Please find all of the edit suggestions listed on the word doc and through the track changes.
“I suggest only doing quant or qual not both.
Your problem needs to be further clarified and refined. Suggest you choose one purpose, the first one is better aligned with the problem. What is the population size, why do you choose the sample size you have, find lit to support your approach.”
“Please review my feedback and then please revise and ensure that you have completed the revisions for each aspect of feedback given by me and your Chair in each subsequent submission. Then resubmit using Microsoft word’s track changes feature so that all changes are tracked. Let me know if you have any questions.
You have alignment issues with your problem, purpose and research questions. Your problem needs to be exactly aligned with your purpose and both your problem and purpose need to be aligned with your research questions and your entire dissertation as well.
You also have many places that are unsubstantiated, each assertion must be backed-up by literature and this goes especially true for your problem background and problem statement.
You need to be singing in one voice throughout your dissertation, right now there is a lack of clarity about what your dissertation will be about. Until these issues are addressed, the rest of your dissertation can’t fall into place fully as your entire dissertation rests on these foundational elements.
Suggest you review other dissertations for their problem, purpose and research questions to get a sense of what alignment looks like.Your specific problem, purpose and RQs are misaligned.
Here is a link you might find helpful Problem Formulation —
Right now, there is a lack of clarity about what your dissertation will be about as your stated problem doesn’t meet the criteria in the DCA as to needing to have substantiation for the problem that is current, 5 years or newer.”
Ensure that you are using the correct terminology regarding what is a method and what is a design.
TheAbsence of Financial Literacy Taught in Schools using a Qualitat
e Research Method Comment by Patricia Akojie: Title must include the design used.
A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Education
[To be indented and completed upon full dissertation completion]
[To be indented and completed upon full dissertation completion]
List of Tables x
List of Figures x
Preface (optional) x
Chapter 1: Introduction x
Background of the Problem x
Problem Statement x
Purpose of the Study x
Population and Sample x
Significance of the Study x
Nature of the Study x
Research Questions/Hypotheses x
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework x
Definition of Terms x
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations x
Chapter 2: Literature Review x
Title Searches and Documentation x
Historical Content x
Current Content x
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Literature x
Methodological Literature x
Research Design Literature x
Conclusions x
Chapter Summary x
Chapter 3: Research Methodology x
Research Method and Design Appropriateness x
Research Questions/Hypotheses x
Population and Sample x
Informed Consent and Confidentiality x
Instrumentation x
Field Test or
Pilot Test x
Credibility and Transferability or Validity and Reliability x
Data Collection x
Data Analysis x
Chapter Summary x
Chapter 4: Analysis and Results x
Research Questions/Hypotheses x
Data Collection x
Demographics x
Pilot Study x
Data Analysis x
Results x
Chapter Summary x
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations x
Research Questions/Hypotheses x
Discussion of Findings x
Limitations x
Recommendations for Leaders and Practitioners x
Recommendations for Future Research x
Chapter Summary x
References x
Appendix A: Title x
Appendix B: Title x
Appendix C: Title x
Table 1: Title x
Table 2: Title x
[Only include a list of tables if there are two or more tables. Use title case, defined as capitalizing key words, for table titles.]
Figure 1: Title x
Figure 2: Title x
[Only include a List of Figures if there are two or more figures. Use title case, defined as capitalizing key words, for figure titles.]
January 2010
Education about financial literacy is an important subject that could help students handle money at school and in the professional world. Students who acquire this knowledge are different from those without because they would make sound financial decisions in an attempt toto avoid common financial mistakes. The mistakes most people make while attempting to meet their financial needs are associated with a lack of financial literacy (Amagir et al., 2018). Therefore, this study will focus on the gaps that manifest in the schools regarding financial education, their impacts, and how they can be solved. This paper gives clear and described information on a study that focuses on the gap that is evident in schools on the incorporation of financial education. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Need literature support for this assertion. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Like Who? Please rephrase. This is a professional paper. Comment by Patricia Akojie: The assumption is that there is already financial education, but there are some gaps, right? Comment by Patricia Akojie: Work on this introductory paragraph.
Both the youth and the community as a whole enjoyenjoy the benefits of understanding and applying the principles of financial literacy. The financial education principle gives the capability of making sound financial decisions. Teachings about financial education tools will help students become skillful and discrete when handling finances in schools. A great future is created when students are equipped with the knowledge of financial literacy (Amagir et al., 2018). With a financial education in place, the first thing students shall do before gambling with their money is to recall the essential concepts of financial management they will have learned from school. The main ticket towards living a debt-free life is being knowledgeable about financial management and that can only be achieved through lessons taught in classes. Youths have always manifested confidence in the way they use money and in fact, most of them believe they are knowledgeable concerning the use of money. However, in real life, the youth struggle with planning their finances and that predisposes them to a life full of debts while they are still young (Amagir et al., 2018). This excessive confidence and state of awareness held by individuals are barriers that need to be cleared out through the use of financial education. There are different programs that a typical school should implement to help train and educate students on matters related to finance. However, most schools focus on programs that emphasize didactics that are practical and theory-based (Blue & Grootenboer, 2019). Most of these didactics are based on benefit plans, which do not fully cover the main concepts of financial literacy. Both students and members (principals, administrators, teachers, housekeepers, secretaries, police officers, guidance counselors, cafeteria workers) of the school, hold some level of misconception about financial literacy. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Which youth and which community are you talking about there? Comment by Patricia Akojie: Need literature support for this assertion.
Comment by Patricia Akojie: Need literature support for this assertion.
I have to stop here in this section. Almost every line need revision.
Background of the Problem
Lack of financial literacy exposes many youths to unending financial managementmonetary management problems. This leads to developing poor money spending habits, and unsuccessfully managing their credit down the road. Poor financial habits caused by financial illiteracy always lead to poor budgets amongst teens. According to Amagir et al., (2018), 20% of the high school seniors with savings projects or saving accounts graduate with financial discipline and literacy. However, the fears of these youths getting into adulthood are that they do not understand the principles of saving, spending, earning, investing, or even balancing a checkbook (Faulkner, 2017). Hence, there is an increasing need for students to have financial literacy, which will help create some level of independence and a sense of self-sufficiency and responsibility. With financial literacy in place, students get to understand the basics of financial markets, investment choices, and financial budgeting. As a result, students will avert facing issues of debt, which is a phenomenal trend among adult youths. It is not hard to acknowledge some financial management techniques, especially when interacting with well-informed and planned professionals. Therefore, students with financial literacy will hold discussions with well-learned and informed individuals because they will foresee risks and argue-justify matters at hand (Amagir et al., 2018). Since the financial status of individuals contributes to the economy, there is an increased need to polarize financial literacy within schools. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Customer credit? Are they employers?
Not sure where you are going with this. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Sounds more like significance of study and not background of the study. Comment by Patricia Akojie: So, meaning what? Comment by Patricia Akojie: So far, this section is sounding like significance of the study, not background of the study. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Sounds like significance of study.
I have to stop here. Almost every sentence so far, needs attention.
It is very essential to incorporate the study of financial education in the system because this gives leeway to building and molding better financial accountants for the near future. The students in the learning institutions will become good economic moderators. There are different players in the financial sector whom financial educators would rely on. These include; Entrepreneurs being an originator, challengers, and drivers. They are the persons who create something new. It can be a corporation, an initiative, or a business. They combine land, labor, and capital in an investment (Kirkham, 2016). Financial Savvy is a person that is well conversant in dealing with expenses, credit, and other money matters. At the same time, this term can mean many different things to different people; the overall idea of being savvy financially emphasizes one notion, hereby maintaining a healthy financial standing through proper planning and budgeting (Kirkham, 2016).
Problem Statement
The problem statement in this research paper defines financial illiteracy among the youth. A greater number of youths and teens lack the financial discipline which should have been taught in financial education. According to the article by Amager et al., 2020, there is a large gap in terms of financial education among teens and youth. The article focused on 15-year old15-year-old students in high school who did not have financial literacy. The revelations in the article call for urgency in introducing financial literacy programs in schools because financial literacy does not only steal from the youth and teens of their economic prosperity but also robs the nation (Lusardi, 2019). Most young adults ignore the importance of financial education and therefore schools should move a step further to introduce the necessary financial education programs. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Definition needs to go under definition of terms. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Need literature support for this assertion.
Comment by Patricia Akojie: This is not APA citation style. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Article is not human, so it cannot “call for urgency”. Rephrase. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Financial literacy steals?
This entire section needs clarity.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to use both qualitative and quantitative approaches in accomplishing research exploring the subject of financial literacy among youths and teenagers using a mixed-method. The research will take place within the a school district in of Palm Beach County, Florida. The objectives of the study on financial literacy are: Comment by Patricia Akojie: Needs rephrasing.
To identify the gaps in the financial literacy education in the schools within Palm Beach County, Florida.
2. To determine the long-term impacts of inadequate financial knowledge to youths and teens through savings and investments. Comment by Patricia Akojie: How do you intend to do that?
Population and Sample
Data collected from interviews will be used in developing a thesis for the research topic. Principals from 20 schools around the district will be interviewed while only ten of the curriculum developers across the state of Florida will be interviewed. The school district of Palm Beach County, Florida has about 180 schools and a principal leads each school so that means only
.1% of the principals will be involved. A random sampling method will be used to select the twenty principals from the schools within the district. In addition, the curriculum developers that will be involved in the research will be selected. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Provide source of this statistics. Comment by Patricia Akojie: How will they be selected?
Significance of the Study
The study on financial literacy is very important to an individual, the state, and the US national government. The economy of the US depends much on proper financial planning. If the youth are equipped with the relevant knowledge about how to manage funds, it is a plus for the economy of the United States and the state of Florida because proper financial education leads to informed financial planning which prompts economic development (Amagir et al., 2018). Further, the study of financial literacy gaps in the schools will help the policymakers in curriculum development to plan on introducing holistic financial literacy programs in these schools (Bakar and Bakar, 2020). The financial education programs are aimed at benefiting the teens and the youth as they will be able to acquire immense knowledge on financial managementmonetary management, which will help them become responsible citizens and parents financially (Amagir et al., 2018). The study on financial illiteracy is aimed to pioneer more research into the field of financial literacy. Comment by Patricia Akojie: This statement needs clarity. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Explain further.
Add more information here – too short.
Nature of the Study
The qualitative research method will be used to collect, comparecompare, and interpret different information that will be collected through interviews (Hennink et al., 2020). The qualitative method is appropriate because data for the study will be collected through interviews observations. A narrative design for data analysis will be used to analyze the collected data (Hennink et al., 2020). Narratives will include analyzing the words or stories shared during the interviews to identify the gaps in financial education within the school district of Palm Beach County, Florida. Comment by Patricia Akojie: This section you talked about narrative design, but later on you talked about ethnographic design, so which is which?
The advantage of using qualitative research in analyzing financial literacy in education is that it has the power to generate adequate information which is required to answer the research questions on financial education (Hennink et al., 2020). Secondly, the use of qualitative data will ensure that the information provided is specific to the qualitative field of financial education. Lastly, the qualitative approach is a subjective method of research and thus, will answer the question of why there is financial illiteracy among youths and teens in the US (Hennink et al., 2020). Comment by Patricia Akojie: Work on formatting. Paragraph is not APA spacing. Comment by Patricia Akojie: How so? Explain. Comment by Patricia Akojie: How?
To answer the research questions on financial literacy, a qualitative research method shall be used. The qualitative method is most relevant for this study because it shall provide contexts and an overview of financial literacy in schools. An ethnographic design will be used. This is because it allows first-hand information to be collected. Direct observation and questionnaire interviews shall be used to collect (Jamshed, 2014). The participants will answer interview questions on the state of financial literacy in their schools and what they believe are implications of lack of financial literacy Comment by Patricia Akojie: This information contradicts the narrative design proposed earlier. So, which is which?
I will have to stop here in this section
The qualitative research method shall be used in answering questions on financial literacy because it will lead to deep insights about financial literacy and its impacts on teenagers and youths. Also, the qualitative research method will save money because information shall be collected through interviews and direct observations. The main setback is that, even though the grounded method shall be used to analyze the data, the factor of bias is hard to overcome. Therefore, the findings and conclusions on financial literacy in schools and how it affects youth and teenagers may not be accurate due to the bias factor.
Sometimes, you talked about using mixed method and at other times you discussed using qualitative method. You also proposed two designs. So, the nature of the study is confusing and needs clarification.
Research Questions
There are three research questions.
1. What gaps are found in financial education among the schools in Palm Beach County, Florida? Comment by Patricia Akojie: Do you have a baseline to compare “gaps”?
2. Are there evident effects of financial illiteracy on the youth and teens within the state? Comment by Patricia Akojie: This does not sound like a research question.
3. What actions should be taken to address the gaps witnessed in financial education among schools in Florida and nationally? Comment by Patricia Akojie: You will need to discuss the baseline in the background of the study.
Theoretical Framework
College students in the United States continue to struggle with massive debt. A majority of adults live from paycheck to paycheck, implying that there are a vast majority of financially illiterate persons. Entrepreneurs in the economy are extremely disappointed with the lack of preparation and financial savvy of recent graduates and prospective candidates. The concept of financial literacy is just a normal unit for most students.
are learning to pass the examination, only to live beyond their monthly income, cannot purchase a home, cannot subscribe to a monthly insurance plan, and cannot even save for retirement due to the lump sum debt (Draper, 2019). Comment by Patricia Akojie: Here in DOC 723, you will need to support all assertion with literature. This may fly in DOC 715, but not as you get closer to completing the proposal. Need literature support for this assertion.
Comment by Patricia Akojie: Use professional language moving forward. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Here in DOC 723, you will need to support all assertion with literature. This may fly in DOC 715, but not as you get closer to completing the proposal. Need literature support for this assertion.
Comment by Patricia Akojie: Meaning what? Comment by Patricia Akojie: Check to make sure that Draper, 2019 was specifically talking about students.
It is estimated that 44% of Americans can’t cover a $400 emergency without debt. 56% of Americans have less than $10,000 in savings for their retirement (FederalReserve, 2018). Some of these skills should be taught by parents to their children; however, many parents live in great debt. If students are not learning financial skills at home, then it is expected that financial illiteracy will be a norm for many persons. Schools should only facilitate what is being taught at home. Research on financial literacy showed that 27 states received a “C” or lower grade. While students learn mathematics in schools, most schools are not required to teach finance-related curriculum like the concept of compound interest and how to complete a tax return (Champlain, 2019). Teaching personal finance is not just the responsibility of learning institutions as it is not just effective to teach personal finance in a condensed format and expect significant results. The behavior of students learning to save their pocket money should be applied in a manner that enables students to apply what they learn in school. This is because it goes a long way in improving financial literacy in schools (Kirkham, 2016). Comment by Patricia Akojie: Here in DOC 723, you will need to support all assertion with literature. This may fly in DOC 715, but not as you get closer to completing the proposal. Need literature support for this assertion.
Comment by Patricia Akojie: Who is the author? – Federal Reserve? Comment by Patricia Akojie: Here in DOC 723, you will need to support all assertion with literature. This may fly in DOC 715, but not as you get closer to completing the proposal. Need literature support for this assertion.
Comment by Patricia Akojie: This is confusing. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Says who? Comment by Patricia Akojie: Here in DOC 723, you will need to support all assertion with literature. This may fly in DOC 715, but not as you get closer to completing the proposal. Need literature support for this assertion.
Comment by Patricia Akojie: Needs clarity.
I have to stop here in this section. What is the conceptual framework of the study?
Definition of Terms
College students are individuals who have been enrolled in tertiary learning institutions. They majorly pursue degree courses. In this research, they are faced with different financial constraints during their period of study. College students are at a higher risk of getting into depression and stress due to poor financial budgets. Comment by Patricia Akojie: All definitions need to be supported with literature.
Paycheck to paycheck is a terminology used o define people who would not meet their financial errands without jobs. They highly depend on the salaries and if the salary is not available then they get depressed. They commit their earnings to expenditure. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Not sure why you have to define Paycheck in this study. This word was not in the problem statement or purpose of study.
Financial Literacy entails understanding and effectively using various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Financial literacy is the basis of the association with money, and it is an enduring erudition voyage (Lusardi, 2019).
Entrepreneurs are an originator, challenger, and driver. They are the persons who create something new. It can be a corporation, an initiative, or a business. They combine land, labor, and capital in an investment (Kirkham, 2016).
Financial Savvy
is a person that is well conversant in dealing with expenses, credit, and other money matters. At the same time, this term can mean many different things to different people; the overall idea of being savvy financially emphasizes one notion, hereby maintaining a healthy financial standing through proper planning and budgeting (Kirkham, 2016).
Personal Finance is a term that covers the concepts of managing money, saving, and investing. It also includes banking, budgeting, mortgages, investments, insurance, retirement planning, and tax planning. An illustration of personal finance knows how to budget, balance a checkbook, obtain funds for major purchases, save for retirement, plan for taxes, purchase insurance and make investments (Lusardi, 2019). Comment by Patricia Akojie: Not sure how the yellow section is relevant to the problem statement. You can transfer the information to the background of the study or somewhere in the literature. Comment by Jennifer Vitale: They are part of the definition of terms.
The notion that financial information can supernumerary for low levels of financial literacy rests on the supposition that less well-informed persons face higher footraces regarding the assortment and dispensation of information and thereby save more on data and search costs when revolving to an advisor. The assumption disregards literature from the study of adult teaching, psychology and behavior change, and the socio-cultural factors that disturb learners (Lusardi, 2019). Comment by Patricia Akojie: Is this your own thoughts? If not, give credit to the author and explain what you mean. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Meaning what?
Another assumption seems to be that anybody with complications connected to money must have insufficiency in financial knowledge, or the problems would not have happened. The answer is to offer knowledge in individual accountability for one’s achievements and disappointments, which is a vital part of American philosophy. Another supposition is the anticipation that education in financial substances will surge individual’s literateness and, by allowance, advance their monetary well-being. This assumption disregards non-fiction from the study of adult education mindset and behavior variation (Lusardi, 2019). Comment by Patricia Akojie: What is your point?
I have to stop here. You need to explain how these assumptions relate to the problem of study.
Establishing the discussion under the premise that the inquisitive approach to finding out whether gaps exist in the education system bears the bias of what exists and doesn’t. It before hand gives the limitation of the study to focus on the scope of education rather than what really brings about such changes in systems of education. There are various approached to ensure a proper understanding of the study is to accept that the real authority of these gaps lies in the system in place to ensure the proper delineation between the education system and the policies. Comment by Patricia Akojie: So, what is your point? Comment by Patricia Akojie: So far, you have not identified a limitation for this study. I will to stop reviewing this section here.
The study utilizes qualitative research approaches which involves the collection of first hand information rather than rely solely on existing literature, to determine the existing gaps in financial education. There can only be a limited amount of interviews that can be correctly deduced and analyzed with regards to financial literacy understanding. This means that there will be an inclined point of view as it requires the development of narratives from the set number of interviewees in order to obtain information on the gaps. In this case, the information will be limited to this specific group who has no established criteria or pre-determined experiences in an education system that lacks financial education.
Furthermore, the limited scope of the theoretical framework, to focus on college students as a genuine aspect of lack of financial education limits the extent to which there is a gap (Bamforth, Jebarajakirthy & Geursen, 2018). This is because students are provided for academic opportunities which they end up repaying when they are employed (Skagerlund, 2018). The huge number of default and struggling payment is due to the increasing rate of unemployment and therefore a lack of means to ensure the utilization of such education (Aboagye & Jung, 2018). It biases the study to show only the failing students who did not have any education in addition to those who may have had opportunities to learn and benefit from extra-curricular financial education programs.
The purpose of research delimitations is to define where a study’s scope ends in regards to financial education and its gap in Florida schools. The boundaries of the study will include the determination of the trust regarding information and whether it can be accurately implemented in ensuring proper financial literacy for young learners. There is little academic material that pertains to financial thought and its discussion to students. The purpose of utilizing qualitative research to analyze financial literacy in education is that it has the ability to provide enough content to address the financial literacy research questions. Using qualitative data will help ensure that the information presented is relevant to the area of education. The delimitations of the study is that it only allows the analysis of various school material and does not consider the policies in place that ensure the standard and material being taught in schools. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Meaning what? Comment by Patricia Akojie: So, what is your point? Comment by Patricia Akojie: Support the discussion with literature.
Summary Comment by Patricia Akojie: This will change when you revise this chapter.
There are limited numbers of schools that offer financial literacy material in their academia curriculum. This may be because of the way policy is set and established for universality and harmonization of learning. The study is also focused on establishing whether there is reliable and credible information pertaining to financial literacy in schools and the adequate steps are in place. The research utilized qualitative method of research and utilized a narrative approach to properly deduce the findings of the study. The study is keen on answering the solutions available to ensure that the financial education gap is bridged in schools in Florida. On top of that, it is meant to determine the impacts of the lack of financial literacy among youths in Florida schools. This is after establishing the existing financial gaps in financial literacy education in Palm Beach County. With visible gaps existing in the schools it is only crucial to focus on academic policy in place to ensure sufficient education is implemented across schools in the county.
Review Comment by Patricia Akojie: Start on a new page.
The majority of the financial decisions made by individuals who are considered as graduates can be perceived to be from a point of view that there is a lack of financial literacy. This is including the comparison of the average adult can barely cover certain emergencies that involve financial situations. In this discussion the theoretical premise is based on determining the amount of financial literacy among the youth and the extent to which such education is included in their school curriculum. Various authors have written the position of a lack of proper financial education thereby leading to young individuals making irresponsible decisions. Amagir et. al. provides a review of the adequacy of financial literacy in adolescents and children in their school curriculum (2018). They highlighted the discrepancy in financial education and the way through which children’s education is highly lacking in adequate financial literacy (Amagir et. al., 2018). Comment by Patricia Akojie: This introduction to the literature review is too long. Keep to ½ to ¾ of a page.
There are various ways through which financial education can be implemented in schools. First is to ensure that the education system provides an adequate point of view of how financial decisions and information are arrived at. Authors have been known to recommend various ways through which instruction can be properly implemented into the curriculum. One of the most common ways is to have a practical approach in instruction by ensuring such opportunities for students (Amagir et. al., 2018). Through this way, children are able to form and understand the fundamental building blocks with regard to financial education. After establishing the existence of a fundamental aspect of the curricula, there is the ascertaining of whether the education system is effective. There is evidence that school based financial-education can greatly improve children’s and adolescents’ financial attitude and knowledge. This is because they provide a basis of creation and shaping perspectives towards money and how it is an important tool to utilize in the modern world (Amagir et. al., 2018).
Hastings et. al (2013) argue that there exists an association between negative credit financial behaviors with poor information regarding financial education. This may include actions such as high debts, foreclosure of homes, unfriendly mortgage choices among others. This pattern has been discovered to not only affect adults but also children and adolescents who lack a knowhow of operating in a financial environment. Fellow authors have alluded to this by describing that there is an increasing number of several households running through the risk of going to debt due to poor financial choices (Aboagye & Jung, 2018).
The evidence in literature indicates the way in which increasingly alarming number of individuals are becoming subject to more debt and financial traps. This is because in the existing education system, there is little to no subject with regard to the education of such principles (Aboagye & Jung, 2018). The reason is there is a high number of students and adolescents who are poor financial decision makers. This comes from the educational gap in learning. The failure to understand how certain financial complex issues might work leads to choices that are unintentionally jeopardizing their pockets (Aboagye & Jung, 2018).
In order to implement financial education, it is crucial to understand the burden it releases and how it leads to the success of a nation or family. This is because proper practice of financial decisions would lead to increased benefits for a family and avoidance of debt and its instruments (Aboagye & Jung, 2018). This can be interpreted as investing in human capital by ensuring that right decision could be made to ensure that financial responsibilities are well understood. The modern world has become increasingly complex in carrying out its trades and businesses as such making it fundamental to have a basic grasp of financial education (Aboagye & Jung, 2018).
One of the most determining factors in education is the policies that come along with the school boards and universality of education. This is because when implementing decisions of including the education of financial literacy, one of the objectives that have to be analyzed is the long-term benefit that such education brings (Faulkner, 2017). The lack of this education has led to the lack of knowledge regarding the extent to which financial decisions can be considered when looking at the future and the long term impact that may result out of it. Knowledge and behavior is one of the fundamental ways through which we are capable of knowing which actions to expect and stay away from in order to make proper decisions (Aboagye & Jung, 2018). This requires necessary information and the intended behavior in order to secure such benefits.
Attitudes and confidence also come as a benefit when facing financial problems. This is because they provide a major drive towards ensuring the decisions are made in a correct state of mind and do not rely on false and misleading information. This can only be arrived at with the sense ensuring decisions made not only reflect benefit in the short term but also the long term (Faulkner, 2017). This way, current and future decisions made in light of financial education could lead to ensuring that there is a reduction in the number of financial mistakes that are taken during adulthood and as adolescents.
A comprehensive search of all material and directions with regard to financial literacy in schools has been analyzed to ascertain the level of intervention that exists in schools and to which extent they benefit their students (Faulkner, 2017). Articles, documents, texts and records were examined to determine where the database of information exists is sufficient and adequately available for students as well as guided instruction with an expert (Faulkner, 2017).
Looking into the budgets for education on financial aspects, the literature indicates there might be a certain extent to little being allocated for financial education (Faulkner, 2017). There are authors that posit the argument that the lack of financial education in schools is due to the budget cuts and lack of policies that drive more funding towards achieving it (Aboagye & Jung, 2018).
Titles Search and Documentation
Research methods are a crucial way through which information can be collected and discussed with the purpose of making an informed decision. This is because the information being collected might have various circumstances and situations which may require different forms of analysis and inferences (Aboagye & Jung, 2018). In research, there are three main methods used which are the Qualitative technique of research, there is the quantitative technique of research and then finally there is the mixed method. All of these forms of research have their application and utilization in various types of research and in this discussion we shall focus on analysis of the various forms of research methods. Through analysis, we can have a fresh point of view into the data and provide different perspectives (Hennick et al, 2020).
Qualitative Analysis
Analysis of information usually involves the breakdown of data into bits and pieces which allow for easier understanding. Without the crucial breakdown of such information, it would then lead to the whole information being misconstrued and misunderstood in the process (Hennick et al, 2020). The increased reliance on the whole chunk of data is what makes it crucial to have a method of understanding how the data can be broken down. We have to know the specifics of how and when something occurred. It has become a known method where information is more understandable and easier to process as it does not have the rigorous aspect of ensuring amount of information acquired. It revolves around three core components which are the classification, connection and description of data (Hennick et al, 2020).
Thorough description and the comprehended information is the first step of ensuring proper qualitative analysis. This is because it is meant to provide a thorough description of the information and state the clear intentions of the material and data required and how it relates to the subject matter (Hennick et al, 2020). Contextualization is a crucial aspect of description of information obtained. The intentions and the process are also a crucial step in the description aspect as they provide a clear point of discussion and school of thought on how conclusions from data were collected (Hennick et al, 2020).
Researchers who tend to use this method usually rely on various methods to implement their data collection strategies. This is because there are various methods which can be used in ensuring the conduct of such analysis is correct. Furthermore, it is more important to understand the aspect of classification of information and how they all relate to one another. In classification of information it is paramount to ensure that they are correctly grouped and put together in order to provide a concrete argument towards the subject matter (Hennick et al, 2020).
The research in question is intended to relate to the community and society from where the publisher is well aware of. It should encompass various aspects and information which would form the central part of the research being discussed. This means that the information produced should be able to provide an insight into how the subject matter is directed and as such connecting the dots (Hennick et al, 2020). The description and the classification of information ought to on their own develop a cogent argument and be able to provide an implication into the direction of the subject matter being discussed. Concepts created become the building blocks of the discussion and form part of the overall connection. This form of analysis provides an avenue to make a connection between various aspects and argue on the best way forward according to the data (Hennick et al, 2020).
Quantitative Analysis
This form of research analysis usually revolves around the intense collection and selection of data which is utilized for the dissemination and discussion of the subject matter while providing connections. This form of research analysis usually provides an informed discussion into the manner in which discussions are driven. This type of analysis usually relies heavily on statistical and mathematical like precision in deduction and analysis of data (Hennick et al, 2020). This means that there is a lot of data and information which is usually processed and put into place to provide a clear connection on the topic of discussion. The utilization of this form of analysis is hinged on the motivation that the information ought to point at how many or quantifiability of the perspective being provided. This means that this form of research analysis usually allows for ease of deduction as connection are made from data which shows how exactly to approach the topic of discussion (Hennick et al, 2020).
The utilization of this form of analysis has two major advantages. One of them being it provides a larger and broader sample of data that is to be utilized and implemented into the research. This is because the data that has been captured provides a more obvious and informed deduction into how the argument should be or the answer to the research. Another advantage of this form of analysis is that it solves the issue of objectivity and accuracy of information being provided. This makes it an even more attractive form of research which intends to showcase a specific aspect to a problem.
In relation to the research regarding the community or social aspects, it is important to have a lot of information and data pertaining to the various aspects of that society. it is by connecting these dots that the research is able to provide a wholesome insight into the matter and ensure that the information deduced from the analysis is accurate and direct as possible (Hennick et al, 2020).
Mixed Methods
These methods involve the utilization of various forms of research analysis to arrive conclusive information. In basic terms, it generally means the application of both qualitative and quantitative form of research method to provide a clear output on the study. This usually functions by utilization of research resources and methods into areas where both forms of research analysis provides a strong suit (Jamshed, 2014). This means that each form of research provides its own set of advantages and ensures that they work in tandem. It also involves the collection of both open and closed ended data which are usually in response to the research question. There is the persuasive and rigorous procedure of ensuring the qualitative methods are correctly implemented (Jamshed, 2014).
There are various types of mixed method research which shows it is not a matter of mere combination of the two principles. This method offers the benefit of ease of understanding contradictions between quantitative results and the qualitative findings. in a way it ensures the proper harmonization of these aspects making it easier to deduce a topic of discussion. It is also based on the experiences and findings of the directly interviewed individuals as such making the data a correct representation of the research question (Jamshed, 2014).
In conclusion, I tend to incline on the utilization of mixed research method due to the several benefits it provides. This method focuses on highlighting the strong suits of both sides of data collection and interpretation. This means that harmonization and seamless argument of data is easily achievable making the document even more continuous. The analysis of each research method on its own strong suits provides a means of ensuring that there is a wholesome perspective to the research question (Jamshed, 2014).
Not sure what any of the above has to do with title search. The title search section should not be more than ½ to ¾ of a page.
Historical Content Comment by Patricia Akojie:
This entire historical content is from one author . . . Lusardi et al, 2015. That is unacceptable.
Recent studies have come to establish the significance of financial literacy and the lessons from history that ought to be learn t about its importance. Illiteracy of such kind has been considered to be an endemic issue especially since majority of the young population of the world is struggling to find financial independence in their own capacity (Lusardi et al, 2015). In 2015, a research study was able to pinpoint that majority of the country’s youth and adolescents are responsible for the loss of over $91 billion as a result of their lack of understanding the financial system. It is considered as one of the most forthcoming challenge of the modern age as failure to understand its importance usually leads to an array of consequences. Some of them include high level spending on credit, poor management of funds among other reasons have been credited as some of the forefront decisions made in light of lack of such education (Lusardi et al, 2015). Comment by Patricia Akojie: This section is for historical content not for “recent studies”. Comment by Patricia Akojie: What?
This only means there is a high number of seniors who are graduating with little to no information regarding the aspects of financial literacy. This is because of the limited information regarding financial literacy in their academia curriculum therefore leading to little preparation (Lusardi et al, 2015). If the curriculum was in place, then there wouldn’t be witnessed such an increased number of learners with no concept of financial literacy which would lead to more successful students and young adults. Such education provides them the opportunity to be able to understand how to properly budget their finances, the proper investment choices and even how to understand financial markets (Lusardi et al, 2015). This allows them to understand finance and a way to manipulate them in order to ensure their way out of debt. It also increases their horizons to understand decisions, patterns and techniques that are implemented in the markets and how they can be beneficial to the student.
There has been a record of the high number students in Florida who do not have any financial literacy classes. This is because of the number of education material available at their disposal during the course of undertaking their studies (Lusardi et al, 2015). As a result, a lot of students tend to finish school with little knowledge with regards to how financial circumstances operate and work in life. The number of students in the state that are missing out on crucial financial lessons has increased significantly. From the complex way in which life requires various financial skills in order to survive, the lack of this knowledge spells doom for students from the county. When considering the current patterns of decisions, we tend to find out that there was a gap in education material in the country with regard to financial education (Lusardi et al, 2015).
Naturally the beginning point of the discussion would be to establish the importance of having such literacy courses taught in schools. There are various studies which have been known to indicate the difference between counties that offer this form of education and those which do not. The difference was perceivable in the credit scores where the number of students who performed well in terms of financial decisions was those who received some education in some form or the other. The impact and benefit is largely felt from homes that parents did not have the opportunity to learn and understand the inner working of financial education and its importance on life.
While considering this importance, it is crucial to note that there is the chance of parents being against such initiatives and was seen as a way of weakening the credibility of scholarships ad provision of student loans. While this might have a benefit to the education of the student, it only assists them further to be able to determine which options they have and which opportunities are at their disposal. The major downside would be the disadvantage it brought about to the county as there would be little funding channeled towards support of college education.
I tend to argue that this fear is based ought of the unforeseen benefits of financial education. This is because a reduction in the number of student loans would mean an increased success into how education is sought and determined. This benefits the young learners and adolescents even more to make correct decisions for their credit score. On top of that, having increased financial education would mean the capability to understand and benefit from various scholarships when they are in college without the burden of getting into debt (Lusardi et al, 2015).
While this might be the case, it was also crucial to establish boundaries in terms of learning and ensure that only those who were interested in the initiatives would be allowed to participate in the learning programs that further their financial literacy. This aspect of inclusion would mean that there is the benefit of choice and those who feel not interested in such education material can opt out. In this circumstance, it is crucial to understand that there is the difference in perspective and how financial education can be undertaken. In this case, it has seen various households not benefit from discussions revolving around financial education.
From a historical perspective, we get to understand the importance of the literacy classes and the reasons why policy indicated and supported the lack of such educational material in schools. The huge number of schools and school districts from the pool of data collection indicate an oversight from curriculum developers and instructors over the importance of financial education in schools within the county.
In order to further determine the economic success of the country, historical data was used to determine the extent to which adults and the financial economy was fairing. This information was generated utilizing data from various income statements from prominent businesses. On top of that, financial records of various governmental bodies as well as their analysis of cause and effect in terms of economic periods determined the extent of financial preparation. To this extent, we can credibly deduce that there is a huge impact towards the decisions adult undertake and their understanding of financial literacy. There have been high numbers of individuals who make their decisions based on the information received and the actions of others (Lusardi et al, 2015).
Majority of the information collected at this period of data collection lead to the eventual global economic collapse of the financial system. This was due to poor decision making and lack of knowledge in investing and making sound decisions. The major loss saw the dwindling financial hopes of individuals who had made huge decisions and those who lived with debt were hit the hardest with a lack of recourse due to their huge debts. Even when the economy recovered, it only leads to more debts which could only translate to more poor financial decisions being made (Lusardi et al, 2015).
This entire historical content is from one author . . . Lusardi et al, 2015. That is unacceptable.
Current Content
Academic research and project write-ups have always included a literature review, and this viewpoint has not changed. It is acceptable to refer to this chapter as a “Review of Related Literature” or simply “Literature Review” while writing it up. A full description of prior research on your area of interest is provided in this chapter. The previous works that must be included in this chapter must have been published in a respectable academic publication throughout the world. It’s critical to keep in mind that, unlike an essay, a Literature Review does not seek to make a case for a particular point of view. An overview of the existing literature on the issue is provided instead
. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Redundant
The Review of Literature looks for commonalities, differences, and inconsistencies in study methods, approaches, and outcomes (Nakano & Muniz, 2018). It summarizes the available literature, analyses the contributions of relevant literature, and delivers an assessment of the research’s overall methodological strengths and flaws (Nakano & Muniz, 2018). Due to the fact that I am gathering and evaluating first-hand data on the subject of chapter 2, it is progressing well. My research goals may be furthered by using the present body of literature, as shown by the findings reported in Pautasso (2019). Current works of literature assist me to grasp the breadth and depth of my literature study by focusing on how reliable and trustworthy the sources of information are. Most research publications need familiarity with the relevant literature; thus, I agree with Pautasso’s (2019) findings. When writing your literature review, you analyze and justify how your study fits into the current body of knowledge
. Comment by Patricia Akojie: Redundant. No study on financial literacy reported.
The next question to discuss is whether modernization is development. The period after world war two showed a growing interest in the poor nations of the world among scholars and policy makers in industrialized countries especially in the United States. The American historian known as Walt W. Rostov inspired theorists of the nineteen fifties and sixties who argued that the process of development could be seen as a series of successive stages of economic growth through which all countries must pass. This school of thought came to be known as the modernization theory (Nakano & Muniz, 2018). We find that modernization theorists contended that a society’s slow development was both caused by and reflected in its traditional economic, political, social, and cultural structures as opposed to its modern ones. They argued that the impetus to modernize come as a result of their endogenous exchanges. Comment by Patricia Akojie: This not the section for theory, discuss related literature instead.
However in developing countries, their transformation would come primarily by way of exogenous stimuli. This means that modernization would occur by the diffusion of capital, institutions, and values from the First World. It was presumed that Westernization, industrialization, and economic growth would generate the preconditions for the evolution of greater social equality and consequently the rise of stable, democratic institutions and a welfare state. Throughout this process the state would serve as the primary agent of social agent. Modern law was believed to be the “functional prerequisite of an industrial economy.” That is, law would provide the necessary elements for the functioning of a modern system, including contract and private property rights, and universal and uniformly applied rules that allow for predictability and planning. In addition modern law would be essential to political development as it would help create a pluralist, liberal-democratic state, and serve as the primary restraint on arbitrary state action (Nakano & Muniz, 2018). Comment by Patricia Akojie: No related literature of financial literacy reported in this paragraph also.
Simply put, as Americans began to question their ideals at home they also began to question their value as models for other countries. Financial considerations may have also played a role in that government agencies and private foundations began to lose interest in the role of law in the development process and so academics were deprived of necessary financial support (Nakano & Muniz, 2018). However the most fundamental reasons for the decline of the law and development movement was that it was widely perceived to be a failure. However according to Trubek and Galanter in “scholars and Self-Estrangement,” the notion that American liberal legalism could be successfully transplanted to liberal developing nations was completely misguided. This was because, the argued that the pre-conditions to successful implementation of the liberal legal model sharply contrasted with reality in developing nations (Nakano & Muniz, 2018). Comment by Patricia Akojie: No related literature of financial literacy reported in this paragraph also.
Two pages of content literature is unacceptable. The content literature section alone needs to be at least 20 pages of studies on financial literacy by the time you complete this dissertation.
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Literature
The number of college students that are increasingly becoming part of the struggle to fight from financial debt in huge amounts. On the same hand, numerous adults live on a paycheck to paycheck basis which indicates there are high numbers of financial illiterate individuals who do not understand the impact of their financial decisions. Businesswise, entrepreneurs are met with great challenge at the disproportional preparation and financial information that individuals have when coming into employment (Skagerlund, 2018). This concept has greatly been misunderstood and not appreciated enough by students as an important aspect in life. It is from this circumstance that we come to discuss the purpose and findings of this discussion. The manner in which a large number of adults, children and adolescents lack in financial education can be attributed to a lack of the same in their education instruction. Comment by Patricia Akojie: What has this sentence got to do with the conceptual framework of the study? Comment by Patricia Akojie: What has this sentence got to do with the conceptual framework of the study?
Comment by Patricia Akojie: What has this sentence got to do with the conceptual framework of the study?
Comment by Patricia Akojie: What has these sentences got to do with the conceptual framework of the study?
In theory form, the concept of financial literacy may be easy to understand and grasp. This has proven to be quite different for its application into practical areas of life as such leading to the huge numbers of individuals with debts. Majority of the instruction is usually done for the completion of the education curricula and not to practically benefit the student beyond the classroom and passing of their exams. This leaves financial literacy as nothing more than a subject that is taught in order to ensure that students meet the certified qualification in instruction in various subjects without regard for how they can be utilized (Draper, 2019). This is discernible in the way in which students are able to make certain life decisions such as purchasing of a home, monthly insurance plans and even provide savings for their retirement benefits. Such limitations to the understanding and practicality of finance leave an ideological gap that seeks to fulfill academic qualifications and not the understanding of debt and the financial systems. Comment by Patricia Akojie: No conceptual framework identified. I have to stop reading this section here.
According to various surveys, rough estimates have been provided about the quality of living that Americans enjoy. It has been approximated that roughly almost half the population could not afford settling of emergency fees of $400 or more without accruing a debt. Similarly shocking figures indicate that a large number of working Americans do not have sufficient savings in their retirement accounts due to these huge amounts of debt (Federal Reserve, 2018). This knowledge cannot be accurately passed on to children due to debts of their own that they have accrued as such making for a generation of households that accept the norm of financial illiteracy. As the adults barely know any better, their children are more likely to fall into similar patterns that will sound danger to their futures.
In the end, schools should ensure the proper facilitation of financial skills that have been learnt from home. A lack of proper training and education would only lead to lack of such information benefiting young adults and children (Bamforth, Jebarajakirthy & Geursen, 2018). It is the responsibility of schools to ensure their curriculums touch on the importance of financial literacy and ensure that their learners are able to practically grasp its concepts. Basic concepts are usually taught and demonstrated in mathematic classes but are not given the financial application of the same in life. This leads to a shallow understanding of the workings of a financial system and not the practical concepts of management of finances. This is because these theories maybe understood in theoretical aspects but circumstances are not usually similarly tailored in real life.
Students and learners alike need to understand the importance of financial education and why it is a personal responsibility and also an institutional responsibility to ensure its proper understanding. Institutions are usually inclined towards teaching financial literacy from a point of view that is broad and significant and not solely giving focus to short forms and buzz words relating to finance. From a young age, children from various households are usually given pocket money and it should be their first lesson in money management. This provides an insight into finance and allows the students to understand the concepts and theories from a practical point of view. They should be able to integrate their instruction received from school with real life occurrences and would go a long way to ensure it improves their financial literacy (Kirkham, 2016).
Based on this outlook of financial education, the study established the theoretical framework of the study. It is keen to indicate the rising number of financial issues being experienced in households and how the number of adults in debts also keeps on rising. This is also considering the inflation rates and how they have led to financial difficulties for individuals and families. On top of that, such gaps also lead to the development and instruction of students who then grow up to become poor financial decision makers. As such, the intention of the study is to ensure the count of Florida has adequate financial education systems in place and whether they are sufficient enough to validate the increasing aspect between the youth and the rise in debt (Kirkham, 2016).
References Comment by Patricia Akojie: Some of the references are not APA style.
Aboagye, J., & Jung, J. Y. (2018). Debt holding, financial behavior and financial satisfaction. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 29(2), 208-218.
Amagir, A., Groot, W., Maassen van den Brink, H., & Wilschut, A. (2018). A review of financial-literacy education programs for children and adolescents. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 17(1), 56-80.
Amagir, A., Groot, W., van den Brink, H. M., & Wilschut, A. (2020). Financial literacy of high school students in the Netherlands: knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and behavior. International Review of Economics Education, 34, 100185.
Bamforth, J., Jebarajakirthy, C., & Geursen, G. (2018). Understanding undergraduates’ money management behaviour: a study beyond financial literacy. International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Blue, L. E., & Grootenboer, P. (2019). A praxis approach to financial literacy education. Journal of curriculum studies, 51(5), 755-770.
Cieslick, J., & van Stel, A. (2017). Explaining university students’ career path intentions from their current entrepreneurial exposure. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 24(2), 313-332 (2019). Should Financial Literacy Be Taught in More Schools [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Draper, S. (2019). Why Financial Literacy in Schools matter today for the workforce of Tomorrow. Retrieved from
Dyer, S.P.; Lambeth, D.T.; Martin, E.P. Effects of multimodal instruction on personal finance skills for high school students. J. Sch. Educ. Technol. 2016, 11, 1–1
Faulkner, A. E. (2017). Financial literacy education in the United States: Exploring popular personal finance literature. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 49(3), 287-298.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit; Federal Reserve Bank: New York, NY, USA, 2016; pp. 1–33
FederalReserve (2018). Federal Reserve Board issues report on the economic well-being of U.S. Households. Retrieved from
Hennink, M. M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2020). Qualitative research methods. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Jamshed, S. (2014). Qualitative research method-interviewing and observation. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, 5(4), 87.
Khan, S. N. (2014). Qualitative Research Method: Grounded Theory. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(11).
Kirkham E. (2016). 1 in 3 Americans has saved $0 for retirement. Retrieved from
Lusardi, A. (2019). Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and implications. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 155(1).
Lusardi, A.; Tufano, P. Debt literacy, Financial Experiences, and Overindebtedness. J. Pension Econ. Finance. 2015, 14, 332–368. Comment by Patricia Akojie: ? Comment by Jennifer Vitale: Yes the word in the title is overindebtedness
Rajh, E., Budak, J., Ateljević, J., Davčev, L., Jovanov, T., & Ognjenović, K. (2016). Entrepreneurial intentions in selected Southeast European countries. EIZ Working Papers, (9), 5-27.
Nova. (2018). Financial education stalls, threatening kids’ future economic health. Cnbc.Com.
Skagerlund, K., Lind, T., Strömbäck, C., Tinghög, G., & Västfjäll, D. (2018). Financial literacy and the role of numeracy–How individuals’ attitude and affinity with numbers influence financial literacy. Journal of behavioral and experimental economics, 74, 18-25.
Suparno, S. & Saptono, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship education and its influence on financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills in college. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21(4), 1-11
Proposal Criteria Assessment
Meets Criterion
Does Not Meet Criterion
Introduction Average of ½ – ¾ page
1. The dissertation topic is introduced and the introduction reflects the chapter contents.
Background of the Problem Average of 2 ½ pages
2. Discussion reflects why the research problem is of important social concern or theoretical interest and is supported with peer reviewed literature.
Problem Statement Average of ¾ page
3. The problem is clear, concise, reflective of the purpose statement, and is cited. Recent citations within the last five years.
Needs clarity
Purpose of the Study Average of ¾ page
The purpose is clear and aligns with the problem.
5. Research method and design are stated and are appropriate to the proposed study.
6. The study objectives are clearly stated.
7. Geographic location of study is identified without compromising confidentiality.
Quantitative and mixed method: Research variables are identified.
9. Qualitative: Central Phenomenon or Center of Interests are identified.
Population and Sample Average of ¾ – 1 page
10. Population(s) and justification for participant sample size or other sources of proposed data are identified.
Significance of the Study Average of 1 page
11. Discusses why the study is important and what this research may contribute to knowledge.
Nature of the Study Average of 1 to 5 pages
12. Discusses the appropriateness of the research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed).
Discusses the design appropriateness and how the design will accomplish the study objectives.
Research Questions / Hypotheses Average of 1 page
14. Research questions align with the problem and purpose of the study. Research questions fully encompass the purpose; they are not broader or narrower than the stated objectives.
15. Quantitative and mixed-method studies: Hypotheses are well developed, include both null and alternate hypotheses, and the null and alternate statements are testable.
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Average of 2-4 pages
16. Discussion reflects theories and/or concepts that align with and are relevant to the study topics.
Definitions (Required only for studies with Unique Terminology)
Average of 0 to 1 page
17. Definitions are provided for unique terms.
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations
Average of 1 to 2 pages
18. Assumptions, limitations, and delimitations of the study are described and the generalizability of the study findings is discussed.
Chapter Summary
19. Discussion summarizes key points presented in Chapter 1, includes citations, and includes a transition to Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 averages 30-50 pages
Meets Criterion
Does Not Meet Criterion
Introduction Average of ½ – ¾ page
Discussion reflects brief overview of what is contained in the chapter.
Title Searches and Documentation Average of ½ – ¾ page
Describes the approach used to search for relevant documentation including key words used to search for publications.
Historical Content and Current Content Sections
Historical Content Average 2-4 pages
Current Content Average 22-37 pages
22. Organization is presented in a logical and flowing manner from broad topics to narrow.
23. The literature review topics align with the proposed study; all relevant topics, sub-topics, or variables are discussed.
24. Historical content reflects sources over 5 years old; current content reflects sources less than 5 years old.
25. Discussion synthesizes (not a study-by-study summary) the literature rather than discussing sources individually.
26. A balanced discussion of alternative viewpoints is provided. The literature compares and contrasts different points of view regarding existing research in the field.
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Literature Average 2-4 pages
27. Expands on the Chapter 1 framework by discussing germinal and current literature relevant to the selected theories or concepts.
Methodology Literature Average of 1 page
28. Addresses methodologies accomplished in previous research within the selected topic and support that the selected methodology will add to the body of knowledge. Current
Research Design Literature Average of 1 page
29. Expands on Chapter 1 discussion of the selected design and includes literature from several design methodologists including the germinal methodologists associated with the design.
Conclusion Average of ½ to 1 page
30. Discussion reflects conclusions derived from analysis of the literature and includes citations.
Chapter Summary Average of ½ to 1 page
31. Discussion summarizes key points presented in Chapter 2, includes citations, and includes a transition to Chapter 3.
Literature Review Overall Depth and Breadth
32. The literature review demonstrates significant depth and breadth; Chapter 2 includes 30 to 50 pages.
Comments: thanks for posting your paper for review. See below for areas of improvement.
Chapter 1: The opening paragraph still needs work. See comments on paper.
2. Chapter 1: Background of the study needs clarity. See comments on paper.
3. Chapter 1: The specific problem is still not clear.
Chapter 1: Need a clear purpose statement.
5. Chapter 1: Continue to work on stronger alignment of the problem statement and purpose statement.
6. Chapter 1: Significance of study need more information.
7. Chapter 1: You are still confused about what the research design is . . . work on that.
Chapter 1: Research questions are overloaded. Keep them simple.
9. Chapter 1: Theoretical framework did not meet requirements. See comments on the side of the paper.
10. Chapter 1: Definition of terms – some may not be relevant to study depending on the final focus. You may need additional new definitions. Keep visiting this section to update as needed.
11. Chapter 1: The limitations, delimitations, and summary need more work.
12. Chapter 2: Introduction is too long.
Chapter 2: Title searches section needs work see specific comments on paper.
14. Chapter 2: Historical Literature – This entire historical content is from one author . . . Lusardi et al, 2015. That is unacceptable.
15. Chapter 2: Current literature is too short. Current literature by itself should be at least 20 pages by the end of the dissertation.
16. Chapter 2: Current Literature: What needs to be discussed under current literature are current studies that has been on your topic, not opinion of authors. In that way, you can establish what has been done and what else need to be done, in terms of gap in the literature.
17. Chapter 2: Work on adding information to the current content literature section.
18. Chapter 2: Work on adding actual studies to the current content literature section.
19. Work on sentence clarity throughout the document. Write formally. Avoid informal language and jargons.
Chapter 2: Theoretical framework: Give examples of a related study that used the theoretical framework (model) you are proposing. Explain the fit.
Chapter 2 – Missing Methodological literature: Address methodologies accomplished in previous research within the selected topic and support the selected methodology. This again is splashed intermittently within the paper. Find them and put them under the appropriate heading. Use UOPX template to rearrange your dissertation.
22. Use professional language in the dissertation document. For guide see “Appropriate Language” guide at
23. Anytime, you make major changes in any chapter, always go back to the introduction, summary, and conclusion, and let those reflect the new changes. Do not wait for the instructor to highlight the new problem.
24. Support all assertions with literature.
25. APA issue: Work on APA reference style.
Send a copy of your Chapter 1 and 2 to your URM, so you have another set of eyes looking at the paper. In that way you have rich feedback to develop the revised paper that is due in week 8.
27. Address the issues highlighted on the paper by your chair and URM.
28. Avoid Anthropomorphism – is the attribution of human characteristics to nonhuman entities, objects, or concepts. It results in ambiguity or misleading communication and thus should be avoided. See APA 7th edition, Section 4.11 for more information.