For this assignment, you are going to evaluate the verbal and nonverbal aspects of a speaker’s presentation. An evaluation form is provided below to help guide your assessment of the content (what is being said) and the delivery (how it is said).
COM1002fw-Mod-03-Assignment-Critique-Form x
You have the option to go out and observe a live event, or you can watch one of the speeches from the Library Video Options provided below. The link will take you to a collection of student speeches. The recordings are classified as informative or persuasive; you are free to choose either type.
- Library Video Options: Student Speeches for Analysis Series
Do the following, to complete this assignment:
- Print out the Speaker Critique Form (linked above), and familiarize yourself with the elements of the presentation that you will be assessing.
- View a presentation, a lecture, a sermon, or some sort of public speaking event. A live event would be great, but one of the Library Video Options (linked above) is acceptable.
- During the presentation, complete the Speaker Critique Form; consider including notes to help you remember specific details later.
>Introduction to Communication
Module 0
Written Assignment – Speaker Critique Form
Poor |
Good |
Great |
Excellent |
Does the introduction gain the audience’s attention? |
1 |
2 | 3 |
4 |
Is the topic suited for the audience? |
Did the speaker have good information? |
Rate and Volume |
Gestures and Movement |
Eye Contact |