Leadership Worldview
Leadership Worldview Paper
Abdirahim M Muhumed
Helms School of Government, Liberty University
In this paper, the significance of law enforcement leaders will be examined at the outset. Then, these characteristics will be discussed, and a list will be provided. Next, the characteristics of effective law enforcement leaders will be compared to the characteristics of leaders who possess leadership characteristics. Finally, we’ll talk about being a better leader, ending with a Christian perspective on good leadership in law enforcement officials. The paper will conclude by analyzing how vital it is for law enforcement leaders to understand their position within the organization and conduct themselves with integrity. The ability to maintain an agency stable over the long term while articulating a clear vision and exercising influence over their employees is difficult for law enforcement officials. Even while they may not appear to be tough, not everyone possesses the necessary knowledge, abilities, and talents to accomplish them, despite their appearance successfully. Law enforcement leaders must possess abilities and qualifications to effectively manage their departments and lay the groundwork for a successful future.
Leadership Worldview Paper
Leaders don’t have to be born; they can be nurtured through time. A range of personality traits and actions allow certain individuals to reach the top of their respective fields. There are good and ineffective leaders in the world, and vice versa. The phrases “leaders” and “managers” are frequently used interchangeably in the business world (Ghezzi et al., 2021). In contrast to leaders, managers allocate responsibilities to employees to aid the organization in achieving its overall objectives. Several other personality characteristics must be present to be a successful law enforcement commander.
Another factor contributing to the need for law enforcement officials is their capacity to deal with the hardships of their jobs. It is critical to have law enforcement officers who can adapt to changing environments and situations. This includes state and federal policy changes, new or revised legislation, and technological improvements, including a few examples of these developments. Therefore, leadership in law enforcement must be able to change with the times, keep concentration, and give orders in the face of these new obstacles, among other things.
Traits of Leaders
A trait that only leaders possess is the capacity to motivate and inspire people to achieve their objectives. For a leader to be effective, they must possess several key attributes. These include initiative, stress tolerance; tenacity; objectivity; sound judgment; and knowledge of and flexibility in changing environments. Great leaders must be self-motivated and knowledgeable in their profession to set and achieve goals. When things don’t go as planned, a leader’s ability to deal with stress and maintain an objective perspective is critical to his or her success. Unless you know what kind of people to search for in followers or employees, you’ll have difficulty making it big in business.
Motivating and inspiring officers is an important tool that competent law enforcement officials may use to motivate and inspire them. By demonstrating their courage and passion via their behaviors, subordinates can be influenced and establish a positive work environment. Whether in hostile or dangerous situations, the actions of law enforcement officers can have a tremendous impact on the communities in which they serve (Hassan & Jiang, 2021). Law enforcement leaders must demonstrate accountability for their activities to foster trust between them and their communities. Hopefully, this will motivate individuals to lend their support to their local law enforcement agencies.
Effective law enforcement leaders must have a strong moral compass and genuine concern for the well-being of their officers and officers’ families. Being a law enforcement officer is a physically demanding career, not for the faint of heart. When police officers report to work, they are fully aware that they may face life-or-death situations. As a result, individual police officers are under great strain. Having a boss who has a good reputation and exhibits empathy and concern for their employees might help to reduce some of that burden a little.
Leaders in law enforcement must be able to communicate clearly and efficiently, and successfully. The ability to communicate effectively is essential for success. When police chiefs explain what they expect from them and why they expect it, they earn their officers’ trust and respect (Hodge & Clintonia Boddie, 2022). Employees may feel underpaid and disrespected if they are instructed to execute a task without explaining why they are being asked to do so. A large amount of work is expended by effective leaders in communicating and enhancing their communication abilities due to this. Another characteristic that goes hand in hand with communication and other leadership abilities is being open to new experiences and learning new things consistently.
Law Enforcement Leaders
A law enforcement leader differs from other types of leaders in that he or she has specific attributes. It is difficult to be a police officer because of the difficulties. Law enforcement officers make decisions that have the potential to make or destroy a person’s life.
If law enforcement leaders want to motivate their personnel to put out their best effort, they must be enthusiastic about their employment. The most important characteristic of a law enforcement leader is his or her level of motivation. The ability to mobilize police officers into action to achieve any goal is essential. To perform their duties, police officers are regularly separated from their families. As a result, they cannot participate in various social and recreational activities such as concerts, birthday parties, and athletic events, among others. For their police officers to leave work with a sense of self-confidence and success every day, they must have the ability to motivate them. Law enforcement leaders must be role models to motivate and inspire their officers.
Accountability is one of the most important characteristics of a police officer who wants to succeed. Every leader must make decisions that will significantly impact many individuals. Nonetheless, to be a successful law enforcement leader, you must be conscious that your decisions may not always be the best ones. You must also accept responsibility for those decisions. Having a leader who accepts responsibility for his or her actions and judgments might help to enhance leadership skills in law enforcement (Hodge & Clintonia Boddie, 2022). In the life of a police officer, there is no such thing as a typical day. The ability to shift direction and realize that not all solutions will provide a solution to a particular problem is an absolute requirement.
Another trait that I believe is essential in an effective law enforcement leader is the ability to excite and motivate others. Inspiration and motivation may go a long way in convincing your followers to assist you. Motivation can also be derived by setting a good example. Previously, a follower, an effective law enforcement leader, climbs to the leadership position and exemplifies the appropriate approach to carry out their responsibilities to his or her colleagues. It is possible to lessen job turnover if law enforcement leaders work with motivation and integrity. The goal of law enforcement is to keep good people on the payroll for an extended period. Therefore, law enforcement officials that are effective in their roles could help ease the excessive officer turnover problem.
Christian Worldview
There are numerous examples of excellent leadership in the Christian faith to be discovered. In the ancient world, many great religious leaders laid the foundation for the kind of leadership that many individuals in the present world continue to practice (Mlynarczyk, 2021). As it says in Psalm 78:72, “with a pure heart he shepherded them, and with his skillful hand, he guided them,” which is something that all leaders should keep in mind. Because of this, many exceptional leaders inspire their followers to follow in their footsteps. 2 Timothy 2:2 (NIV) In the presence of numerous witnesses, “entrust everything you have heard from me to faithful men who will be able to train others as well.” Following a great leader is a terrific way to learn how to lead.
The Christian world is replete with examples of effective leaders who can serve as inspiration for the next generation of Christian leaders. For example, the New International Version (NIV) states, in 2 Timothy 2:15: “do your best to present yourself to God as one approved a worker who has no reason for reproach, correctly handling the word of truth.” When it comes to good workers and leaders, Romans 12:8 says that “the one who encourages, in his encouragement; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with enthusiasm; the one who accomplishes acts of compassion, with joy” are all qualities of effective employees and managers.
The ability to lead successfully, particularly in law enforcement, is a challenging undertaking. Leaders in law enforcement frequently begin their careers as followers of superiors who are superiors in their own right. People are more likely to follow effective leaders who set an example of honesty, responsibility, and strength in their actions when they see them in action. Law enforcement officials must be able to perform a wide variety of tasks and functions. All other characteristics should be considered secondary to a person’s enthusiasm for a career in law enforcement. Effective law enforcement leaders are defined by their capacity to inspire and motivate their subordinates to perform at the highest level possible in their positions.
It needs diverse abilities and characteristics to be a successful supervisor and manager of law enforcement officers. Those who wish to make a positive difference in the lives of their employees and the lives of their communities must be law enforcement leaders who demonstrate a high level of integrity and honesty in their actions. Effective law enforcement leaders must also possess certain characteristics, such as effective communication, the capacity to inspire others, and a strong moral compass, among others. Police officers must always remember that they must be open to new ideas and always be willing to learn. Leaders can pass on knowledge to their subordinates. Still, they can also continuously enhance their abilities, abilities, and know-how, which they call on in times of crisis.
Ghezzi, E. L., Funk, J. A., & Houmanfar, R. A. (2021). Restructuring law enforcement agencies to support prosocial values: A behaviour-scientific model for addressing police brutality. Behaviour Analysis in Practice, 1-9.
Hassan, S., & Jiang, Z. (2021). Facilitating learning to improve performance of law enforcement workgroups: the role of inclusive leadership behavior. International Public Management Journal, 24(1), 106-130.
Hodge, D. R., & Clintonian Boddie, S. (2022). African Americans and Law Enforcement: Tackling a Foundational Component of Structural Reform—Union Disciplinary Procedures. Social Work.
Mlynarczyk, M. J. (2021). WHAT ARE THE BIBLICAL ROOTS OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP? Blessed Are Those Who Ask the Questions: What Should We Be Asking About Management, Leadership, Spirituality, and Religion in Organizations? 139.