HIS131Mid-TermWritingProjectHIS131AmericanHistoryIFall2020 x
Early Republic between 1800 and 1815
Mid-Term Writing Project HIS 131: American History I Fall 2020
The mid-term writing project will serve as the mid-term exam for this course. All students are required to complete the mid-term writing project; as a reminder, this project will count for 20% of the overall grade for this course.
Students must follow the instructions and upload their completed mid-term writing project on Moodle by the due date and time. Students must complete the project on time or they will receive a zero. No student will be allowed to make up the mid-term writing project, and no late work is permitted.
Students must compose a well written essay on the topic listed below. All essays must meet the following criteria:
1. Essays must be at least 650 words without exception.
2. Essays must be specific and detailed; utilizing citations and sources as support for the
essay is required.
• Sources must be from the following:
o Thetextbook
o Articles, videos, or other information posted on Moodle
o Outside sources are permitted as long as they are academic and or scholarly
and from reliable sources.
3. Students must provide a works cited page that list (in MLA format) all sources used for
the essay.
4. All essays must be uploaded on time, by or before the due date without exception.
Essay Topic:
Chapter 7 provides details and information on the Early Republic between 1800 and 1815. Based on Chapter 7 and the supplemental materials and/or other sources, provide a detailed and specific essay that fully answers the following:
What were the specific causes of the War of 1812? Describe and fully explain how the United States responded and what were the results and aftermath of the War of 1812?
Essays MUST be uploaded to Moodle no later than Friday, October 13th, by or before 11:59 PM.