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Crisis Communications
This module describes the importance of a good leader to the communications ability of emergency management organizations. Good leaders can instill confidence not only internally to the organization, but also externally to the public and other audiences. Poor leadership can instill just the opposite, even when operations may be progressing well. Many organizations create crisis communication plans so that their leadership is better able to manage the communication needs during an emergency or disaster event.
Peter Sandman is a widely referenced crisis communication expert that has produced many crisis communication fact sheets and other job aids. For this assignment,
visit his crisis communication website here (Links to an external site.)
and and select one of the handouts he provides.
Detail the actions prescribed, the value you see in adhering to this advice, and explain whether or not you believe this would be helpful advice to an emergency manager faced with a major disaster event. Finally, what type of event you recommend this specific advice for?
Your paper must meet the following requirements:
· Your written paper should be 2-3 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.
· Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.
· Cite at least three scholarly sources for this assignment. Scholarly resources include: peer-reviewed journal articles, books, the class textbook, or reports/documents from the government (.gov sites). A scholarly source does not include general sources from the internet (.com, .org, .edu, and .net sites are not scholarly). Scholarly resources should be current (no older than five years). If the class textbook is used as a source, then two other scholarly sources must be used.