Current Events Assignment #1 Topic: President Trump has released the details on his plan to deal with the opioid drug crisis in the U.S. Thus far, the most controversial point in his plan is the inclusion of the death penalty for some drug dealers. After reviewing the proposal, address the following points in your paper: 1. Briefly outline Mr. Trump’s plan to deal with the opioid crisis. 2. Briefly discuss the reaction of Congress so far to Mr. Trump’s plan. 3. Give one pro and one con to having the death penalty as a potential punishment. 4. Do you agree with Mr. Trump’s plan? Why or why not? Paper Directions: Your paper must be a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 4 pages. 2 ½ pages or 2 ¾ pages will have 10 points deducted for failure to meet minimum length. Typed using Arial or Times New Roman font, 12pt font size and double spaced Include a cover page. 10 points will be deducted for failing to include a cover page. A sample cover page is included at the end of this document. Papers that repeat information from the cover page (name, date, class, title, etc.) on the second page will have 10 points deducted off of their total score. Use the MLA writing style. All papers must include at a minimum: o A Cover Sheet (A sample cover page is included at the end of this document.) o 3-4 pages of written material (not including cover or works cited pages) o A Works Cited page Proper MLA citation rules must be followed for all parts of your submission. Points will be deducted for failure to follow these requirements. Note: MLA does not require a cover page and does not have a standard format for a cover page in the current edition. This is a requirement that I have added. See the sample cover page at the end of this document for details on how to correctly format the cover page. Paragraphs should be a minimum of 3 sentences long. They should be no longer than 5-6 sentences. Points will be deducted for short and long paragraphs. Proofreading and spelling/grammar checking will improve your overall score. Double and triple check your paper before submitting as you will not be able to edit it afterwards. Points will be deducted for grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.
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Current Events Assignment #1
Topic: President Trump has released the details on his plan to deal with the opioid drug crisis in the
U.S. Thus far, the most controversial point in his plan is the inclusion of the death penalty for some drug
dealers. After reviewing the proposal, address the following points in your paper:
1. Briefly outline Mr. Trump’s plan to deal with the opioid crisis.
2. Briefly discuss the reaction of Congress so far to Mr. Trump’s plan.
3. Give one pro and one con to having the death penalty as a potential punishment.
4. Do you agree with Mr. Trump’s plan? Why or why not?
Paper Directions:
Your paper must be a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 4 pages. 2 ½ pages or 2 ¾ pages
will have 10 points deducted for failure to meet minimum length.
Typed using Arial or Times New Roman font, 12pt font size and double spaced
Include a cover page. 10 points will be deducted for failing to include a cover page. A sample
cover page is included at the end of this document.
Papers that repeat information from the cover page (name, date, class, title, etc.) on the second
page will have 10 points deducted off of their total score.
Use the MLA writing style.
All papers must include at a minimum:
o A Cover Sheet (A sample cover page is included at the end of this document.)
o 3-4 pages of written material (not including cover or works cited pages)
o A Works Cited page
Proper MLA citation rules must be followed for all parts of your submission. Points will be
deducted for failure to follow these requirements. Note: MLA does not require a cover page and
does not have a standard format for a cover page in the current edition. This is a requirement
that I have added. See the sample cover page at the end of this document for details on how to
correctly format the cover page.
Paragraphs should be a minimum of 3 sentences long. They should be no longer than 5-6
sentences. Points will be deducted for short and long paragraphs.
Proofreading and spelling/grammar checking will improve your overall score. Double and triple
check your paper before submitting as you will not be able to edit it afterwards. Points will be
deducted for grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.
Within your paper, you must provide evidence and citations to support your contentions. A
minimum of 2 sources are required. Wikipedia does not count as a source and any paper that
uses Wikipedia will have 25 points deducted from the overall score.
You must use in-text citations and follow the proper MLA format for using them. Your paper
may include no more than 1 direct quote and that direct quote is limited to a maximum of 2
sentences. Papers that do not use in-text citations or have more than 1 direct quote will have 15
points deducted.
A works cited section, citing all of your sources in proper MLA format, must be included with
your paper. You must include a works cited even with use of in-text citations. Papers without a
works cited page included will receive a grade of zero for this assignment.
Additionally, papers with nothing but URL addresses cited in the works cited page will receive a
grade of zero for this assignment.
Failure to submit a post by the due date assigned will result in a grade of ‘0’ for this assignment.
No extra time will granted for any reason and late papers will not
be accepted for any reason.
Submit your completed paper in the provided Turnitin dropbox in the Unit Learning module
page in the Unit 2 module. You may not email your paper to me or post it in a discussion forum
post. Any papers posted in the General Discussion forum area of the course will be deleted
without notice or comment.
Do not wait until the last minute to submit your paper! Blackboard will automatically shut off
submissions to the Turnitin dropbox at exactly 11:59pm. This is a system feature that I cannot
control. Plan ahead and leave yourself plenty of time to submit your paper as no late papers will
be accepted for any reason.
You will receive an email receipt at your WCJC student email address once you have
submitted your paper. Double check once you submit your paper that you received this receipt
and keep the receipt as it is the only proof that I can accept that you submitted your paper in
case there is an issue with Turnitin. If you have any issues with Turnitin, please contact me
immediately through Blackboard messages.
Due Date:
This assignment is due April 8, 2018 @11:59pm. No late submissions will be accepted for any
reason. No email submissions are accepted, nor will any papers submitted in a discussion post
be accepted.
Sample Cover page:
Your papers should not include any biographical information on any page other than the cover
sheet. 10 Points will be deducted from your overall grade for including such information on
subsequent pages. Example: