(1) Which of the double-stranded DNA sequences below will require more heat to separate the two strands (select Option A or Option B)? (2) Why is more heat is required to separate the strands?Option A5’-GGACTCCCGGGTGAG-3’3’-CCTGAGGGCCCACTC-5’Option B5’-AACTGTTTAAAGACA-3’3’-TTGACAAATTTCTGT-5’(3) What will be the mRNA sequence that is produced during the transcription of the DNA sequence below? Hint: As we discussed in class, there is a slight difference in the nucleotides used in DNA vs RNA.5’-ACGTCAGGTTTCCGT-3’(4) Based on what was discussed in Lecture 9, name four (4) enzymes/proteins that play a role in human DNA replication, and briefly describe the specific role each plays during human DNA replication.You may use the internet and/or your textbook to assist you. (be sure to answer ALL four questions.) for this assignment. Please DO NOT copy your answers directly from the textbook or the internet.