I need someonen to solve my two assignments related to “Document and apply measures to control OHS risks associated with electrotechnology work.” I will provide sources if anyone interested. Thanks
LA017995, Assignment 1, UEENEEE137A Ed1 1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
UEENEEE137A, Assignment 1
What you have to do
This assignment covers the material in topics 1, 7, 8 and 9 from the knowledge specification
KS01-EE137A of unit UEENEEE137A
Answer in the space provided where possible but use separate paper if required. The
complete assignment will be returned to you so answering on the assignment allows more
easily understood feedback.
Brackets have been provided with multiple choice questions for you to insert the letter
corresponding to your answer.
For short answer questions keep your answers clear and concise and ensure you answer the
question as asked.
For diagrams also keep your answer clear and concise.
Your textbook will generally be the prime sources of information but don’t forget to access
the internet, OTEN readings and presentations.
This assignment is part of the assessment underpinning your workplace performance criteria;
therefore, you need to demonstrate that you have studied and comprehended these topics.
This will be shown by achieving 70% from your marker. If you do not achieve this then you
will be required to resubmit this assignment.
Total marks for this assignment is 70
2 LA017995, Assignment 1, UEENEEE137A Ed1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
Topics 1, 7, 8 and 9: Framework of WHS risk
Multiple-Choice questions, each question is worth 1 mark.
1 Work health and safety legislation in New South Wales has how many State regulators:
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) There is no state regulator as WHS is governed under a
Commonwealth Act since 2012. ( )
2 The WHS legislation revolves around:
(a) The WHS act and the WHS regulations.
(b) The WHS act and the WHS codes of practice.
(c) The WHS act and the WHS codes of practice and the WHS regulations.
(d) The WHS act managed by Safe Work Australia. ( )
3 Hazard means a situation or thing that has the potential to harm a person. Correctly select
the three steps to hazard control shown below.
(a) Identify the hazard, assess the risk, and make the change.
(b) Control the hazard, make the change, and eliminate the risk.
(c) Identify the risk, control the change, and make the hazard safe.
(d) Report the hazards, make the change, and document the risk. ( )
4 Mary’s boss observes Mary carrying flour and putting it into the dough mixing machine.
By doing this, Mary’s boss is in the first instance:
(a) Performing hazard identification by job analysis.
(b) Managing risk by observation.
(c) Introducing control measures into the workplace.
(d) Arranging more productive work practices for WHS. ( )
5 Avon services poker machines in clubs in New South Wales. Inside the clubs where
Avon services the poker machines there are many noisy inebriated patrons who often
scream abuse to Avon while he is working. This would be classed as:
(a) A work risk in his industry.
(b) A work hazard which is necessary with his job.
(c) A psychosocial hazard which could cause Avon harm.
(d) An environmental issue which may need consultation. ( )
LA017995, Assignment 1, UEENEEE137A Ed1 3
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
6 When assessing the risks associated with any hazards the following applies:
(a) After identifying a hazard a risk assessment only needs to be done once because no
more risks would eventuate.
(b) Higher risk would be based on longer exposure to any
(c) Lower risk is always associated with the speed at which the operation needs to be
(d) With existing risk control measures in place risk is always a minimum. ( )
7 A risk assessment should be done when:
(a) A routine job is carried out that is often been done before.
(b) Changes at the workplace occur that may impact on the effectiveness of control
(c) The job safety analysis has shown negligible hazards.
(d) Be prescribed PPE is broken or damaged and needs to be replaced. ( )
8 The purpose of a risk analysis is to:
(a) Satisfy legislation so that the paperwork is all up to date.
(b) Identify significant risks and not spend time on the less significant risks.
(c) Define the relationship between the assessor and the environment.
(d) To exclude likely risks from further examination. ( )
9 Select from the answers below the answer which does not contain entirely engineering
control measures:
(a) Extraction fan, lighting, ergonomic seating, staff rotation
(b) Lighting, ergonomic seating, drink vending machine, extraction fan.
(c) Nonslip floor, powerful hand tools, coffee machine, industrial blower.
(d) ESD safe benchtop, padded chairs, coloured lights, music system. ( )
10 Any device or process which is implemented and automatically reduces risk thereafter is
(a) Administrative control
(b) Isolation control
(c) Quality control
(d) Engineering control ( )
4 LA017995, Assignment 1, UEENEEE137A Ed1
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11 Vince is an apprentice electrician and has studied WHS at TAFE. His boss tells him to
go into the hot roof cavity and lay a cable from one end of the house to the other. Vince
discusses this with his boss and sought an alternative method to reduce risks to a
manageable level. This is an example of:
(a) Vince is lazy and takes the easy way out.
(b) Vince recognised the hazard and implemented engineering controls.
(c) Vince was able to eliminate the hazard and all possible risks associated with the
(d) Vince used gap analysis to find the hazard and risks and then chose to use
administrative controls. ( )
12 Control processes must be reviewed when:
(a) All controls have been implemented
(b) An injury or incident occurs
(c) Data such as compensation claims suggest there is a problem
(d) All of the above ( )
Missing word questions, each question or part is worth 1 mark.
13 Risk is the possibility that _______________________might occur to people when
exposure to a hazard happens.
14 Risk action involves identifying the range of options for __________ risk and ________
those options and _________ a safe course of action plan and implementing it. (3 marks)
15 List the three factors that will be used to assess the level of risk: The sentences are started
for you, but you will need to find the answers in your textbook.
(3 marks)
Step One: Consider how likely a risk _________________________________________
Step Two: Use the Risk Level Calculator to
Step Three: Identify and develop effective
Refer to Figure 2.3 in the Electrotechnology Practice textbook for the following 4 questions.
16 If in Step 1 of the risk and assessment control form, the activity is ‘drilling into a cavity
wall in a building and not knowing if there are any electrical cables behind that wall’ this
activity would represent a ______ risk rating.
17 Two electrical hazards that would be associated with this work are _________________
and _________________________________________. (2 marks)
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© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
18 Two risk controls to be used in the activity of question 16 are ______________________
and ___________________________________________. (2 marks)
19 Two possible non-electrical hazards in the activity of question 16 are ______________
_________________and ____________________________. (2 marks)
20 Two hazards to be aware of when carrying out maintenance or breakdown electrical
work are _________________ and ____________________________. (2 marks)
21 WHS Regulations prohibit energized electrical work subject to certain exceptions. This is
an example of EL_ _ _ _ _ ________N.
22 The monitoring and review process is ON_____G.
23 Two examples of electrically actuated rotating, linear or reciprocating machines which
may form a hazard are _______________ and _____________________. (2 marks)
24 The associated risks from your two examples in Q23 are __________ and __________.
(2 marks)
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© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
Short answer questions, marks are as shown.
25 Consider the following list of hazards based on carrying a heavy roll of wire
down some damp stairs.
Match up the severity of the risk with each part. (risk level 1 is low; risk level 4 is
life threatening or permanent disability).
Select hazards and risks from the list below and populate the table with each
identifying number. (6 marks)
1 Slip hazard—twisted back or hernia.
2 Slip hazard from a lower step—torn ligaments in knee.
3 Wire too heavy—drop it and it rolls away, you grab it and cut your hand.
4 Bang head on beam above—brain injury, concussion.
5 Wire heavy, not trained in how to lift it—sprained shoulder.
Note that a particular hazard may have one or more possible risk levels.
A. Risk Level 1 B. Risk Level 2 C. Risk Level 3 D. Risk Level 4
If you need to elaborate, you may make small comments why you chose as you did.
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© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
26 Match the 6 elements of the hierarchy of control with the order in which
they should be applied to mitigate risk. (6 marks)
Administrative control
Engineering control
Use the following table to determine the risk level for the next 2 questions.
Very likely Likely Unlikely Highly unlikely
Life threatening High High High Medium
Detrimental High High Medium Medium
Harmful High Medium Medium Low
Negligible Medium Medium Low Low
Very likely Exposure to hazard likely to occur frequently.
Likely Exposure to hazard likely to occur but not frequently.
Unlikely Exposure to hazard unlikely to occur.
Very unlikely Exposure to hazard so unlikely that it can be assumed that it will not
8 LA017995, Assignment 1, UEENEEE137A Ed1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
27 Simon has been told to use a micrometer and
measure the size of some existing Single-strand
insulated copper wire protruding from a conduit
located under a dwelling with limited access. No
other information was given to Simon about these
pieces of cable or where they originate from, or in
fact if any circuit may potentially be live.
Identify likely hazards (high risk = 5, low risk = 1) and controls and complete the
table (the first one is done for you) (12 marks)
Hazard Controls to be Used No Control With Control
Energised conductors Test for voltage on the conductors. 5 1
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© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
28 Here is a video link to YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuC4aurqkm8, confined space ‘Precious Time—The
Cody McNolty story’.
Watch the video and note the hazards and risks that arise.
Complete the table as you did for Question 27. Identify the hazards and risks in
getting equipment into a confined space. Match and select the risk criteria for
each event. (12 marks)
Potential Hazard Controls to be Used No Control With Control
Total marks = /70
LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1 1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
UEENEEE137A, Assignment 2
What you have to do
This assignment covers the material in topics 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 from the knowledge
specification KS01-EE137A of unit UEENEEE137A.
Answer in the space provided where possible but use separate paper if required. The
complete assignment will be returned to you so answering on the assignment allows more
easily understood feedback.
Brackets have been provided with multiple choice questions for you to insert the letter
corresponding to your answer.
For short answer questions keep your answers clear and concise and ensure you answer the
question as asked.
For diagrams also keep your answer clear and concise.
Your textbook will generally be the prime sources of information but don’t forget to access
the internet, OTEN readings and presentations.
This assignment is part of the assessment underpinning your workplace performance criteria;
therefore, you need to demonstrate that you have studied and comprehended these topics.
This will be shown by achieving 70% from your marker. If you do not achieve this then you
will be required to resubmit this assignment.
Total marks for this assignment is 67
2 LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
Topic 2: Hazards, risks and control measures—construction
Short answer questions (1 mark per written part or as shown)
1 What type of control measure would a dust collection fan be (e.g. Elimination)?
2 State the main reason why some older switchboard materials should not be cut or drilled
without precautions.
3 Name a toxic gas which may build up in an enclosed tank.
4 Name one type of work activity involving a certain wood type which is a dangerous
wood dust hazard.
5 Where may an electrician be exposed to legionella bacterium?
6 Describe a serious hazard when cutting and joining fibre optics.
7 Name 2 locations in some cottage type premises where asbestos can be found. (2 marks)
8 Name 2 essential types of PPE which should be issued to workers for their protection
when working in a bright sunny location at a building site. (2 marks)
9 A sign displayed on a construction site which shows a person’s head with ear protection
means that it is mandatory/not mandatory to wear the protection (Circle the correct
10 75dB of continuous noise in a workplace is the threshold of where permanent damage
can occur.
True or False (Circle the correct answer)
LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1 3
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
11 The low reach insulated elevated work platform would be an ideal item of plant
equipment to use on live wires at the point of connection to a commercial building The
elevated work platform in NSW requires a high risk license from Workcover NSW to use
True or False (Circle the correct answer)
12 Name one location that would be classed as a confined space by Workcover NSW.
13 What do the letters MSDS stand for?
Total marks /15
4 LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
Topics 3 and 5: Extra Low Voltage and Low Voltage Hazards and
Short answer questions (1 mark per written part or as shown)
Extra low voltage is defined as not more than 50Vac or 120Vdc. Low voltage is defined as
being between 50Vac and 1000Vac or between 120Vdc and 1500Vdc.
Be very careful of these names which could be misleading to a person who has not had
training in the Electrotechnology field. Low voltage is lethal. Extra low voltage could also be
lethal in the right environment such as high humidity, dampness, salt water, body salts from
perspiration etc. This is a very important area for safety risk management, and you must do
all the reading and show a high understanding of the dangers and hazards when working with
electrical circuits.
Read the following code of practice as your life and that of others around you is not
worth taking risks with electricity. Just copy and paste in GOOGLE.
Watch the following video from YouTube
http://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=HaSeu7-YG1M: the girl with hairdryer and
electrical worker…’Electrical Accident ‘It’s All About The Hair’
This video is about Low Voltage electrical hazard and lockout/tag out procedures.
Note that the consequences in Australia would be more severe due to the voltage and
frequency of our supply compared to the USA.
For questions 14 and 15 you must read the document from Safe Work Australia, ’Managing
Electrical Risks in the Workplace’ and use the information you learn from that document to
best answer them.
14 From Section 51 of the above document, state the safe work procedure which
must be done when working on all electrical equipment or installations. Also,
state whether the electrical contractor in the video appeared to perform this
procedure. (3 marks)
LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1 5
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
15 From Section 6 of the Safe Work Australia document, discuss what the electrical
contractor in the video did not do, and show clearly 4 steps he should have taken
to comply with the Section 6 requirements. (5 marks)
16 Place numbers from 1 to 7 in the blanks indicating the correct order of steps to be
taken in lockout/tag out. (7 marks)
Order of
Steps to be taken
Isolate equipment
Verify isolation
Control stored energy
Shut down equipment
Prepare for shutdown
Apply lockout/tag out devices
17 You know the equipment is safe when the power has been turned off.
True or False (circle correct answer)
18 Which of the following would be part of “control of stored energy”? Circle the
identifying letter. (4 marks)
(a) closing valves,
(b) locking out feeders,
(c) turning off power,
(d) releasing hydraulic pressure,
(e) releasing steam pressure,
(f) blocking movement of parts,
(g) releasing spring tension
6 LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
19 Locks should be removed only by the person who installed them.
True or False (circle correct answer)
20 Name 2 items used to indicate that electrical work is being carried out. (2 marks)
Questions 21 to 24 refer to the computer power supply shown below.
ATX power supply interior
A—bridge rectifier
B—input filter capacitors
between B and C—Heatsink of high-voltage
between C and D—Heatsink of low-voltage,
high-current rectifiers
D—output filter coil
E—output filter capacitors
21 Charged capacitors in the power supply are only 12 Volts and do not represent a hazard.
True or False (circle correct)
22 If the 5 Volt output on the power supply is going into a low resistance load there is no
possibility of a fire hazard.
True or False (circle correct)
23 If you are required to service extra low voltage 5 Volt systems like this, there is no
hazard from wearing metal jewelry.
True or False (circle correct)
Nameplate for computer power supply
LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1 7
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
24 The power supply is an extra low class of supply, having voltages as shown from
3.3 Volts up to 12 Volts This supply is quite safe for consumers to open and do
modifications with and represents no 230 Volt electrocution risk.
True or False (circle correct)
25 As a first year apprentice it is quite ok for your supervisor to leave you unsupervised to
install a new socket-outlet in an installation as you have done it by yourself on other
True or False (circle correct)
Total marks /28
8 LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
Topic 4: Hazards, risks and control measures associated with high
Multiple choice questions, 1 mark each
26 The dielectric strength of mica can be expected to be more than:
(a) 500 kV/mm
(b) 1500 kV/mm
(c) 2500 kV/mm
(d) 3500 kV/mm ( )
27 All of the following dielectric materials are preferred for high frequency applications
(a) Polyethylene
(b) Butyl rubber
(c) Teflon
(d) Polystyrene ( )
28 The phenomenon of corona is generally accompanied by:
(a) a bang
(b) a hissing sound
(c) magnetic hum
(d) all of the above ( )
29 Surge voltage originates in power systems due to:
(a) lightning
(b) switching operations
(c) faults
(d) any of the above. ( )
30 Surge diverters are:
(a) nonlinear resistors in series with spark gaps to act as fast switches
(b) arc quenching devices
(c) shunt reactors to limit voltage due to the Ferranti effect
(d) over voltages of power frequency harmonics. ( )
LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1 9
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
31 Step potential means:
(a) A step-up transformer is used to increase potential to a circuit in high
demand situations
(b) An earth fault situation has occurred and if the soil is high resistance a
workers legs will conduct current better than the soil in the distance of 1 step
(c) Voltages to domestic dwellings are stepped up as the cables run down a street to
overcome losses
(d) Rings of voltage radiating through damp soil can give rise to large
currents and voltages which would not be lethal when stepped upon. ( )
32 An authorised and properly trained person can be within __________ of energised 33kV:
(a) 2000mm
(b) 3000mm
(c) 700mm
(d) none of the above as the line would need to be de-energised. ( )
33 Induced voltage is:
(a) Voltage produced by the secondary of a high voltage transformer
(b) Due to the significant electromagnetic fields present around energized
HV electric lines, voltages may be induced onto adjacent de- energised or
non-commissioned electric lines
(c) Electrified fences work on the principle of electromagnetic induction and because
of the field of energy around the conducting wires, animals stay away
(d) Voltage which is sufficient to overcome rated creepage distances and then
cause surges in domestic installation. ( )
34 To eliminate electrical tracking between two close conductors, designers must provide
adequate CR______E distance between electrical elements.
Total marks /9
10 LA020088, Assignment 2, UEENEEE137A Ed1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
Topic 6 Hazards and Risks with harmful materials
Short answer questions (1 mark per written part or as shown)
35 Name the illness which is caused by Manganese in Welding Fumes.
36 Welding with stainless steel can be hazardous due to: (2 marks)
37 Heating or cutting metal or other material which has been coated with lead will
produce a hazard. Describe the hazard and state what part of the body is affected
by this. (2 marks)
38 You have been told to blow the dust out of some electrical equipment Name the single
most dangerous airborne contaminant from this process.
39 Name an example of an administrative control measure with respect to operating a laser.
Think especially about a worksite and how to warn other people.
40 Name what effect the dust from drilling into bricks or cement will have on the human
41 What is the main hazard that exists when trimming optic fibre with a sharp knife or
scalpel blade?
(the answer is not cutting your finger)
42 Fluorinated hydrocarbons may be present in common refrigerants and are harmful
if they enter the body via the breathing passages. Name the parts of the human
body that may be affected. (4 marks)
43 Name 2 electrical items that may contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). (2 marks)
Total marks /15