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Community-Oriented Policing
Alexisia Strickland
Columbus State University
February 9, 2022
Page break
You can easily go one page per source.
Remember the discussion post were you concept, purpose, method, and conclusions.
Review the video on how to set up Annotated Bibliography in APA format in Week 4
Make it look like the one in the video. It show you how to do it
Vandergrift, J. (2020). The Effectiveness of Community Policing. LinkedIn. Retrieved
From: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/effectiveness-community-policing-jason-
Community-Policing has been around the United States for a long time. Initially,
community policing was just residents grouping together to protect their community. The main
purpose behind its conception was to create a platform where the police can engage with
communities to create a strong and trusting relationship between them and the law enforcement
community at large. It also has a historical root to the 17th century in England when King Alfred
reigned. Families got together to protect each other. The King had developed a mutual pledge
that organized families together to protect each other through night watches and patrols and yell
in case there was an occurrence of crime. The families would rescue each other after they heard
Ever Bridge. (n.d). Community Policing. Retrieved From:
One of the earliest manifestations of community policing encompassed police officers
undertaking foot patrols within the neighborhoods they were serving. Today, this has evolved
significantly, where police departments can now engage with the community through social
media, sharing relevant information and having conversations about issues of concern. The social
media sites include Twitter and Instagram. This strategy has been essential, especially in areas
where the community and the police need to work together to combat violence and crime.
Do not need to bold
Make sure the source is listed in APA format
However, the concept of community policing is not just relating to the community. Still,
It has to be backed by ethical policing to elicit a striking correlation between the collaborative
relationship between the police and the community, which will be fostered and a significant
decline in crime. Several strategies are used in community-oriented policing, including using
civilian education and neighborhood instead of only police patrols. In addition, it includes
increased police officer accountability and decentralizing the police authority. Today,
community policing is more proactive and focused. It is working towards changing the existing
ideologies to be more responsive to the community. Instead of its rigid nature, it is now
becoming more community-friendly. It attempts to approach crime-solving by involving more of
the community.
Crowl, J. N. (2017). The effect of community policing on fear and crime reduction, police
legitimacy and job satisfaction: an empirical review of the evidence. Police Practice
Research, 18(5), 449–462. https://doi.org/10.1080/15614263.2017.1303771
Community-based policing has effectively broken down the barriers separating law
enforcement and the public. Police officers have been instilled with community-service
perceptions to adopt more sensitive approaches towards the community’s needs. Community
policing also breaks down the hierarchical structure of the police force. It stresses a more
coordinated and harmonious approach to service delivery that includes the public to maintain
safety within communities. Community policing also benefits crime prevention by managing
neighborhoods and businesses’ physical environments. This then becomes a safer neighborhood
and reduces the fear of crime amongst the public. It also enhances police visibility within the
public, facilitating familiarizing them with each other, hence promoting a well-versed
partnership in fighting crime. The community collaborates with the local police departments to
operate joint safety programs such as installing lighting in high crime areas.
Schuck, A. M. (2019). Community policing, coproduction, and social control: Restoring
police legitimacy. In Political authority, social control and public policy. Emerald
Community-based policing is a strategy that has been put in place to enhance police
legitimacy within the community. With the increased cases of racial profiling and discrimination,
the community’s trust for policing has been lost; hence, this approach is effective in restoring this
legitimacy. It also focuses on enhancing community resilience and strengthening interactions
between the police and the community. It involves approaches that leverage the engagement of
the community and problem-solving to help with public safety issues.
Crowl, J. N. (2017). The effect of community policing on fear and crime reduction, police
legitimacy and job satisfaction: an empirical review of the evidence. Police Practice and
Research, 18(5), 449–462. https://doi.org/10.1080/15614263.2017.1303771
Ever Bridge. (n.d). Community Policing. Retrieved From:
Schuck, A. M. (2019). Community policing, coproduction, and social control: Restoring police
legitimacy. In Political authority, social control and public policy. Emerald Publishing
Vandergrift, J. (2020). The Effectiveness of Community Policing. LinkedIn. Retrieved From: