· Introduction: Three trends in specific field or industry are identified within the introductory paragraph.
4 points
Introduction clearly states the specific field or industry being examined and prepares the reader to learn more about the three identified trends.
· Discussion of Trends: Discuss each of the three trends (one or two paragraphs per trend).
4 points
Uses properly formatted Level 2 headings to identify individual trends. Achieves internal coherence through consistent and skillful use of concise paragraphs with meaningful topic sentences, supported by well-developed body sentences. Paragraph arrangement enables ideas to flow seamlessly.
· Citations are in correct APA format and a properly formatted list of at least three references is included.
4 points
Fluent selection and use of credible sources to support ideas/findings. Skillfully integrates others’ ideas by correctly paraphrasing, quoting, and citing sources. In-text citations and references list use APA format.
· Uses sentence structure appropriate to the task, message, and audience; follows conventions of Standard Written English.
3 points
Expresses ideas clearly and concisely. Sentence structure is varied to ensure smooth flow and engaging narrative. Free of major sentence-level errors such as awkward syntax, run-on sentences, fragments, and comma splices. Message is highly appropriate for intended audience and follows the conventions of Standard Written English.
15 points total.