Please respond to these posts with substantive post, minimum of 150 words and minimum of 2 references from scholarly or peer reviewed references. Thanks.
Post 1
Health education plays a pivotal role in deciding a person’s health literacy. One of the most extraordinary efforts to promote health is improving a patient’s health literacy. This is done by ensuring that the patient truly understands their current diagnosis, or hopefully the diagnosis we are attempting to avoid through promoting changes to their lifestyle to minimize modifiable risk factors. Access to health education is not always accessible to all people; deciding factors would include current enrollment in a healthcare plan, available transportation, time in one’s schedule for well-visits, and the patient’s prior experiences with the healthcare system all play a role. (Falkner, 2018) These social determinants of health (SDOH) play a multifactorial role in determining who falls victim to preventable chronic illness and changes generational ailments like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Nurses can genuinely influence the health education of our Black/African American patients in the prevention of CKD. Most kidney disease progression can be detected early; however, individuals are often unaware they are showing early signs. (Brown, 2021) Nurses can help address this phenomenon by teaching patients that interventions like blood pressure/blood sugar control, adherence to medication, and a healthy diet (following the 80/20 rule) prevent or delay the need for dialysis or kidney replacement.
Brown, J. S. (2021). Addressing the Issue: Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health Among Blacks/African Americans in Comparison to Non Minorities with Chronic Kidney Disease. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(5), 489-492.
Falkner, A. (2018). Health Education, Promotion, and Current Challenges for Family-Centered Health Promotion. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum.
Post 2
Health education is a way of transferring knowledge to individuals and communities in order to influence their attitudes towards improving their health. Giving health education which is the sole responsibility of a nurse, help patients to make informed decisions that will promote their health (Angel Falkner, 2018).
The nursing process can be used in planning care for patients. There are five steps of the nursing process- assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Assessment is the systematic collection of information from the patient to determine his or her needs, and family needs, as well as the readiness of the patient to learn. The diagnosis is the next step, the nurse formulates nursing diagnosis based on the needs identified in the assessment phase. The planning step guides the nurse to set priorities, specifying the goals and expected outcomes and teaching strategies that will be used in the course of the teaching. Implementation follows the planning phase, here, the patient, family and other members of the nursing and health care team execute the activities listed during the planning, the implementation phase ends when teaching has been completed and patient’s responses have been documented. The evaluation phase is the last phase of the nursing process. This is done to determine how effective teaching has been. This phase measures what was well done and what needs to be reinforced (Nurseslabs, 2017).
Example of a contemporary issue a family may exis fall. This happens mostly in children and the elderly. Falls are leading cause of death and disability in the elderly. The role of the nurse is to find out what causes the falls, then work towards preventing subsequent falls like installing grab bars in the bathroom, removing clutter from homes, and cleaning up any liquid on the floor (Angel Falkner, 2018).
Angel Falkner, (2018). Health Education, Promotion and Current Challenges for Family-Centered Health Promotion.
Nurseslabs, (2017). Guide to Patient Education: A Nursing Process.
Post 3
Some of the roles of health education in health promotion is to empower people through education. It allows the person (or population) access to knowledge that can be used to discern between life decisions that could improve health and life. It helps give people control over their wellbeing and that of others in a community. Health education helps people to make wiser decisions concerning their health and their way of living for a positive effect on their wellbeing.
The nursing process helps in strategizing ways like health teaching and counselling in health promotion which will help people make better, more appropriate decisions about health.
Divorce is an issue that affects families today and has recently had a huge impact on my family and health. The dissolution of a family unit has a huge impact on families stress levels and income / security / lifestyle regardless of the issues that contribute. The leading causes of that dissolution each have their own effects, such as a lack of commitment, infidelity, domestic violence and conflicts. But beyond those issues there are affects the family members / children are left with such as they may not receive the coordinated care they were receiving prior to the families’ dissolution.
The nurse would coordinate with the insurance available for referral to get children the support they needed in counseling or are offered psychosocial support. The local school nurse or counselor could be contacted for support if needed. The counseling will provide the needed processing and stress reduction as well as ensure that needs are met by the caregivers.
Whitehead, D. (2004). Health promotion and health education: advancing the concepts. Journal of advanced nursing, 47(3), 311-320
Post 4
The role of health education in health promotion is used as a combination of resources and learning experiences to provide individuals with the tools to improve their health (Faulkner, 2018). For example, in a patient with a wound, health education would likely include clearly written instruction, medication, supplies, a script for supplies/referral for wound care, self-treatment return demonstration with highlights of signs/symptoms of infection. All of those elements are needed for health promotion for the patient. ADPIE is used in health education as the nurse would assess any barriers to learning or compliance. Secondly, the nurse uses an approved nursing diagnosis to identify a problem or potential problem. Thirdly, nurse then plans (for upcoming appointments, information, additional resources/contacts). Then the nurse implements the plan based on what was assessed and diagnosed earlier in the nursing process. Finally, the nurse evaluates if the plan of care was effective or if it needs to be revised.
An issue (global and local) that a family may experience today are issues with mental wellness. The nurse would assess individual including barriers to learning, comprehension, level of education/SDOH, mood/affect and presence of pain/discomfort. As part of the health education plan, the nurse would ensure to present the information in the learning modality that suits the individual best with clear, most recent, evidence based practice content. The nurse would also include the individual in the planning process, including who is involved with care, being mindful of cultural and personal beliefs about their condition and treatment. Also allowing the individual to identify areas of concern for themselves. The nurse can also reach out to the interdisciplinary team to discuss other resources that can be of use in the community along with scheduled appointments/contact information for access to those resources. Finally, referrals sent with confirmation and prescriptions sent to pharmacy, if any.
Faulkner, A. (2018). CCC web books by AWS & CDD.\
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Health promotion. World Health Organization.
Please respond to these posts with substantive posts. Minimum of 150 words with minimum of 2 scholarly or peer reviewed references.
Post 5:
Physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect are all forms of abuse. Domestic abuse can include child abuse, intimate partner violence (IPV), or elder abuse. When suspecting child abuse, a nurse can assess for changes in behavior or school performance, a tendency to be withdrawn from social interactions. Physical symptoms can be unexplained bruises, fractures, or burns (Mayo Clinic, 2021). The nurse can interview the parents and child in these instances. Failure to give a reasonable explanation or mismatched stories could indicate abuse.
Elder abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, or financial. Neglect and abandonment are also forms of abuse (National Institute on Aging, n.d.). Aside from bruises, fractures, etc. seen with physical abuse, signs of other forms of abuse include: loss of weight; sudden insomnia; unkempt appearance; becoming withdrawn of agitated; no longer participating in activities that used to bring joy; a lack of medical aids; and notices to pay, eviction notices, or insufficient care despite available financial resources (National Institute on Aging, n.d.).
If a nurse expects domestic abuse or IPV, there are several tools that can be used. Common screening tools like HITS, WAST, partner violence screen, and the relationship chart are tools that either determine the frequency of events such as hitting, swearing, and feelings of being unsafe, while others allow for descriptions of events. Delays in seeking care, use of excuses such as “accident prone” for repetitive injuries, psych or behavioral problems are all signs that someone might be a victim of abuse. The partner may exhibit jealousy or possessiveness, hesitancy to leave the victim alone with healthcare workers, and insist on answering for the patient (Usta & Taleb, 2014).
Healthcare workers are mandated reporters. At my facility any suspicion of abuse must be brought up to the supervisor or a member of management. If the employee doesn’t feel comfortable reporting to management, he or she can contact the Corporate Compliance Dept., the Compliance Alertline, or contact The Joint Commission directly via fax, phone, or email. All forms of reporting have protection against retaliation.
Falkner, A. (2018). Health education, promotion, and current challenges for family-centered health promotion. Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum.
Mayo Clinic. (2021). Child abuse. Mayo clinic.
National Institute on Aging. (n.d.). Elder abuse. U.S. department of health & human services.
Usta, J., & Taleb, R. (2014). Addressing domestic violence in primary care: what the physician needs to know. The Libyan journal of medicine, 9, 23527.
Post 6:
Class, you have to answer this DQ, if you do with a substantive post you will earn participation points.
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How could these instances of abuse been prevented?