Individual APA Review Assignment (90 points)
· The assignment must be typed in order to be graded.
· Handwritten assignments will be given 0 points.
Due Date
· See Course Schedule Submit in Week 1
· The College’s Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
1. Create an APA-style Title Page for this assignment (2 points)
2. Put each of the following seven Article References in accurate APA format (see below).
3. Create an APA-style References page by alphabetizing the seven Article References. (4 points for each reference). Note: Always leave authors within each reference in the order they appear (do not alphabetize the authors in the reference); it is an honor to be primary authors. Always list last name of author(s), followed by initials.
4. Use
the Alphabetized APA-style REFERENCE PAGE
to fill in the In-Text citations on the next page
(5 points for each in-text citation)
Article References
Author(s): Abela-Dimech, F., & Vuksic, O.
Journal: Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
Title of article: Improving the Practice of Handover for Psychiatric Inpatient Nursing Staff
Pages: 729-736
Year published: 2018
Volume: 32
Issue: 5
Author(s): Tobiano, G., Whitty, J. A., Bucknall, T., & Chaboyer, W.
Journal: Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing
Title of article). Nurses’ perceived barriers to bedside handover and their implication for clinical practice
Pages: 343-349
Year published: 2017
Volume: 14
Issue: 5
Author(s): Bressan, V., Cadorin, L., Pellegrinet, D., Bulfone, G., Stevanin, S., & Palese, A.
Journal: Journal of Nursing Management
Title of article: Bedside shift handover implementation quantitative evidence: Findings from a scoping review.
Pages: 815-832
Year published: 2019
Volume: 27
Issue: 4
Author(s): Walsh, J., Messmer, P. R., Hetzler, K., O’Brien, D. J., & Winningham, B. A.
Journal: Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,
Title of article: Standardizing the Bedside Report to Promote Nurse Accountability and Work effectiveness
Pages: 460-466
Year: 2018
Volume: 49
Issue: 10
Author(s): Christine Wollenhaup, Eleanor Stevenson, Julie Thompson, Helen Gordon, & Gloria Nunn
Journal: Journal of Nursing Administration
Title: Implementation of a modified bedside handoff for a postpartum unit
Pages: 320-326
Year: 2017
Volume: 47
Issue: 6
Doi: https://doi-org.chamberlainuniversity.doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000487
Author(s): Schirm, V., Banz, G., Swartz, C., & Richmond, M.
Journal: Applied Nursing Research
Title: Evaluation of bedside shift report: A research and evidence-based practice initiative.
Pages: 20-25.
Year: 2018
Volume: 40
Doi: https://doi-org.chamberlainuniversity.doi: 2017.12.004
Author: Forde, M. F., Coffey, A., & Hegarty, J.
Journal: Journal of Nursing Management
Title: The factors to be considered when evaluating bedside handover
Pages: 757-768
Year: 2018
Volume: 26
Issue: 7
For the Following Sentences:
· Complete the following in-text and parenthetical citations correctly citing the sources indicated from
· Do
change the contents of the original sentences. (FYI: BSR=Bedside Report)
· Carefully follow APA rules for in-text citations (6 points each).
1. Standardization of handoff practices with a consistent communication framework across the organization can improve the effectiveness of nursing handoff, increase nurse satisfaction, and improve safety of both staff and patients. (Cite source 1 for the first time )
2. “Nurses’ perceptions revealed agreement with the effectiveness, efficiency, helpfulness, accountability, professionalism, patient involvement, safety, and plan of care information” (Cite source 4 for the first time, p. 22)
3. Many studies explored nurse perception of communication pre-and post-implementation of BSR utilizing a variety of reliable survey tools. (Cite source 4 for the second time)
4. According to ______________, this standardized form will help to track progress and observations. Continual feedback and monitoring to make sure behaviors become natural and bedside shift report is implemented consistently is recommended in the literature. (Cite source 1 for the second time)
5. Similarly, the findings of ________________ are consistent with the literature, where patients involved with BSR have improved outcomes. (Cite source 3 for the first time)
6. Effective handoff communication in healthcare is essential for quality patient care. Gaps in handoff communication can cause serious breakdowns in the continuity of care, inappropriate treatment, and patient dissatisfaction___________. (Cite source 6 the first time)
7. Ineffective handoff communication decreases patient safety and satisfaction, nursing satisfaction, which in turn increases costs for healthcare organizations__________. (Cite source 6 for the second time)
8. More specifically, patient participation was noted to hinder effective communication and nurses felt they were not communicating all information to the patient. “Nurses were concerned that increased time was an expected outcome of BSR, thus increasing end of shift hours for nursing” ________. Cite source 5 for the first time, p. 346).
9. The financial benefit of BSR can be attributed to decreased nursing overtime hours and a decrease in patient falls__________. (Cite source 5 for second time)
10. If adopted throughout the psychiatric units, BSR can be incorporated into annual skills competency day for nurses, allowing for refinement and continuous evaluation. Lastly, the literature also supports having BSR educational sessions and training as part of onboarding for new hires. (Cite source 2 for the first time).
11. Communicating these results can be the reinforcement of practicing BSR daily. (Cite source 2 for second time)
Ineffective handoff communication is the most frequently cited root cause of sentinel events. (Cite source 7 for the first time)