Main Discussion Post Response Week #9
Two Dissemination Strategies I Would Use
Working in a busy cardiothoracic clinic makes finding time for staff education challenging. Finding creative ways to disseminate information is imperative. A favorite of mine is using infographics combined with a brief in-service. This is disseminating information at the unit level. Infographics (text and image) are a hybrid element that serves to represent information in an attractive and meaningful visual format (Hernandez-Sanchez et al., 2020). Morning or afternoon Huddle is the best time to have everyone together and focused. Handing out an infographic enables me to disseminate information in an eye-catching, fast manner. In-service education can address issues with possible solutions and interventions and encourage staff input. In-service education has become part of continuing nurse education over many years, as it has been seen as a convenient and cost-effective way to deliver education to nurses with minimal disruption to staffing levels and the delivery of patient care (Jackson et al., 2019).
Community meetings provide an opportunity for nurses to disseminate important public health information. The opportunity to reach a large audience is greater now with the use of Zoom. Members of the community can be in-person or participate virtually. These meetings have become very important in the Covid era. Before making the presentation, it is important to collaborate with community leaders about the nature of the content to be presented as well as to be culturally sensitive to the potential attendees (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).
Strategies I Would Not Use
I would not be inclined to convert my presentation to a publication or through publishing articles. Speaking in public or in front of small groups allows me to convey my enthusiasm for my chosen subject. Publishing an article or creating any type of written dissemination would not appeal to me.
As previously stated, time is the biggest barrier to sharing evidence while at work. Presenting information must be planned by looking ahead to the weeks’ schedule. When we have a morning or afternoon that are not scheduled heavy, we can plan in-service time. Attending a community meeting also depends on work schedules. Community meetings to discuss public health matters take time to plan. The presenter must be ready to share information and answer questions in a way that the general public can understand.
Hernandez-Sanchez, S., Moreno-Perez, V., Garcia-Campos, J., Marco-Lledo, J., Navarrete-Munoz, E.M., & Lozano-Quijada, C. (2020). Twelve tips to make successful infographics. Medical Teacher, 43(12), 1353-1359.
Jackson, L., Jowsey, T., & Honey, M. L. L. (2019). In-service education: Evolving Internationally to meet nurses’ lifelong learning needs. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50(7), 313-318.
Melynk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA : Wolters Kluwer.
Discussion 2
The two dissemination strategies I might use to communicate evidence-based practice (EBP) are poster presentations and peer-reviewed journals. Poster presentations are an accessible and concise format to communicate EBP guidelines. They also allow the designer to communicate perceptively and creatively, matching the message to the target audience. Posters speak for themselves and are capable of reaching a broader audience (people are more willing to heed a message that is not forced on them) (Rowe & Ilic, 2009). On the other hand, publishing EBP findings in peer-reviewed journals has the advantage of reaching a broad audience in the same manner as a poster. Besides, the peer review process that tests the validity of research findings is generally understood and accepted by the majority of the target audience. Therefore, EBP findings are likely to be readily accepted (Wohlrabe & Bürgi, 2021).
The dissemination strategies I would be least inclined to use are podium presentations at organizational, local, regional, state, or national levels. Podium presentations are usually brief, have a limited reach, and risk lacking purpose. They usually do not exceed half an hour, and the message is only targeted at the attendees. Besides, a poorly put-together presentation may confuse the audience rather than inform them (Miquel et al., 2018). One barrier I might encounter when using posters is selecting content and presenting it concisely and engagingly. Another barrier I might encounter when using peer-review publications is the lengthy delays when disseminating EBP findings. The first barrier will be overcome by going through online tutorials on the essential elements of poster presentations. Conversely, the second barrier will be overcome by hiring research assistants to help with validating EBP findings’ time-consuming process.
Miquel, J., Santana, F., Barrera, A., & Torrens, C. (2018). How do we deliver our findings? Analysis of podium presentations at shoulder meetings. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 13(1). https://doi.org/
Rowe, N., & Ilic, D. (2009). What impact do posters have on academic knowledge transfer? A pilot survey on author attitudes and experiences. BMC Medical Education, 9(1). https://doi.org/
Wohlrabe, K., & Bürgi, C. (2021). What is the benefit from publishing a working paper in a journal in terms of citations? Evidence from economics. Scientometrics. https://doi.org/