there are two discussion posts.please reply each one with 250 words as fellow student.
based on questions below
1. Give two tips or Lessons Learned from listening to the video on how to master online interviews.
2. Give two attributes or strengths gained from completing the worksheet on mastering interviews.
post 1
After watching the videos on how to master online interviews, I felt like I learned a lot of new important information. Since I have never personally completed an online interview, I never really thought about what to expect and how to prepare. One of the things I learned from the videos was the purpose of doing online interviews. I thought that the use of online interviews increased once the pandemic started, but I didn’t realize the other benefits of it as well. For example, as mentioned in the videos, video interviews save money and time, are less stressful, provide a structure, and provide a face-to-face experience without really having to be there in person. This can be extremely helpful if someone is has to travel for the interview. Another thing I learned was how to set up and prepare yourself for the interview. I never realized how important it is to consider the color of the wall behind you and the color of your shirt during the video interview. For example, certain colors like blue, mustard yellow, and emerald green are some of the suitable colors to wear for an online interview.
A strength gained from completing the worksheet on mastering interviews was being able to think about and list out some pertinent strengths and weaknesses. This helped show me the things I’m capable of doing and what I still need to work on. Another thing gained from the worksheet was being able to list out questions to ask during an interview. I’ve always felt stuck when it comes to coming up with questions at the end of an interview, so having the chance to write them down will be helpful in the future.
post 2
After watching the videos on how to master online interviews, I felt like I learned a lot of new important information. Since I have never personally completed an online interview, I never really thought about what to expect and how to prepare. One of the things I learned from the videos was the purpose of doing online interviews. I thought that the use of online interviews increased once the pandemic started, but I didn’t realize the other benefits of it as well. For example, as mentioned in the videos, video interviews save money and time, are less stressful, provide a structure, and provide a face-to-face experience without really having to be there in person. This can be extremely helpful if someone is has to travel for the interview. Another thing I learned was how to set up and prepare yourself for the interview. I never realized how important it is to consider the color of the wall behind you and the color of your shirt during the video interview. For example, certain colors like blue, mustard yellow, and emerald green are some of the suitable colors to wear for an online interview.
A strength gained from completing the worksheet on mastering interviews was being able to think about and list out some pertinent strengths and weaknesses. This helped show me the things I’m capable of doing and what I still need to work on. Another thing gained from the worksheet was being able to list out questions to ask during an interview. I’ve always felt stuck when it comes to coming up with questions at the end of an interview, so having the chance to write them down will be helpful in the future.