Address your response to any of the topics, not ones you chose for your main post.
- Your main post should be about 150-200 words and should include specific references and details (paraphrases or direct quotes with MLA documentation) to the assigned reading.
- Provide your own commentary–your opinion, observations, commentary on connections to current issues/texts, etc. You can refer to movies, tv, other cultural experiences and observations too.
- Respond to at least one other post in about 100-150 words. You might react to the original post, add a counter point/ interpretation, etc. Just try to advance the discussion in a meaningful way.
Love in L.A.” (406-408)
“Shout” (410-412)
“Uncle Rock” (414-418)
Background material and author comments on stories (418-425)
Link to the book :
Gilb’s relationship between his life and his work are interwoven and cannot be separated. They inherently advocate for his interests and the ideologies he is a part of because his writing is often based on bits of his life. His works are centered around his own experiences, he states, “It’s surely obvious that much of my fiction comes from my own life and experiences.” (Gilb,413). In the commentary provided after the assigned readings, Gilb reveals ways in which he has interwoven his life experiences into his stories. “For me, fiction is life transformed and fueled by imagination. Experience Often teaches, by surprise.” (Gilb, 413), Anecdotes turned into enjoyable short stories. This is reflected in “Love in L.A,” “Shout” and “Uncle Rock.”, Gilb argues that all art advocates and that a writer represents a group of people and their interest (Gilb, 419). A strong advocate for Mexican Americans and the working class people, Gilb uses his works of fiction to illuminate the lives of those that go unnoticed by many.