should contain the following: Introduction including an argumentative thesis statement Significance of the topic Literature review, which requires a minimum of 5 scholarly journal articles; the bulk of the literature should be recent (within the last 5 years) Discussion of the topic/issue. This section requires a minimum of 3 subtopics to support your argument/thesis statement. References to literature and other sources of evidence to support your argument/thesis statement are required. *This is the main focus of your paper Implications for nursing/relevancy to nursing Conclusion Your paper will be evaluated on a number of different dimensions, including the following: Importance of the topic to the profession of nursing Originality of ideas and arguments Quality of argument and analysis, including use of supporting literature and evidence Overall persuasiveness of the implications and conclusions APA (formatting, spelling, grammar, professional tone, etc.) Format: APA 7th Edition