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Discussion board
Week 1 Discussion –
Organizational Development
Discussion Question for Response:
What is organization development and why is it important to long-term organizational success?
W2: Discussion
Week 2 Discussion – Organization Culture
Discussion Question(s) for Response:
How does the culture of an organization come about, and how do ethics and values shape the culture of an organization? Is it possible to change the culture of an organization over time? If so, how?
There are three characteristics that form the foundation of an organization’s corporate culture:
1. Corporate culture is shared (i.e., represents a common understanding and interpretation of what is important and not important within the framework of an organization);
2. Corporate culture is intangible (i.e., reflects the values, norms, and assumptions upon which an organization is unwilling to compromise);
3. Corporate culture affects the way that human capital assets behave.
Discussion Guidelines
W3: Discussion
Week 3 Discussion – Team Development
Discussion Question(s) for Response:
How can team development techniques be used to advance the goals and objectives of a company’s organizational development program. What are some of the problems and/or issues that a team may experience, especially when first formed? How do these issues and concerns impede team operations?
Discussion Guidelines
W4: Discussion
Week 4 Discussion – Diagnostic Models
Discussion Question(s) for Response:
What are the major diagnostic models and techniques used in OD programs? How are these models used to identify system parameters and recognize, in turn, the symptoms, problems, and causes that result in ineffective organizations?
Week 5 Discussion – Learning Organizations
Discussion Question(s) for Response:
A learning organization is a dynamic business environment that encourages and fosters continuous learning in order to compete effectively in a highly competitive 21stcentury economy. What are the characteristics of a learning organization, and how do these characteristics help managers and employees work together to rise to the challenges they must confront in a rapidly changing business environment?
W6: Discussion
Week 6 Discussion – Lewin’s Change Management Model
Discussion Question(s) for Response:
Lewin’s Change Management Model is a relatively easy-to-understand framework for managing change in organizations. What are the three primary characteristics of this change model, and what role does this model play in helping an organization’s management staff and employees understand and embrace change
W7: Discussion
Week 7 Discussion – Neuroscience in Leadership
Discussion Question(s) for Response:
What do neuroscience, positive psychology, and organizational development have in common, and how can those in leadership roles utilize these three disciplines to effect positive change in organizations?
Note: Neuroscience is the study of the body’s nervous system and how the brain works. Recent advances in the field of neuroscience have led to the discovery that our brain influences how we view change. This is why people, more often than not, possess a natural resistance to change.
W8: Discussion
Week 8 Discussion – Organizational Change
Discussion Question(s) for Response:
While there are many factors driving the pace of organizational change today, there are four (4) factors that stand out; globalization, technological changes, the rise of the knowledge worker, and the importance of cross-functional collaboration within organizations. Bearing in mind that change is now the new normal, what must organizations do to effectively manage the rapidly changing internal and external environments within which they conduct business?
Readings for the Week:
Brock, W. B. (2013). Toward a diagnostic-dialogic model of organizational change: Synthesizing organizational change with accounting metrics (Order No. 3536439). Available from ABI/INFORM Global. (1328133920).
Brock, W. (2012). Synthesizing a systems perspective and organizational change: Principles of a whole-systems metrics model. Organization Development Journal, 30(3), 17-28.
O’Neill, P. E. (1990, July). Transforming managers for organizational change. Training & Development Journal, 44(7), 87+. Retrieved from
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Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of organizational development examined in this course (see list provided). This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development within a large business setting, and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design, develop, implement, and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified. For the purposes of this assignment, you must select a Fortune 1,000 company for this project. You may use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research. Prepare an outline with bullet points of the topics, subtopics, theories and concepts that you plan to ultimately cover in your research paper. A sample outline is provided in the Resources section. In addition, please refer to the reference below for more information on research paper outlines. This assignment is worth 5 percent of your grade. Research Paper Topics: 1. Organizational development 2. Organizational culture 3. Team development 4. Diagnostic models 5. Learning organizations 6. Lewin’s Change Model 7. Neuroscience in leadership 8. Organizational Change Reference:
Purdue Online Writing Lab |
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Week 4: Annotated Bibliography
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Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of organizational development examined in this course (see list provided below). This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development within a Fortune 1000 company. You may use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research.
Grading Criteria – Annotated bibliography: Research Paper Topics: You will be required to prepare an annotated bibliography with some of the articles/books you plan to cite in your final project. A sample has been placed in the Resources section. This assignment is worth 10% of your grade .To be eligible for full credit, you are required to have 6-8 entries. Annotated Bibliography If you have any questions, please let me know. |
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Week 6: Research Paper – Part I
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Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice. You may use some of the readings assigned in the class and expand on a particular topic. Grading Criteria: TurnitIn Information: Your paper will automatically be submitted to TurnitIn when you submit your paper through the “Assignment” section of the classroom. As a guide, the similarity score is the percentage of an assessment which directly quotes other sources, and should be no more than 10%. Please note that this refers only to direct quotes within the body of the text and does not include the reference list or cover sheet. Anything more than 10% will be subject to evaluation and loss of points if plagiarism is detected. |
Mar 20, 2022 11:59 PM |
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Week 7: PowerPoint Presentation
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Instructions: PowerPoint Presentation Part I Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final research paper topic. The presentation should have an introduction slide, as well as a reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation. There should be a minimum of 10 slides that cover content the content of your Research Paper in a presentation format. Once you have completed this assignment, please post it in Week 7 – Assignment 4. PowerPoint Presentation Part II In addition, post your PowerPoint Presentation in the Discussion section under Week 8 PowerPoint Discussion, not later than Thursday of the following week.You must make an initial posting of a minimum of 250 words to introduce your presentation to your fellow students. Attach the PowerPoint to this entry. In Week 8, you will be asked to provide a critique of the PowerPoint presentations for at least two of your peers (100 word minimum). You may use the readings assigned in the class to expand on a particular topic. Grading Criteria: APA Checklist APA Reference Guide |
Mar 27, 2022 11:59 PM Hide Assignment Information This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. Instructions Your final research paper will be based on the topic of your choice selected in Week 2. You may use the readings assigned in this class to supplement your research. Due Date Apr 3, 2022 11:59 PM |
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