14 Dicussion Boards (400 to 600 words each)
All Dicussion boards are 400 to 600 words
Discussion Board 1
Click here to watch a video that provides a fascinating discussion about the Web and how innovative it was and can be:
The Next 5,000 Days of the Web
. Reflect on it as you think about your innovation idea. Discuss the following:
· Describe an innovation idea that is not possible today but will be available in the next 15–20 years.
· Identify and discuss 2 of the forces that define it and that may facilitate or reduce its likelihood of success.
Note: Examples of possible forces include words such as technological, cultural, economical, legal, ethical, temporal, social, societal, global, national, and local.
Discussion Board 2
Visit this Web site
, review various videos, and find one that addresses an innovation that you find interesting.
· Introduce and discuss the content of a video, addressing the innovation from this Web site, and post a reference for the video.
· Analyze 2 forces that impact the innovation being discussed in the video.
· Include an APA reference.
Discussion board 3
The goal of this Discussion Board (DB) is for you to take a trend that is part of the New Media Consortium (NMC), review it, and add some additional thought to it (e.g., an image). Innovation and future thinking is a deliberate exercise, and by reviewing this site, you can establish a mindset.
Focus on the following questions:
· Discuss 1 technology and 1 key trend from
· Add an image to your blog post to illustrate the technology or trend. Avoid using content that has a copyright.
· If you link to an image on an image site, link the caption back to the site.
· Analyze at least 2 forces that impact the trend and the technology.
· Include a reference for the
Horizon Report for Higher Education
DB 4
Think tank methods are methods that are deliberate and foster innovation. This is a challenging concept, but you should be able to come up with a few approaches.
Complete the following:
· Research the concept of think tank methods.
· Highlight 2–3 of them, and discuss some key points about each.
This Discussion Board focuses on group decision-making methods. You will conduct research that will provide you with the knowledge you need to adequately discuss the similarities and differences between two distinct methods.
Complete the following for this assignment:
· Research group decision-making methods. Start with the Delphi technique.
· Choose at least 2 methods to discuss and compare and contrast in your Main Post. Focus on the similarities and the differences between the various methods.
· Post your work to your blog.
This Discussion Board examines the similarities and differences between scenario planning and traditional forecasting. The following links talk about scenario planning:
Woody Wade Lecture
World Association Example
Complete the following for this assignment:
· Compare and contrast the concepts of scenario planning and traditional forecasting.
· Fully explain both concepts so that the reader understands the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of each.
· Post in the Discussion Board and on your blog.
Context: This discussion focuses on forecasting and predictions in a business or innovations context. Draw on predictions that were alluded to, that almost came true, or that are in the processes of coming true. Be sure that you focus on a couple of forces that helped the prediction come true. The course materials have a lot of examples from which you can draw.
Prompt: Complete the following for this assignment:
· Research the concepts of forecasting and predictions in a business or innovation context.
· Identify and document 1 infamous prediction that actually came true.
· Summarize it, and discuss 2 forces that impact at its success.
· Identify the source of this information in your references.
· Optional: Attach an image that captures the spirit of the production, either in a graph or some sort of illustration.
When you are complete, post your Discussion Board main post to your blog, including your illustration or image.
In the CTU Library, review the following paper:
Hayashi, E. S., & Baranauskas, M. C. (2013). Affectability in educational technologies: A socio-technical perspective for design. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 57–68.
Complete the following:
· Define, describe, and critically evaluate the sociotechnical plan presented in this paper.
· Use APA format in the reference for it.
This activity is designed to help you dream and make plans for your future.
Discuss the following:
· If you had all of the time, money, and talent in the world, what would you do in the following areas (listed with examples):
· Education:
Would you learn a language, master Aikido, get a second doctorate, or learn to play the guitar?
· Job or research: Would you be a think tank researcher, mad scientist, astronaut, chief executive officer (CEO), or rock star?
· Philosophical or religious: Would you visit the Vatican archives, study in Tibet, visit a sweat lodge, or host a spiritual retreat?
· Travel: Would you go beyond your favorite places to whereabouts in your wildest dreams?
· Home: What would you add to your home? Would you add a swimming pool, observatory, riding academy, or private beach? Would you want a summer home in Hawaii?
· List 10 ideas for each category (50 total). Do not limit yourself to what is possible today.
· Summarize what these ideas say about you in a closing paragraph.
· Optional: Post this to your blog if you feel comfortable doing so.
Note: Keep these ideas in a journal or in a Word document to revisit them in a year’s time to see if you feel the same or if you have accomplished what you desired.
This Discussion Board broadens your understanding of serendipity, errors, and exaptation. The following provides some context from which to start:
· Serendipity
: Discovering something good or useful (especially when you are not seeking it).
· Error
s: Making a mistake that leads to discoveries and innovation.
· Exaptation
: Repurposing an innovation to achieve something new.
Complete the following for this assignment:
· Provide an innovation example for discoveries that are achieved through the following:
· Serendipity
· Error
· Exaptation
· In your own words, what do these terms mean to you? Give an example of each term in your experience or that you have read about. Do not provide dictionary definitions.
· Post this to your blog.
This Discussion Board focuses on those factors that may negatively impact the sociotechnical plan. Examples of possible forces include words such as technological, cultural, economical, legal, ethical, temporal, social, societal, global, national, and local.
Complete the following for this assignment:
· Research organizations that had a good plan but that had something go wrong because of circumstances beyond their control (e.g., technology was introduced, the market changed, an innovative competitor entered the market, and so forth.
· Find an example that illustrates a potential impact for your sociotechnical plan (see the Individual Project in this unit).
· Discuss why it is relevant.
· Describe 2 of the forces that may affect your innovation idea.
· Post to your blog.
This Discussion Board is designed to help keep you working on your socialtechnical plan, while getting feedback from your clasmates.
Share the following sections of your sociotechnical plan on the Discussion Board:
· Introduction
· Scope: Introduce 3 features and at least 1 limitation.
· Purpose: Why is it needed?
Most of the points for this assignment are in the responses. Provide responses to your classmates on their plans, providing advice on what forces may be in play regarding their plans.
Context: You will create a video for this assignment. You can use the tool indicated below or any video application that you wish. This is supposed to be an interesting assignment that enables you to use something other than text.
Prompt: For the Main Post, you will summarize the video that you made, provide a link to your blog that contains the actual video, and respond to 2 of your peers. The video will summarize your sociotechnical plan. See below for details on what the video should contain, and how to do it.
Using a Video Creation Tool
The following instructions demonstrate how to use
this online video creation tool
to design a 30-second video based on your sociotechnical plan topic using 8–12 images, photos, or your PowerPoint slides:
1. Drag the images into the desired order before producing the video.
2. Add music to your video from the library that complements your innovation idea.
3. Use royalty-free music from the Web site or your recorded voice.
4. A free 30-second video takes about 10 minutes to create once you have selected 8–12 images.
5. Post the video to your blog.
Context: Connect the main topics of this course to your dissertation topic (or an area of interest to you that you may be writing your dissertation on if your topic is not yet decided).
Prompt: Discuss how your topic either was originally developed or discovered, and discuss the forces that supported its development. The goal is to connect the main concept of this class to something that is very interesting to you and to discover that every topic was a new innovation at some point.