ATTENTION: For this essay i need somebody who has red the book ″Vietgone″ by Qui Nguyen. When writing this essay you become the music critic: Write an essay discussing playwright Qui Nguyen′s choice in VIETGONE to tell a Vietnam War-era story in Hip-Hop style.Why do you think Nguyen makes this choice? What does Nguyen accomplish by making this choice? How might the play have been different in another musical style? Do you think this choice, and by extension the play itself, is effective? These are the sorts of questions, you dear critic, might consider. THIS ESSAY WILL REQUIRE A SMALL AMOUNT OF RESEARCH. Integrate at least TWO. outside sources into this essay. This might include reviews of Vietgone, interviews with Nguyen or cast or crew of specific productons, or historical context for the play. The best essays will include a well developed introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion.These essays will not just summarize, research or plot, but offer a clear critical perspective. the style should be engaging. Avoid grammar and grammatical errors as much as possible. REQUIREMENTS: 1. 4 full pages, 2.DOUBLE-SPACED, 3.SERIF FONT ( LIKE T.N.R), 4. MLA style citations. Please follow all the instructions and do not leave space for a revision. Thank you.