CaseAnalysisRequirements x
Using reputable news reports, such as but not limited to, national news papers (e.g., Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal) or international news services, e.g., BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, or websites (be VERY careful here such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, CSPAN, STAT, analyze information about the U.S. experience of COVID-19 in 2020 APA Format: No plagiarism please! Reputable news sources only! I attached directions sheet for more clarification
Case Analysis: • COVID-19 and health inequity
The assignment in brief
This assignment is an opportunity to synthesize and apply what you have learned in the course.
In this assignment, students will locate relevant news stories from reputable sources and write a comprehensive bioethical analysis using these reports as your factual base. Demonstrate your ability to understand ethical theory, bioethical issues, themes, and concepts.
To narrow your focus, read the reports through the lens of one of the following theme:
COVID-19 and health inequity
· This assignment is an opportunity to think critically about the U.S. experience of this pandemic. It is especially relevant to issues such as whether African Americans will participate in the novel treatments currently in development for COVID-19. The case ties directly to the disparate health outcomes locally and in the state of Michigan, as well as the disparate incidence and death rates among people of color in various regions of the United States (Native Americans in the tribal regions and Latinx in New York). It also provides the opportunity to reason through issues such as how we prioritize the requirement to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) – who should have access to wear it, where should they wear it?
Additional details Content Development
Provide a reference list. Use APA citation style.
Carefully read the detailed instructions before you begin.
The main portion of the assignment is to identify a key ethical issue(s) within your theme area, and to write an essay in which you explain how you understand the moral issue you have selected within the topic as well as your justification as to how the moral issue(s) shall be resolved. Use evidence from the news accounts to support your moral justification.
A submission with the intent of being graded as an excellent paper will include at minimum:
1. Identify a bioethical issue(s) from news accounts that falls within at least one of the themes.
2. Compose an ethics research question which you will answer in your essay.
3. Explain the bioethical issue by writing why it is important to bioethical decision making. (Why is the issue important?)
4. From course readings and discussions, what other case or concept have we discussed related to this issue? Here, think in terms of the four primary bioethical decision-making principles and related sub-principles and concepts.
5. Student’s position on the issue as supported by evidence from number 3 above (How have you arrived at your position on the issue?) Here is where you explain your justification about the issue you have identified.
6. Counterarguments to the student’s position
Connect this issue and/or your reasoning to your career aims and public policy. How is this issue related to your career goals or current career aspiration ( I am studying law).