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of Computers in Digital Forensics
yl Mitchell
January 30 2022
Significance of Computers in Digital Forensics
Digital forensic experts have advanced their investigation to the digital panel and computers are the major devices targeted during information execution. Many people have switched to the digital panel where computers are used in crime purposes. For an extended period, it has been quite challenging to obtain evidences from computers. However, computer experts have advanced their research especially on dealing with encrypted information. The primary significance of computers in digital forensics is ensuring that the evidence has been collected. Computer access is granted by the court order and the criminal’s software files are accessed because they provide a blue print of all the needed information. Computers are involved in the forensic process since it helps in identifying crimes like murder apart from fraud and money laundering. Therefore, it is one of the primary tools used by those in the investigation department since the internet has introduced new concepts that are extremely helpful to combating crime.
Additionally, another significance of computers in digital forensic is analyzing the retrieved data. The computer has various platforms entailing information which might be significant in explaining the concepts. Therefore, the gadget will ensure that accurate conclusions have been drawn and an excellent report has been presented before the court. Moreover, computers have improved the investigation levels. For instance, the gadget presents all the personal data used by the defendant whenever using their computers. The internet has attracted many people and most use the search engines for various purposes. If the evidence cannot be retrieved, the internet search space in the computers can provide a link on what type of crime committed and the ulterior motive. That strategy is significant since the search engine entails thoughts harbored by an individual before committing the said crime. Computers will help the forensics investigators to retrieve information or posts made about committing the said crime and would be presented as court evidence before the jury.
Computers are essential in digital forensics in documentation of the retrieved evidences. Computers have a backup storage which ensures that the information is well documented and would be used in incriminating the culprits. The backup systems can be accessed under circumstances that the computer has faced a breakdown or been stolen. It means that it is one of the best ways to store information since it would be retrieved in their standard condition. Furthermore, the digital forensic department uses the computers specifically for offering maximum protection. With applications like the software systems, the department can generate an excellent security system that would ensure adequate protection until presented to the jury. Computers have been designed to provide accurate information and that is an essential strategy for the digital forensic experts. The major objective of the forensic investigations is to ensure that accurate evidence had been retrieved and prevented before the law court. Computers are time saving since it saves the forensics from using the manual systems. Digital operations are quite fast and time saving thus ensuring they gather enough evidence under the given time.
The major skills needed to work in the digital forensics are expertise on computer technology. One aspect about such technology is that it experiences periodic changes thus an expert should stay updated primarily for forensic investigations. The individual should be ready to solve all the challenges and crack the most difficult codes to ensure that the evidence has been successfully retrieved. The major challenge faced by digital forensic when relying to computers is that it is an extremely expensive venture. The department is obligated to pay high salary and wages for all the computer forensic experts primarily because the workload experienced. Additionally, computers are significant because hard disks can be transferred from one gadget to the other thus ensuring that the required information has been retrieved. Hacking has extremely increased and the defendant might use one to eradicate their evidence. However, a computer forensic has more experience than a hacker and have been adequately trained to understand all the computer aspects needed to retrieve information. Therefore, the court systems grant operational warrant to personal devices since they comprehend how those items entail significant information that would prove innocence or a guilty party. All the retrieved evidence is subjected to the court just like any other hard proof.
Annotated Bibliography
Bennett, D. (20
2). The challenges facing computer forensics investigators in obtaining information from mobile devices for use in criminal investigations. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 21(3), 159-168.
The source expounds on some of the negative challenges experienced by the computer investigators. Apart from using computers as the primary gadgets, the investigators can access mobile phones to extract evidence. However, the primary challenge faced is that few people have significant and expertise skills to crack through the codes. Most people have personalized their details to ensure that no third party would gain access. According to the author, such verifications waste significant time since the investigators would focus on breaking the codes instead of finding other significant ways which would be used in finding the needed evidence and closing the case. The source is an excellent recommendation primarily because the author has focused on presenting descriptive information. It means that all the points have been elaborated signifying excellent research on the provided concept. therefore, it is an excellent recommendation to any reader interested in digital forensic aspects.
Nelson, B., Phillips, A., & Steuart, C. (2019). Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, 2019. structure, 10, 26.
The source has provided excellent information which guides individual to understanding computer forensics and its basic concepts. The book has been written specifically for learners venturing into digital investigations and in the computer forensic department. The author has outlined his information from the introduction expounding on all information needed. It is an excellent recommendation for learners since it can be used for further studies. It is a simplified context meaning that they would understand the theoretical aspects and easily convert them to the practical parts of the investigations. Additionally, the source expounds on the significance and some of the major drawbacks which would be experienced while understanding computer forensics and investigation. The primary strategy is to ensure that they are well conversant and be prepared for an amazing experience in the career.
Sachowski, J. (2018). Digital Forensics and Investigations: People, Processes, and Technologies to Defend the Enterprise. CRC Press.
The author expounds on some of the basic concepts in digital forensics. The information dates back to the history of computer forensics. The author’s primary objective is to indicate the transition from manual investigation and how technology was introduced into the criminal investigation. The major objective is ensuring that the reader comprehends all the processes needed for actualizing the Digital forensic process until the necessary evidence has been obtained. Additionally, the author expounds on how technology has positively or negatively impacted the investigations.
Bennett, D. (2012). The challenges facing computer forensics investigators in obtaining information from mobile devices for use in criminal investigations. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 21(3), 159-168.
Nelson, B., Phillips, A., & Steuart, C. (2019). Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, 2019. structure, 10, 26.
Sachowski, J. (2018). Digital Forensics and Investigations: People, Processes, and Technologies to Defend the Enterprise. CRC Press.
Significance of Computers in Digital Forensics
yl Mitchell
January 30 2022
Significance of Computers in Digital Forensics
Cheryl Mitchell
January 30 2022
Week 8 Assignment
Name: _________________________
Date: _____________
Fill in your name above, put your full response below each question, save the file using the file naming convention: “ISSC456_Week8_Assignment_LastName_FirstName ” where LastName is your last name and FirstName is your first name, then return this document for grading.
You are required to answer the question(s) using course resources and the Internet
Assignment Rubric ( 100 Points)
Synthesis of Concepts |
60 |
Writing Standards – APA format |
20 |
Timeliness |
1. What does an investigator need to do to determine if an access point is a rogue access point?
2. Explain briefly how a Web browser works.
3. What is a cache history?