please select topic on transportation and please add small case study for this work
Departmentof Mechanical and Construction Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Environment
MCE | Learning and Teaching Version 2.0 | Page 1 of 4
Coursework Specification Referral/Deferral
1.1 Module Title Construction project planning and delivery
1.2 Module Code Number KB7039
1.3 Module Level and Credit Points 7 20 credits
1.4 Module Leader Hazel Ponton
1.5 Assessment Component Number (on Module Specification) 01
1.6 Assessment Weighting (on Module Specification) 100%
1.7 Coursework Title Solutions to a construction industry problem
1.8 Coursework Specification Author Hazel Ponton
1.9 Academic Year and Semester(s) 2020-2021 Semester 2 only
2.1 Release Date of Coursework Specification to Students As per eLP
2.2 Mechanism Used to Disseminate Coursework Specification to Students eLP
2.3 Date and Time of Submission of Coursework by Students As per eLP
2.4 The mechanism for Submission of Coursework by Students eLP
2.5 Return Date of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to Students As per eLP
2.6 The mechanism for Return of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to
Students eLP
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3.1 Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) Assessed by Coursework
What will I be expected to achieve?
Knowledge & Understanding:
MLO1 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the work-based practice through the analysis and
evaluation of research-based theory and relevant case studies, by formulating solutions to the effective
and efficient delivery of construction engineering projects.
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
MLO2 – Critically evaluate innovative approaches to product, process and services delivery in
construction engineering through consideration of theory and practice.
Personal Values Attributes:
MLO3 – Formulate strategies for improvement within the global construction engineering industry to
demonstrate cultural, ethical and sustainable awareness.
3.2 Coursework Overview
The assessment requires you to consider a single existing problem related to poor productivity in the
construction industry, relating to one of the 8 forms of lean waste. Once you have selected a single
problem and can define the problem in relation to lean waste, you need to critically analyse the potential
solutions formulated from the module and provide considered solutions to the problem, with clear links
between the problem and the potential solutions.
3.3 Coursework Tasks to be Completed by Students
You will produce an individual illustrated journal of no more than 6no. A3 pages (landscape) (Excluding
front page, Content page and Reference List). The illustrated journal needs to include all of the following:
1. Select a single construction industry problem related to poor productivity and one of the 8 forms of lean
waste discussed during the module, include a short description and a statement that clearly and concisely
defines the scope of the problem in the boundaries of this module.
2. Justify (through good quality industry and academic literature) why this is a problem, who the problem affects,
and the impact of the problem on a project/industry.
3. Critically analyse possible solutions to the problem from learning during this module AND independent
4. Create a visual illustration that links the problem to the solutions, i.e. fishbone diagram, mind map or
another suitable visual tool.
5. Create a visual improvement model which summarises HOW the problem can be solved.
6. The illustrated journal should use an effective combination of text AND images to provide an interesting and
visually engaging document. All images should be relevant and of an appropriate size and quality.
The illustrated journal should include cited, good quality academic literature and industry literature.
The content should be guided by the learning outcomes, the marking criteria and the learning from
this module.
3.4 Expected Size of Submission
An individual illustrated journal of no more than 6no. A3 pages (landscape) (Excluding front page,
Content page and Reference List). If more than 6 pages of content are provided, only the first 6 pages will
be marked and assessed. The illustrated journal is to include approximately 50% text (using font size 10)
and approximately 50% images of appropriate size.
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3.5 Referencing Style
You are to write your coursework using the Cite Them Right version of the Harvard referencing system.
An online guide to Cite Them Right is freely available to Northumbria University students at:
3.6 Assessment Criteria
Quality of presentation (including the ability to generate audience interest) 10%
Depth of analysis of the industry problem 30%
Selection and analysis of possible solutions 40%
Ability to relate the problems to the solutions (visual illustration) 10%
Quality and originality of the improvement model. 10%
The Referral Attempt opportunity will generally take place after the end-of-level Progression and Awards
Board (PAB). If you become eligible to complete a Referral Attempt but are subsequently unable to
undertake the opportunity when required, you will be permitted to re-sit the module at the next scheduled
sitting of the module assessment. This will typically entail the suspension of your progression on your
programme of study until such time that you have completed the level and become eligible to proceed.
The University has several policies for assessment. The following information, which is available to you
from the link below, provides guidance on these policies, including relevant procedures and forms.
(1) Assessment Regulations and Policies
(a) Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards
(b) Group Work Assessments Policy
(c) Moderation Policy
(d) Retention of Assessed Work Policy
(e) Word Limits Policy
(2) Assessment Feedback
(a) Anonymous Marking Policy
(3) Late Submission of Work and Extension Requests
(4) Personal Extenuating Circumstances
(5) Technical Extenuating Circumstances
(6) Student Complaints and Appeals
(7) Academic Misconduct
(8) Student Disability and Unforeseen Medical Circumstances
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KB7039 Construction Project Planning and Delivery – Component 1
Name ………………………………… Mark:
[ 100%]
PASS [ 55%] FAIL [ 45%] POOR FAIL [ 0%]
Quality of
(including the ability
to generate
audience interest)
This work is of
outstanding quality
and has surprised
the markers.
Shows deeper learning
than would normally be
Excellent and very
clear with few
Very good and
reasonably clear with
some problems.
Quite a few problems
but overall the
message was received
Too many problems so
the presentation was
Very poor with little
ability to express the
ideas in a clear and
interesting manner.
Depth of analysis of
the industry
A good attempt with
few mistakes – the
student clearly
understands the
A good attempt with
some mistakes – the
understanding is
generally good
Some attempt with
some mistakes – the
understanding is
Little attempt with
many mistakes – the
students show little
Very little effort has
gone into this – the
student shows no real
Analysis of possible
The student has an
excellent grasp of
possible solutions.
The student has a
good grasp of possible
solutions although
there are some minor
The student does not
fully grasp the
solutions but there is
some merit in what is
The student is not able
to analyse solutions
though there is
evidence of a fair
The student has little
or no grasp of the
Ability to relate the
problems to the
solutions (visual)
Solutions are clearly
and cogently linked to
Solutions arise from
problems in most
instances although
there is some lack of
Some linkage of
solutions and problems
but the work lacks
Evidence of only
surface understanding
of linkages.
Little evidence of ability
to derive the solutions
from the problems.
Clarity and
relevance of the
improvement model
The clarity of
expression and
cogency of the
argument are generally
excellent with few
The clarity of
expression and
cogency of the
argument are generally
good though there are
a few problems.
The clarity of
expression and
cogency of the
argument are generally
acceptable but there is
some confusion.
The work lacks clarity
and cogency – difficult
to follow
The work is confusing
and has little merit.
Feedback – 3 areas of good practice, 3 areas for potential improvement:
- 1 Module Information
1.1 Module Title Construction project planning and delivery
1.2 Module Code Number KB7039
1.3 Module Level and Credit Points 7 20 credits
1.4 Module Leader Hazel Ponton
1.5 Assessment Component Number (on Module Specification) 01
1.6 Assessment Weighting (on Module Specification) 100%
1.7 Coursework Title Solutions to a construction industry problem
1.8 Coursework Specification Author Hazel Ponton
1.9 Academic Year and Semester(s) 2020-2021 Semester 2 only
2 Coursework Submission and Feedback
2.1 Release Date of Coursework Specification to Students As per eLP
2.2 Mechanism Used to Disseminate Coursework Specification to Students eLP
2.3 Date and Time of Submission of Coursework by Students As per eLP
2.4 The mechanism for Submission of Coursework by Students eLP
2.5 Return Date of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to Students As per eLP 2021
2.6 The mechanism for Return of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to Students eLP
3 Assessment Details
3.1 Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) Assessed by Coursework
3.2 Coursework Overview
3.3 Coursework Tasks to be Completed by Students
3.4 Expected Size of Submission
3.5 Referencing Style
3.6 Assessment Criteria
4 Referral
5 Guidance for Students on Policies for Assessment