Explain what Standardized Procedures are, what their function is, and how they are utilized by Nurse Practitioners in California. Discuss how this practice is different if you live in a state other than California.
Initial Post:
- Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
- Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
- APA 7 Edition
Textbooks Required
Burns, C, Ardys, M., Brady, M., Starr, N., & Blosser, C. (2019). Pediatric Primary Care. Elsevier. ISBN 9780323243384
Cash, J. & Glass, C.(2020) Family practice guidelines (5th ed.). Springer Publishing. ISBN 9780826153418
Dunphy, L., Winland-Brown, J., Porter, B., & Thomas, D. (2019). Primary Care, The Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing – An Interprofessional Approach. Davis Plus. ISBN 9780803667181
Wolf, L., Johnson, R., & Saavedra, A. (2013). Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas and synopsis of Clinical Dermatology. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780071793025.
Bright Futures Guidelines and Pocket Guide- free reference (4th ed) https://brightfutures.aap.org/Bright%20Futures%20Documents/BF4_POCKETGUIDE