Critique of Chosen Article for Evidence
In this paper, you will evaluate the article you chose in assignment #4 as evidence.
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate how evidence is critically examined and recommendations for practice are generated.
Elements you need to include in your critique of your chosen article are: (also be sure to use these points as headings in your paper)
· Problem/purpose
· Review of the literature
· Research question/hypothesis
· Sample
· Research Design
· Threats to external/internal validity
· Methodology
· The level in the evidence hierarchy
· Instruments
· Legal/ethical issues handling
· Data analysis
· Conclusions/recommendations
· Implications for EBP and how this article could be used to make an evidence-based change
· Begin with an introductory paragraph, end with a closing paragraph.
· The paper will be 4-5 pages, use APA format, a title page, a reference page, and a total of 4 references is required.
· One reference will be your article.
· The other references should be information about critiquing research and making this evidence-based change.
Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria
Estimated time to complete: 6 hours
NSG324 Critique Rubric
NSG324 Critique Rubric | |||
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent |
55 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis |
50 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting |
10 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA |
10 pts 5 9 pts 4 8 pts 3 7 pts 2 6 pts 1 0 pts 0 |
Research Article Intervention Effectiveness
Oluwaseun Banjo
Herzing University
NSG 324
Dr. Kaye Fuson
Write your PICO question.
P= patient in the acute care setting,
C= no rounding program
O= decrease patient falls
In the acute care setting, does implement a nurse-led rounding program compared to a no rounding program decrease patient falls?
Identify the intervention from your selected PICO question that you seek to support in the literature.
In my search, I seek to find out is whether the implementation of a nurse-led rounding program within an acute care setting will help reduce patient fall when compared to the no rounding program (Savage, 2020).
Depending on your selection of PICO questions, you will be searching for an experimental or quasi-experimental research study that shows the effectiveness of your intervention in reaching the indicated outcomes.
What type of study are you searching for?
Identify the research design of a study that would meet the assignment criteria.
Based on the PIOCT question as part of the medical intervention to help reduce patient falls in an acute care setting, I chose to use an experimental approach. Essentially, experimental research required three primary properties to minimize possible threats to the generated findings on the truthfulness of results. These three properties include experimental and control group randomization. As mentioned above, randomization of control groups will minimize bias that may impact both the independent and dependent variables of the parameters involved in the study (Savage, 2020).
The type of research design that may be deployed to meet the assignment critical will be randomized control.
List 3-4 keywords for the intervention of your PICO question that you searched with. Why did you select these words?
Keywords searched for the PICO intervention included:
Hourly Rounding, nurse-led Rounding, strategies to reduce patient falls.
I used the said keywords to help get a wide range of search results on how patient falls can be reduced using the hourly Rounding or nurse lead programs within an acute care setting.
Which search engine(s) did you use? (Ovid, CINAHL, Proquest)
I utilized CINHAL
Which limiters to the search did you check? (Randomized controlled trial, publication type->research, peer-reviewed, dates, full text, etc.)
Why did you select these limiters?
I used randomized control trials and peer-reviewed. The reason for selecting this limiter was to ensure that get the most appropriate article with the right content addressing the PICO question intervention.
How many results did you get?
How did you determine if the studies in the results meet the assignment criteria?
6,320,000 results were generated within 0.5 seconds.
Since most of the results generated were peer-reviewed, I knew that they were enriched with the right content for my assignment.
Did you find a study that tested the effectiveness of the intervention? Identify this study. (Write it in APA reference format)
If yes, attach the study in the assignment link as a PDF file.
Yes, I located one article that indicates how hourly nurse rounding could reduce patient falls up to 95%.
Savage, A. (2020). Reducing patient falls through purposeful hourly Rounding. Reducing patient falls through purposeful hourly Rounding. doi:10.46409/sr.uozb3951
If a study was not found, did you change your search techniques based on results?
No, I would not change my search techniques
If a new search was needed, identify the changes made
There would be new search needed and there would be no changes made.
Did you change your search techniques based on results?
No, I did not
For your attached study, how did it support the intervention in your PICO question? Identify the elements it answered:
P=inpatient adults.
I=purposely Hourly Rounding.
C=no Rounding
O= reduce patient falls.
From the article, the researcher examined over 360 peer reviewed articles whose level of evidence fall between level one to level five supported purposeful hourly rounding intervention to prevent patient falls in the healthcare setting. Purposeful hourly Rounding indicated that after the elapse of 30 days, patient falls were reduced by 95% (Savage, 2020).
Does the attached study answer the PICO question?
What was the answer?
How was this determined?
Identify the actual findings of the attached study.
How did you determine the study you selected met the assignment criteria?
Patient falls were reduced by 95% within a period of 30 days.
There were no records of patient falls as the nurses conducted hourly Rounding.
Patient falls reduced to between a rate of 4.11 per 1000 occupied beds to 5.07 falls per 1000 occupied beds within 30 days of purposeful hourly Rounding.
It utilized a quasi-experimental approach which offered higher external validity of the PICO question under study.
Gliner, M., Dorris, J., Aiyelawo, K., Morris, E., Hurdle-Rabb, D., & Frazier, C. (2021). Patient falls, nurse communication, and nurse hourly rounding in acute care: Linking patient experience and outcomes. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 28(2), E467-E470. doi:10.1097/phh.0000000000001387
Savage, A. (2020). Reducing patient falls through purposeful hourly Rounding. Reducing patient falls through purposeful hourly Rounding. doi:10.46409/sr.uozb3951